Monday, March 23, 2009

Heading Down the Same Road

Monday, 23 March 2009
Hakim Joe
Malaysia Today

Cambodia has had a turbulent history even before the Khmer Rouges took over and started those “killing fields”. What and why it happened are all chronicled in history books but it was trifling as compared to the Pol Pot regime that killed a fifth of its populace within three years of its reign.

However insignificant it may be during the years when Norodom Sihanouk ruled the nation with an iron fist, his actions and deeds are the purveyor of widespread dissatisfaction that ultimately caused the Cambodian Civil War and later led the Prime Minister to depose of him.

So what exactly happened in Cambodia between Independence from the French in 1953 to the 1970 bloodless coup by his Prime Minister? What made the people of Cambodia support the revolution in 1975 that forced its monarch into exile?

One: Sihanouk intimidated all political opponents with overt threats of incarceration, bodily harm or death. This is achieved by utilising Sam Sary, a magistrate close to Sihanouk, the Security Minister Kou Roun, and the entire police force to do all his dirty work. The Opposition party, the Democrats ceased to exist after official sanctions were directed against them. All their party leaders were jailed on the night before the first democratic elections after independence in 1953 and were only released after the election results were announced. No formal charges were ever laid. Keng Vannsak and Thiounn Mumm, the Opposition leaders were amongst those arrested for murder but the courts retracted after finding nothing to implicate them. Pro-republican candidate Son Ngoc Thanh (at that time the most popular Democratic politician in Cambodia) was not even allowed to be a candidate as he was exiled by Sihanouk.

Two: Sihanouk closed down all pro-Opposition newspapers. This is done by citing lèse-majesté and any articles not in support of himself or his political party is deemed seditious. Since his abdication a year ago to form the royalist political party, how this charge was ever applied remains a mystery. L’Observateur, Pracheachon and Réalités Cambodgiennes were all ordered to cease operations when they pointed out that corruption is widespread. The editor of L’Observateur was beaten up by a group of unknown assailants a few meters from a police station, sacked and later jailed. The entire 12 staff of the Pracheachon were arrested. Even the openly pro-monarchy newspapers were not spared. Armed soldiers were stationed outside the editor’s office “for their own protection”.

Three: Sihanouk ordered a Military Tribunal set up to deal with state security offences with its selected officials enjoying full indemnity and its judgments non-questionable, non-appealable and not subjected to the course of law. Within two months of operations, this tribunal handed out death sentences to 22 so called “treasonous” offenders and another 9 within the year. No evidence was forwarded. The verdicts were decided by Sihanouk without the least concern to maintain even the sham appearance of judicial independence.

Four: Any person even hinting that this was unconstitutional and illegal was incarcerated immediately under the Cambodian Sedition Act. Sihanouk, using the Cambodian Police Force forcibly detained almost 2,000 such “suspects” in holding camps outside Phnom Penh without trial or appeal. Nothing was ever heard from this group again. Large mass graves later found near the site of this holding camp were attributed to the Khmer Rouge’s “intellectual” cleansing efforts.

Five: Political assassinations were rife. Political activists went “missing” day in and day out. Opposition politicians were spared bodily harm but were ridiculed daily in the state sanctioned newspapers. When Sihanouk felt that this was insufficient, he would demand these opposition politicians to be present at his palace for a full-scale condemnation session that was broadcasted out by loud speakers to the public.

Six: Sihanouk altered the Constitution so that he can remain head-of-state for life. He was the King before he abdicated and now he is the head-of-state with all the perks and benefits accorded a King. The ultimate reason for this is that he can lead his political party as a “commoner-prince” when he was unable to do so as the reigning monarch. He installed his ageing father as the puppet king and when he died, his mother took the throne.

Seven: Sihanouk became the ogre that strengthened and legitimised the Khmer Rouges. When Lon Nol deposed him in 1970, he fled to Communist China and resided in Beijing, and proceeded to give his full support to the Khmer Rouges (which he made illegal in 1954 and was fighting before his downfall), which was then only a small time outfit. With his royal patronage, the Khmer Rouges army grew from 6,000 to 50,000 armed fighters within the year. Many of the new recruits for the Khmer Rouge were apolitical peasants who fought in support of the King, not for communism, of which they had little understanding. No points for guessing who was arming these peasants.

Eight: Sihanouk promoted “Khmer Rights” which discriminated against anyone not of pure Cambodian birth. Ethnic Chinese, Vietnamese and indigenous hill tribes were considered “non-persons” even if they were born in Cambodia or have been in the country for the past few generations. These people do not possess the full citizen rights as accorded any person born within a country who happens to have pure Khmer parents. Some indigenous hill tribes cannot even get government papers identifying them as Cambodians.

Find any similarities?

Because of what Sihanouk did and the manner in which he controlled the lives of all Cambodians, the Khmer Rouge went on an unstoppable killing spree to exact the revenge for its fallen comrades during Sihanouk’s reign. The irony was that Sihanouk returned as the puppet King during the time when the Khmer Rouges took control of the country for one whole year before he was again forced into exile. During the one year as the Cambodian King (again) he stood by and watched his people being slaughtered. One might say that he had no choice whatsoever but he did nothing at all and would have continue presiding over these killings nonetheless if he were not forced by Pol Pot into exile (this time in North Korea).

Pracheachon’s editor had this to say after his arrest, “Our country is supposed to have a constitution… and to have proclaimed its attachment to the Declaration of Human Rights.”


Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this very interesting article here. i think people can learn and understand a lot from reading and observing what went on in cambodia even before the KR came to power. i know it's history now, however, i do hope future generation of khmer people will become better educated and will strive to make a real difference for cambodia. of course, please learn from the mistakes of the past and determine to make the future of cambodia a better place for all to enjoy. and do steer away from going "down the same road," my dear! take care! i like this french phrase: c'est la vie! n'est-ce pas? oui, oui! merci. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I've known all along that Sihanouk was the culprit. He killed Khmer people and destroyed Cambodia.Now, that he has successfully done that, he is resting in Peking, China. He is still enjoyed seeing and hearing Khmers being killed and abused by the Hun Sen government.

Anonymous said...

the way i see it, if there weren't so much ignorant or undecated people before the KR era, then khmer people wouldn't be suffering and enduring what wen wrong during the KR era! so, really, you reap what you planted, is the way i see it! please be better educated is all i can say to cambodia, meaning do try to be smarter than the average bear! any leader who try to suppress and keep its own people ignorant and uneducated is never a good leader. please remember that! that was then, this is now, so please move on with our life! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

please avoid going "the same road" with all cost. khmer people deserve better! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I think Sihanouk had committed such a crime against his own people in a way that it causes resentment and hatred of his leadership style. The culture of the alike cruelty in government existed not only in Cambodia but throughout Asia at the time; so it could be taken as acceptable. However, some countries was able to steer away from tragedy and killing of their own people and came out as world class which Cambodia was not excluded.

I think Cambodians are just unlucky people, not by choice but by illiteracy and their not so strong will of determination to define their own future with their ruling governments.

As far as I have observed, Cambodians never had real leadership in the government for the people. On top of that Vietnam war worsen the situation and put Cambodia to be the hot spot for foreign interest. With weak governments and resources there was no way Cambodia can do but be the vacuum in foreign playing field, and that suction can still be seen today with Vietnam, China, American, Thailand, but to the lesser extend, with Arab countries and Israel as long as war on terrorism still there. For as long as Cambodia continue to be apart of foreign domination, Cambodia will never be a country of peace and self-determination.

Anonymous said...

So long we don't follow Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy (Lon Nol 2), our future will be bright than ever. On the other hand, we'll be back to year zero.


Anonymous said...

I always knew this history already. Just not in this kind of details. Why would the King decided to step down and become Prime Minister? He was looking to reign the Khmer people for life. Hun Sen sure learn a lot from this King.

Anonymous said...

that's why it is a wake up call for cambodian leaders and stop playing follow the leader too much, instead play put in place the rule of laws. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist Party of Kampuchea
Khmer Revolution Party
Khmer Rouge Party
Khmer Krorhorm Party - គណបក្សខ្មែរក្រហម

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples from 1975 to 1979 in Cambodia.

You're support the killing at least twelve innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack in Cambodia.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing in Cambodia.

You're support attempted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruptions in Cambodia.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire).

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was a former Khmer Rouge commanders.

Now, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge leaders, since their leader (Pol Pot) is dead.

From 1975 to 1979, these Khmer Rouge commanders responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.

From 1980 to present, these Khmer Rouge leaders responsible for killing innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997, assassinated journalists, political assassination and killing, murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire) and attempted assassinate and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Regime had committed:

Drive by Shooting
Death Threat
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Mass Evictions
Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Acid Attacks
Steal Votes
Violate the Constitution

These are the Trade Marks of Hun Sen's Khmer Rouge Regime.

Under Hun Sen Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen's government ever been brought to justice.

Information change without notice as it become available.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the interesting news of Melaysia. It is just a short summary but there are many terrible stories within the Sihanouk's regime.

This time the Sihanoukist will not use the bad words in the KI-Media website to prevent his boss.

Infact, if they want to prevent their boss from defaming, they should displomaticly clarify to the readers instead of using very bad words. Senarak