Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hun Sen denounces Lon Nol coup

PM denounces Lon Nol coup

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Written by Sebastian Strangio and Neth Pheaktra
The Phnom Penh Post

ON the 39th anniversary of the 1970 coup d'etat that overthrew Prince Norodom Sihanouk and led to the establishment of a Cambodian republic, Prime Minister Hun Sen blamed the event for unleashing decades of civil war and the 1975 victory of the Khmer Rouge.

"If there was not a coup d'etat on March 18, 1970, dismissing [Sihanouk], the war would not have taken place and the Pol Pot regime would not have been created either," Hun Sen said at the National Institute of Education's annual congress Wednesday.

"If they let Sihanouk lead the country, Cambodia would have developed more and prevented millions of deaths." His comments came amid statements from the US-based Cambodian Action Committee for Justice and Equity expressing "an immense debt of gratitude" to the Lon Nol regime for stopping an "invasion" of Vietnamese communist forces. "If there was no March 18, 1970, Cambodia would end up certainly and completely under Hanoi's yoke, as is Khmer Kampuchea Krom today," the statement said.

But Funcinpec First Deputy President Lu Laysreng said the coup ultimately hastened the onset of civil war. "If there was no coup in 1970 we would not have had over two million people killed by Pol Pot," he said.


Anonymous said...

Reponse à Samdach Decho Soit Samdach Decho était encore à Hanoi soit il n'était un simple agriculteur Rappel à l'époque les Vietcong sont partout partout j'invite samdach Decho à rechercher les comptes rendu et la mise en garde du patriotiseme Sirimatak sur la présence des vietcong sur le sol khmere peut etre samdach Descho comprendra mieux c'est une insulte envers l'ame de du neak snhéha cheat sirimatak et encore je pesemes mots L'histore raconté par les vainqueurs et aidés par les viets sont biens mais encore meilleurs par les vaincus Samdach Decho vous a titulaire de Dr HOnoris cosa je vous inviye à faire des recherches sur le propre histoire de votre pays est ce encore vous considérez le cambodge comme votre pays vu l'attitude maitre esclave entre VOUS et LES VIETS

Anonymous said...

HA! His word hunted him. it there were not Lon Nol's Coup Etat, it would not had had Pol Pot regime and then it would not also had had Hun Sen regime either.

In return he should thank Lon Nol to make way for his fortune today.

Anonymous said...

March 18th,1970 mark the end of khmer royal family's dominance over ordinary khmer people.And also mark the end of fake neutrality of the kingdom of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen is right in this aspect. We should not have gotten involved with the Vietnam war. Sihanouk tried his best to stay out of this war when Lon Nol/Sarik Matak got us into deep trouble by siding with the American who was already withdrawing from the war at the time (1970).

Anonymous said...

March 18, 1970 was the darkest days in Cambodia history where the former pouk Ah Scam Rainxy (Lon Nol 1) stabbed his king in the back in order to still Cambodia from him and destroy the entire country as a consequence of their stupidities.

And now, pouk Ah Scam Rainxy (Lon Nol 2) is trying again, but Khmer people knows better. Thanks Buddha! The Evil Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy will NOT succeed.

Anonymous said...

nobody denounce anything, people are just giving their thought on history. you can go back and change history. we all can only improve the future! thus, please learn from history so cambodia will not doomed to repeat another tragic history. the way i see it, critical thinking should be encouraged high school level and beyond. it is when people learn to speak up and think for themselves that society and its problem can be better! the problem in cambodia since the olden days was that people are not encouraged to speak their mind and criticize their leaders, teachers, parents, etc... i mean, criticizing others doesn't have to be a confrontation, it can be in a form of survey on paper with questionaires, it can be in a group discussion environment, a group learning environment like they have at schools, etc... this is why it is important for khmer people and society to learn from other as our old culture sometimes is too strict and too much taboo and so on; i think it is good that people are encouraged to talk about their feeling and opinions and to think critically because this is how society solves its problem. be very educated, khmer people and don't be selfish to help other to understand what is right and wrong! otherwise, we will lack behind others and wil never grow up to understand the world around us. please never stop learning no matter how old we are. and definitely nobody is too old to learn! god bless all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is very easy to point finger at someone else, we need to stop that mentality of the blame game. It is always someone else false for something that went wrong. We Khmer as a whole need to take responsibility for the atrocity of the 2 million people. If we continue to care for just ourselve like our society today, we are going on the same route of our dark path. Come on people, we are a son of an Agnkor builder, our Empired had been diminished...when are we going to learn? If we continue to point finger and fighting among ourselve, we do more harm than good; therefore, let us all come together and help rebuilding our country.

Only Khmer can help Khmer...

Anonymous said...

It was Sihanouk himself to invoke 18 March 1970 episode.
Too incompetent and stupid of Sihanouk at time to sell Cambodia to Le Duc Tho ego.

Anonymous said...

Red-Ant inform you all this is the fact that Viet-termites posioning us to bite each other ever since.

Each one of us be A Real Red-Ant, and bite any termintes who wants invade our colony.


Anonymous said...

like i mentioned before, only zombies are blindly how order. if we strive to be educated and learned, then we can think for ourselves and thus it shouldn't matter how others want us to do something, we don't have to follow stupid order, especially if it not spelled out as lawful or not benefit any of us or country. it is called wake up people and be smarter because from experience only ignorance can lead us blindly to pain and suffering. we all should know better, common! if people don't understand, make sure you tell them or educate them by giving good example or by using a cliche and so on so they can understand better because not everybody are lucky to stay in school or finish school for many personal reason, you know. it is the selfishness in all of us that prevent us from understanding what is right or what is wrong! please be enlightened! a good start is to learn to listen for a change, then make observation, then practice it to make it perfect. it's called learning, people! relax, take a deep breath and don't forget to inhale and exhale so to clear our lungs! exercise is good for our health and spiritual well-being, you know. try it!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody understood what ah chhkuot above is talking about ?.

Anonymous said...

ប្រវត្តិថ្ងៃ១៨មិនា (បទពាក្យ៧)
លន់ណុលទំលាក់នេះស្របច្បាប់ ចេញពីស្រទាប់ប្រជារាស្ត្រ
សភាតំណាងតាងជាម្ចាស់ សម្លេងឆ្នោតឈ្នះច្រើនប្រាកដ។
ត្រូវដកសីហនុពីតំណែង ប្រមុខគម្តែងគ្មានកំណត់
តំណាងសង្គមរិតរុំព័ទ្ធ ជុំវិញខ្លួនគាត់រលួយអែរ ។
គាត់បានឃប់ឃិតនឹងចិនយួន ឲ្យទ័ពលាក់ខ្លួនក្នុងព្រៃខ្មែរ
ដឹកស្បៀងដឹកគ្រាប់ជាប់ហូរហែ ដឹកអង្ករខ្មែរចិញ្ចឹមខ្មាំង ។
អំណាចផ្តាច់ការហារមិនបាន សំលាប់ឥតស្រាន្តអ្នកតតាំង
ហ៊ានពោលហ៊ានប៉ះចោទថាខ្មាំង ខ្មែរណារារាំងត្រូវប្រល័យ ។
ព្រាបអ៊ិន សៅង៉ុយ ចៅបូរី ចៅស៊ី ង៉ែតងិនបានក្សិណក្ស័យ
ឈាមស្រស់ហូរស្រោចសព្វប្រថពី ស្លាប់ទាំងរីករាយ ចៅមធុរ៉ា ។
សីហនុចោទគេថាក្បត់ជាតិ វិវាទនយោបាយខុសមាគ៌ា
តាមពិតជាបុត្រស្មោះខេមរា បូជាសង្ខារព្រោះសេរីភាព ។
ទ្រាំអត់មិនបាននឹងអំណាច ជិះជាន់កោងកាចអាងខ្នោះឃ្នាប
រឹងប៉ឹងមិនចូលចិត្តលុតក្រាប ត្រូវពួកបានលាភចោទថាខ្មាំង ។
ស្ថានការណ៍ធ្ងន់ធ្ងរទ្រមិនរួច ទ័ពយួនដែលលួចនៅបំបាំង
មិនព្រមដកថយលយកម្លាំង រាតកាន់តែខ្លាំងក្នុងដែនខ្មែរ ។
សេដ្ឋកិច្ចក្នុងស្រុកធ្លាក់ដុនដាប នាម៉ឺនលុតក្រាបប្រឹងបូមដែរ
បៀប៉ោពាលាអាវាសែ រាស្ត្រក្រីក្រខ្មែរកើតទុរ្ភិក្ស ។
រដ្ឋាភិបាលស្រោចស្រង់ជាតិ បញ្ញាវន្តមូលញាតិច្រើនសន្ធឹក
លន់ណុល សិរិមតៈភ្ញាក់រលឹក គគ្រឹកគគ្រាំនាំគ្នាចរ ។
ផ្តើមទំព័រថ្មីល្បីខ្ទរខ្ទារ ១៨មិនារាស្ត្រមូលមក៍
សីហនុឆេះឆាបដាបមោហោ ស្រែកហៅរត់រក៍យួនយៀកមិញ។
ឲ្យចូលកំទេចរដ្ឋខេមរា បំបះប្រជាទាំងទោម្នេញ
ព្រោះតែចង់បានអំណាចវិញ រលាយភ្នំពេញព្រោះនរណា? ។
របបសាធារណរដ្ឋ បានប្រាំឆ្នាំគត់ត្រូវមរណា
ព្រោះតែចាញ់បោកថោកឫស្យា ល្បិចកលពួកមារខ្មែរក្រហម ។
ជន្លៀសប្រជាចេញពីផ្ទះ ឲ្យទៅនៅរស់តាមថ្មក្រំ
ចាក់កាប់សម្លាប់បាញ់វាយដំ ក្មេងចាស់តូចធំពុំប្រណី ។
សម្លាប់រង្គាលអស់ហើយមនុស្ស ការងារច្រើនហួសមិនឲ្យឆី
បង្ខំកុមារឲ្យបាចជីរ ខ្លះសូន្យជីវីដោយអត់ឃ្លាន។
គ្មានថ្នាំសង្កូវព្យាបាលរោគ បែរបន់គុណលោករកតាមហ៊ាន
គ្រុនញាក់គ្រុនញ័រត្រដរប្រាណ ស្លាប់ចុះក៏បានរួចផុតកម្ម ។

២៥ ធ្នូ ១៩៩៥


Anonymous said...

ហ្នឹងហើយ បើលន់ណុល មិនទម្លាក់ស្តេចសីហនុ
យួនក៏គ្មានលេសចូលមកវាយខ្មែរដែរ ហើយបើគ្មានសង្គ្រាម ហ៊ុនសែន ក៏មិនដឹងជានៅឯណាដែរ ប្រហែលជានៅឃ្វាលគោ​ ឬក៏នៅយួរកន្តូ​រ​ យួរស្រាក់រត់តាមលោកត្រឹកៗ ឬក៏ធ្វើចំការមួយជីវិតហ្នឹងឯង។ មនុស្សខ្ជិលរៀនយ៉ាងនេះនោះ

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, didn't you forget? It was uneducated peasants like you, Mr. Hun Sen who ended up murdering nearly 2 million of your fellow Cambodians. Hun Se, did you not forget you are a Khmer Rouge? Not only that, but you are a cowardly turncoat as well. You now serve as Hanoi's whore.

So shut your mouth Hun Sen. In 1970 you were just a stupid peasant that didn't know shit and you are still one today.

Anonymous said...

I wrote at 1:03am, I meant to say "Hun Xen" and not "Scam Rainxy"

Anonymous said...

LON NOL is my hero .
DEMOCRASY START in 1970 if no LON NOL no democrasy but bad luck b cuz of civil war .FUCK U KING FUCK U HUN XEN.

Anonymous said...

Dumb, I thought the khmer rouge started before Lon Nol's era and the khmer rouge fought sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is an idiot. The Khmer Rouge formed and had its roots way way waaaaaay prior to 1970. Even without Lon Nol's coup de'etat, Cambodia would have eventually slipped into civil war anyways. It was inevitable since Cambodian communists, both from the Pol Pot contingency and from the Hanoi-trained contingency already stated that they would overthrow Sihanouk's Sangkum Restr Niyum and wipe out all of the royalists from power. Instead of Khmer Republic vs. Khmer Rouge, it would have been Sihanoukist royalists vs. Khmer Rouge.

Anonymous said...

Hanoi gave birth to KHmer Rouge during World War II, Hanoi did hide their secret agents throughout Cambodia in Sam Lot, Memot, Choub by marrying Cambodian wives, Hanoi armed KR, Hanoi helped KR with artilleries and mortars shelling into khmer cities and capiotal Phnom Penh, Hanoi endoctrinated and brainwashed KR to kill Khmer people for Hanoi, then Hanoi invaded Cambodia in the pretext to save khmers from KR, now Hanoi manipulated and managed the Puppet regime Hun Sen in the process of a Viet Indochinese Federation in the near future, Hanoi plundered all khmer resources, Angkor Wat by ah Sok Kong , a former Viet Cong General, Hanoi depleted khmer fishstock in Tonle Sap with lillions illegal Viet invaders making a State inside a state of Cambodia with over 5 millions of Colon Viets,
Hanoi did murder from 250,000 to 800,000 khmers in Viet's K-5, a second KIlling field...

So smart Viet Criminal invaders !!!

So damned ah Hun Kh'vang and Ah Sihanouk, Viet slaves for ever.

Anonymous said...

King Sihanouk is the one screwed up everythings! don't blames someone else, Hun SEN trying to win this elections coming up again! Hun SEN did not like LON RITH(LON NOL'son)to win the elections...

Anonymous said...

Remembered guy! vietnam trying so hard to stop khmer from rising!like, military upgraded, boosting economy, and now viet can smell more $$$$ from that oil and gas that we has, Viet also making sure that Hun Sen has to stay in power! that's what they wanted! Hun SEN has to listens to matter what!

Anonymous said...

Real Khmers outside of Cambodia, if you know yourself. Stop killing your own people for the Vietnamese.

Khmers who cursing King Sihanouk are too ignorant and they are listening to the propaganda of the Vietnamese spies whom they called my Khmer brothers and my Khmer sisters.

-Many CPP members were given high ranking and some were given big houses and servants in Vietnam, some tied to the Vietnamese in Vietnam by marriage.


I knew some members at least one or two in Global Witness are fake Khmers. They were born in Vietnam but they were well trained to speak fluently Khmers.

Would not you like to know who was Phan Bội Châu? He was Ho Chi Minh's god father.

Phan Bội Châu who asked Japan and Siam for helps to free Indochian from France inexchange the temporary control Indochina.

Would not you like to know that Cambodia was already silently invaded by the Vietnamese since then 1900's?

You must be too stupid to believe that the King, King Sihanouk tried to hurt his own people. Unless you are Ta Hin Sithan, Ta Yim Guechse who kiss the Vietnamese spy as their brother.

Anonymous said...

Pritheacha Hin Sithan has a mission to kill King Sihanouk who is seeking China to protect Cambodia. Pritheacha Hin Sithan is loved by his brother Ly Ngoc Dinh, a man sent from Vietnam as a Khmer Krom dude, but he is no KK.
Have you ever wondered why he can live without a job but a rotten News Paper insulting our King every day?

Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh was able to fool many Cambodians in LB, and some high society Navy old folks respect him and they cheered to read Ngoc Dinh insulted their Kings.
Like K-5, sure Ngoc Dinh knew his Vietnamese did a fake call and said it was the King who called his people. Little that they knew, it was the Vietnamese did it, and they caught many thousand Khmers who resisted them, many disappeared. Until today the Vietnamese and their puppets denied, and the world closed their eyes. Sad indeed, how we are still being fooled even at outside of Cambodia.

If we don't stop this killing our own people, why should we blame the paranoid Pol Pot who killed?

Anonymous said...

Lon Nol 1 (or former pouk Ah Scam Rainxy) had succeeded in totally destroying Cambodia.

But Lon Nol 2 (or current pouk Ah Scam Rainxy) will not fool us (Khmer) again. You hear that, motherfuckers?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only Vietnamese would have spoken like you 11;12am.
Khmer King is China's friend, and your Vietnamese are friends to Russia.

Anonymous said...

11:09 AM and 11:12 AM both are Vietnamese spies.

Anonymous said...

I thought so too.
11:09 AM is a Vietnamese spy in Cambodia, and 11:12 AM is the Vietnamese tool at outside of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Fake coup d'Etat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:17PM got the point there! King Sihanouk thinks he can outsmart those people, but he's fuck up the country real bad!

Anonymous said...

Are you guys still into this fantasy world of secret agents? Come on grow up. As a whole country we could not hold ourselves together. It was the ultimate dysfunction in our society that broke us. Simply put we are all opportunists. We all want to gain. What ever it is or was, it lead to our own destruction. Maybe we should call in James Bond 007 to help rid us of these so called secret agents??

Anonymous said...

3:17 PM and 3:21PM.
You both are deadly wrong. Braiwashed by the show, and you didn't know the real source.
With good ducation with degress don't make you all wise people.
Lok Ta Kiri Tith with a PhD is still stupid when comes to Cambodia issue with Vietnam, the invaders and Khmers' killers.
Start from the day Vietnamese and Siam controlled Cambodia. Vietnamese have never left Cambodia except Siam.

Anonymous said...

10:55 PM is damn right. The Vietnmaese has never left Cambodia. There are now evrywhere among us. Beware. I have no opinion about the Thai.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha..."If there was not a coup d'etat on March 18, 1970, dismissing [Sihanouk], the war would not have taken place and the Pol Pot regime would not have been created either,"...that was a cheap shot at lon nol by hun sen. His remark had no substance to it. Notice he didn't say a thing about cpp being the byproduct of khmer rouge. Come on, be fair for once mr hun sen! Admit that you were amongst the khmer rouge, and whether you like it or not, your cpp serves viet interest ever since you were installed by your master, viet.

Anonymous said...

100% correct,

If there was no coup, the war would not have taken place.

If there was no war, Hun Sen would not have had fortune as today.

All in all, if Sihanouk did and his regime did not support Viet Cong, the coup would not have been taken place.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but if Sihanouk did not support Vietcong, Vietcong will take over Cambodia and we'll lose everything.