Monday, March 09, 2009

Hun Sen apologizes [-Rule by threat?]

06 March 2009
By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the article in French

At the closing of the presentation of work performed at the ministry of Interior, Hun Sen declared that he had some regrets: “I regret for not closing these gambling parlors sooner. This is the 5th time that I beg pardon from the people during my mandates as prime minister.” Hun Sen is occupying the position of prime minister since 1985.

He recalled that for the 4 previous apologies, they were about: the tardiness in putting to work the land reform, the reform in fishing lots, in the fight against anarchic deforestation, as well as a strategic error during the fight against KR forces in 1989.

Hun Sen called on the authority to pursue the fight against gambling, while issuing this warning: “Today, I presented my apologies to the people. But be warned, if in three months gambling restart again, it will be you who will have to apologize and who will have to face the consequences,” he threatened.


Anonymous said...

Some keep on asking for pardon for their failures. Others just resign after one failure. Which one is more responsible?

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Where is the opposition?

Hun Sen must be very confident that he has apologised fives times, and suffers no consequences.


Anonymous said...

It is funny. The Hun Sen bucket stops with his subordinates.


Anonymous said...

Nobody is perfect; at least he acknowledge the truth, which is much better than Ah Scam Rainxy who thinks he's perfect but goes nowhere.

Anonymous said...

The prime minister knows that his time is near; his days are numbered. The angel of death is by his side as I'm writing this message.

May God have mercy on his soul.

Anonymous said...

That's only 5 things that he has apologized for. Where's the other 995 apologies? Plus, those apologies are only talk. Talk can be cheap, especially if it's coming from someone such as ah Hun Sen.

Plus, he's very contradictory.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Ah Sen, fucker.

Anonymous said...

Well you can't just keep saying sorry. That's not worth of it. Mistakes can't be say sorry so many times. If you don't correct your mistakes.


Anonymous said...

Living beings are born, grow to maturity and pass away. The sea is in constant motion, and the great mountains weather away. Even Earth, our Mother, changes. Does everything change, then, or is there something that does not?

Yes, indeed something does not change is our beloved boastful leaders' mentality, SihanoukVarman, Nol Lon, Pol Pot, and Samdech Doctoral Hun SenVarman

Anonymous said...

I am sure there are good reasons for what they have done, considering how dumb and stupid Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy is.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen needs to apologize to his parents and his ancestors, our ancestors, us and even for future generations for having turned Cambodia into a garbage dump.

Anonymous said...

pouk Scam Rainxy want to make war with Siem ok . Let do it by youself and don't let all khmer in Cambodia following you guy ok.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Hok Longdy still alives, Hun Sen would not dare to close those gambling parlors.

Anonymous said...

Now pouk ah Youns'n slave want to be Siem's slave too.

Anonymous said...

Well, if Ah Potato diggers are George Washington's slaves, what difference does it makes if we are our brothers' (Yuon and Thai) slaves?

Anonymous said...

Patato diggers are better than those that kept like a frog in the well.

Khmer says "Ah KongKep Knoung Andoung"


Anonymous said...

Yeah 12:18 AM!!!

You damn Frog in the well!!!

Anonymous said...

It is rude to call 12:18 AM a frog.

12:18 AM is not even a frog that is free. He is a prisoner of his own fanatic.
Don't take politics too serious my Hun-Sen-Defender-at-any-cost friend. People just speak their mind here. I noticed that you too speak your mind but I also noticed that your follow-Hun-Sen-without- any-question mind already made up. That is sad!!!!

From your Potato-digger- in-the-U.S.-now- and-going- to-dig-dirty-laundries-in-Phnom-Penh-soon friend.

Anonymous said...

11:56 AM, Ah Chhkuot!

You're the one who say all the time that Ah Hun Sen is perfect.

Yeus! "Nobody is perfect."

Ah Chai Hun Sen!