By Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
12 March 2009
A new documentary exploring the impact of acid attacks premiered Wednesday at a film festival and human rights forum in Geneva, raising questions of impunity that persist in Cambodia.
“Finding Face” investigates acid attacks through the story of victim Tat Marina, a karaoke star who was doused with a liter of nitric acid by the jealous wife of a senior government official.
Tat Marina was attacked on December 5, 1999 in Cambodia while she was having porridge with her niece at a Phnom Penh market.
Nearly 10 years have passed, but her family continues to seek justice for the attack.
“Once the film is out, there must be a frustration, and I am absolutely sure that they will not leave my family in peace,” Tat Sequndo, the star’s brother, told VOA Khmer Tuesday in a phone interview. “However, for the sake of justice, we have to release the film”.
In the documentary, Tat Soqundo is heard telling his family members to watch for their safety and he gives them phone numbers of international organizations in case of a possible threat.
Tat Marina appears more calm and mature in the film, a contrast to the mischievous face she put on in her performances some 10 years ago. Despite several reconstructive surgeries, scars are visible all over her face and chest. These are what she has to live with for the rest of her life.
Tat Marina’s family express disappointment when they see video footage shown to them by Tat Sequndo. It is the first time they have seen her picture in the more than eight years since Tat Marina was given asylum and received treatment in the US. The family bursts into tears.
“Oh, my child!,” Tat Marina’s mother says, weeping as she watches part of the video. “She’s not as beautiful as before. She was a beautiful girl. She was too beautiful. It’s a burden.”
Until today the attack still traumatizes Tat Marina. In a recent interview with VOA Khmer, she wept most of the time as she tried to recall what happened to her.
“What they did to me was like taking my life away,” she said. “I live in misery, half alive and half dead. This is crueler than killing me. They spared my life, but mentally killed me. They think they suffer, but what they did was they left me to live in hell for the rest of my life.”
The film features Tat Marina and her child at about four years of age, though the identity of the father is not revealed.
“It is my son who gives me courage to live on,” Tat Marina said. “He makes me strong, to cope with mental depression. I’ll do everything for my son’s future.”
The acid attack topic caught producer Skye Fitzgerald’s attention while he worked on another film in Cambodia. When he and his team started working on the movie, he saw a mixture of fear and reluctance. For instance, it took Tat Marina and her brother a while before they agreed to participate, fearing reprisal.
Tat Marina’s former lover, Svay Sitha, has now been promoted from the rank of undersecretary of state at the Council of Ministers. He could not be reached for comment on the film.
His two telephone numbers were answered by two different females saying they did not know him; a third number went unanswered.
Svay Sitha’s wife, Khun Sophal, identified by witnesses at the scene of the 1999 attack, remains at large, despite police affirmation that the case is not yet closed.
An investigating judge who once told reporters an arrest warrant had been issued for Khun Sophal now says he can’t remember whether he handled the case.
“Finding Face” investigates acid attacks through the story of victim Tat Marina, a karaoke star who was doused with a liter of nitric acid by the jealous wife of a senior government official.
Tat Marina was attacked on December 5, 1999 in Cambodia while she was having porridge with her niece at a Phnom Penh market.
Nearly 10 years have passed, but her family continues to seek justice for the attack.
“Once the film is out, there must be a frustration, and I am absolutely sure that they will not leave my family in peace,” Tat Sequndo, the star’s brother, told VOA Khmer Tuesday in a phone interview. “However, for the sake of justice, we have to release the film”.
In the documentary, Tat Soqundo is heard telling his family members to watch for their safety and he gives them phone numbers of international organizations in case of a possible threat.
Tat Marina appears more calm and mature in the film, a contrast to the mischievous face she put on in her performances some 10 years ago. Despite several reconstructive surgeries, scars are visible all over her face and chest. These are what she has to live with for the rest of her life.
Tat Marina’s family express disappointment when they see video footage shown to them by Tat Sequndo. It is the first time they have seen her picture in the more than eight years since Tat Marina was given asylum and received treatment in the US. The family bursts into tears.
“Oh, my child!,” Tat Marina’s mother says, weeping as she watches part of the video. “She’s not as beautiful as before. She was a beautiful girl. She was too beautiful. It’s a burden.”
Until today the attack still traumatizes Tat Marina. In a recent interview with VOA Khmer, she wept most of the time as she tried to recall what happened to her.
“What they did to me was like taking my life away,” she said. “I live in misery, half alive and half dead. This is crueler than killing me. They spared my life, but mentally killed me. They think they suffer, but what they did was they left me to live in hell for the rest of my life.”
The film features Tat Marina and her child at about four years of age, though the identity of the father is not revealed.
“It is my son who gives me courage to live on,” Tat Marina said. “He makes me strong, to cope with mental depression. I’ll do everything for my son’s future.”
The acid attack topic caught producer Skye Fitzgerald’s attention while he worked on another film in Cambodia. When he and his team started working on the movie, he saw a mixture of fear and reluctance. For instance, it took Tat Marina and her brother a while before they agreed to participate, fearing reprisal.
Tat Marina’s former lover, Svay Sitha, has now been promoted from the rank of undersecretary of state at the Council of Ministers. He could not be reached for comment on the film.
His two telephone numbers were answered by two different females saying they did not know him; a third number went unanswered.
Svay Sitha’s wife, Khun Sophal, identified by witnesses at the scene of the 1999 attack, remains at large, despite police affirmation that the case is not yet closed.
An investigating judge who once told reporters an arrest warrant had been issued for Khun Sophal now says he can’t remember whether he handled the case.
Seeking, searching, looking for, finding, investigating, accusing, prosecuting for shit to all ah dog hun sen yuon puppet. Till die no shadow....
Bien fait comme vous n'allez pas concurrencer avec les films de LOURNG SIHANOUK le plus perfectionniste et le plus grand cinéaste producteur realisateurdu cinéma SMERE et que PERSONNE NE REGARDE SI CE N'ETAIT QUE QUELQUE ABRUTIS QUI NE CONNAISSENT PAS LA SIGNIFICATION DU 7 ieme ART
Most girl/ladies, the so-called Stars=Dara such Soeur Sotheara or TAT MARINA considered themselves as most beutiful ladies so that they do not using their real intelligence or labor/physical forces to earn money like other Cambodian ladies e.g Factory workers and may other femal employees. those DARA are mostly prostitutes earning money from sex and/or yheir beauty.. they need money first for meal and usual life later for other thing such as gambling and when they gain more money from MEN/TATAs they find other thing such as Young MEN to enjoy with them.. this is the so-called DARA's Root...
The so-called Star(Dara)..they are mostly Taxi-girls.. they make our society trouble in term of Stolen.. robbed other's husband/wife... for instance Soeur sotheara after stolen one's husband in PPenh.. she also had affairs with one of MEF high-rank officials and made his family more troubles...
She is really Underground Prostitute
Last year she pretended to run a business so-called Hair-dresser/Clthes shop or Make-up shop located along Kampuchea Krom road (soeur Sothera Shop)- about 200-500m west of Psar Tmey) that shop got bancruptcy... that is just money landering.. while so 95% of her income is from the Gift of TATA in exchange of her pussy....
The business of Koaraoke star in Cambodia normally not enough for daily life especially for her Dresses and make-up only....her main income is from underground-prostitute...
Finally those dara male or female just wants much money... from other women's husbands... if those Dara wanted to avoid that case they could by their just want to her Pussy to gain money which she considered that more easy than tother jobs...
This not the fault of MEN.. Svay Sitha or other Men of Sour Sotheara... this is also the Fault of LADIES/Prostitutes them selves...
YOU may think that if you are lady whose husband were stolen... as Svay Sitha wife and the wife of Sour Sotheara Man(...his son and daughter also were in trouble at that time...) how do you feel????
and if your wife had the same situation by other men... How do you feel ???
Other case is Ouk Phalla Ranarith case......
Both men and women can avoid this case especially DARA?singers..Actors please avoid .. you can live with your job as singer and actress by gaining money from siging.. not from you Pussy...........
These George Washington worshipers deserved what they got for trying to destroying Khmer culture.
Before you talking the "Khmer Culture" is not "Khmer Value of Life".
What difference does it makes, Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy (or Ah George Washington worshiper) want to wipe out everything that is Khmer: culture, heritage, value, religion, ..., you name it. They are the same as Pol Pot, except that they love the US dollars; that is all.
Everybody knows in Tat Marina's case,
The culprit is the AIDS SIDA or Svay Sitha !
How do you know all of these untrue facts? Do you just make it up? Souer Sotheara is engaged now. Are you jeouslous of her?
Cambodia with Hun Zen as PM applies jungle law. If one stole your spouse, your partner should not go around to attack people with acid. This act is cruel and uneducated work. Call the authority to deal with. There're many Cambodian in the US got divorce because of her husband miss handling his life. After going back to Cambodia alone, the guy won't want to come back to his previous wife. So they ended up divorce, but she won't go around to attack his mistress like that. There's a law in the US that everyone need to abide by.
Please senior member of CPP elites don't do a stupid thing like your boss, Hun Zen, and Borany. They're all low class people.
Svay Sitha is a dick head. he and his fellows forcing many stars to sleep with them, or else. this is the facts
That 's how they got svay desease.
To the Anonymous that posted a 226pm. Are you trying to say that there shouldn't be any justice serve for anyone in Cambodia? No matter what Hun Sen hench men done to others, everyone should just live with unjustice? U can be rotten in hell.
No one deserve any harsh punishment from anybody. Khun Sopal committed crime she should be responsible for her criminal act. She needs to pay the victim for life and spend her time in the United Nation prison for years.
If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):
Also known as:
Communist Party of Kampuchea
Khmer Revolution Party
Khmer Rouge Party
Khmer Krorhorm Party - គណបក្សខ្មែរក្រហម
You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples from 1975 to 1979 in Cambodia.
You're support the killing at least twelve innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack in Cambodia.
You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.
You're support political assassination and killing in Cambodia.
You're support attempted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.
You're support corruptions in Cambodia.
You're support murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire).
You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.
Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was a former Khmer Rouge commanders.
Now, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge leaders, since their leader (Pol Pot) is dead.
From 1975 to 1979, these Khmer Rouge commanders responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.
From 1980 to present, these Khmer Rouge leaders responsible for killing innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997, assassinated journalists, political assassination and killing, murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire) and attempted assassinate and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal?
Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.
Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.
I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.
Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.
Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Regime had committed:
Drive by Shooting
Death Threat
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Mass Evictions
Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Acid Attacks
Steal Votes
Violate the Constitution
These are the Trade Marks of Hun Sen's Khmer Rouge Regime.
Under Hun Sen Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen's government ever been brought to justice.
Information change without notice as it become available.
What do you expect when your role model is blind. LOL
An ape-like territorial.... where the strongest can marched down and do anybody they please.
Huynh sen style.
AH SVAR(monkey)SHIT THA ah youn get out of my country Cambodia and stop rape Cambodia underage CHILDREND .. GET OUT NOW AH YOUN .. GO FUCK YOUR YOUN CHILDREND IN HANIo .
2:26PM. People men or women are just people. Blaming those women who live under a rotten society try to make some bugs is barbaric. Those women or men chose to survive that way that's their choices.
In some develop nations such as in the US I read periodically some female or male students are porn stars earning money to pay their tuitions and some just want to enjoy their lives.
It has happened all over the globe just that Cambodia has 99% the least educated and most powerful are rich and brutal lawless, and they way the behave are worse than animals.
Case like that Svay Sitha would be arrested as a prime suspect already if it is at outside Cambodia.
the way they behave.. correction.
Who's the Father of her son, may I ask?
The Lady victim was cute. Her visage was covered by the negative force(evil force). I don't know her age, but if I knew her before, I'd have advised her to seek a professional spiritual healing for a help, such as a high Priest/Monk who does the meditation regularly, the Monk who is called a good Monk.
From metaphysical concept yes, like we call luck or bad luck or fate according to the shape of our feature. Her nose is big and it is not proportional to her small rounding face (unluck). She looked good with all make up but her look cannot make her to be a lady more than (I hate to say this word) "a whore". Some people were born to be Queen, Doctors, Prime Minister or prostitutes not from the look but from their own fate.
If she sought for a good education and became a Doctor or else or dress up appropriately not like the picture in the middle, she would have a good life. May be her environment dragged her down not her alone. She was young back then and the society where she lived is hell.
I don't blame her what she chose to be I blamed her environment or her family who did not see the risk.
wether or not she was a whore she didn't deserve this brutal punishment. Cambodian people are not as soft and gentle as they claimed themselves to be. Cambodian is one of the most brutal nation I had ever seen. From the khmerrouge to all the unjustice. This is a country of unjusitceness. No one in the world deserved this kind of hostility.
Cambodia is one fucking dirty country that I don't even wanted to put my foot on. Dirty and lawlesnes fucking country.
Fucking Cambodia kill your own fucking people to extinct and blame other country. Funcking innocent fucking Cambodia. Dirty funcking country.
One pathetic buddhist country full of savage people.
Why you blame her family? Can you give me one reasonable reason,why her family responsible for atrocity?
Her family members shoud have tried to take her out from Cambodia and sent her to school instead of winning up with those evils. Her family members knew that Cambodia is ful of evils, but why didn't they lure her our fast?
I blame on her family members.
I'm here asking khmer who can help out other khmer. If you are not helpful, please don't start another fire. There are many evil things that could happenned to anybody, example, your sisters,your mother,your cousins. As human being, we are made out of fluids , and we are more vulnerable to make all kinds of mistakes than rights unexpectedly. We can learn from our mistakes without hurting one another.
Cambodian please help out your people.Cambodia had been relying on too much foreigners.
Your people love to inflicts over the would that was already inflicted. Where is the future of your country if you cannot support victims of any sense.
Yeah, this is one fuck up nation.
She's a WHORE, done deal...nothing else to say, look at her, having a child with no father! She deserves it, mabye it'll teach her a lesson, to close ur pussy, and be picky about who u sleep with, and not sleep with older men who have a wife. I feel sorry for the child to have to be born to her. I bet that child is more traumatize then her, he has to wake up everyday of his life and see her nasty face, as a reminder to the whole world, that she's a whore and that's how she ended up looking like that! I agree, her family is stupid for not trying to take her out of this whole mess. Stupid family, stupid tat marina, and stupid guy, for having a child with her!
Folks ,who lived in Cambodia is like living in the hell and The stupid corruption government in Cambodia did not care about their people. You can't blame her family for nod anything ! Cambodia ; If you want justice , Money can talk! I disagreed with folks who blaming the victims . Trying feel that ,if you were her?
Folks ,who lived in Cambodia is like living in the hell and The stupid corruption government in Cambodia did not care about their people. You can't blame her family for not do anything ! Cambodia ; If you want justice , Money can talk! I disagreed with folks who blaming the victims . Trying to feel that ,if you were her?
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