Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Wednesday that national congress is not a good idea for the country and should be deleted from the Cambodian Constitution.
"The (part about holding) national congress should be omitted from the constitution, because it could cause turmoil for the country if we conduct it," he told a school inauguration ceremony in Takeo province.
According to the constitution, a national congress can be convened, if needed, for all political parties to join and debate relevant issues.
"Now, we have at least 50 political parties which are registered at the Ministry of Interior and it is easy to cause turmoil for the country (if a national congress is held for them), " national television TVK quoted him as saying.
"It is difficult to conduct a national congress," he said, adding that only the major ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) can collect enough votes to omit it from the constitution.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Cambodia used to hold national congress in front of the National Museum near the Royal Palace to seek the best resolution for the problems of the country and also debate the difficult matters that the country faced.
Since the kingdom conducted its first general election in 1993, no national congress has been convened again.
There is now the National Assembly, the top legislative body for the political parties to discuss government issues and participate in management of the country.
"The (part about holding) national congress should be omitted from the constitution, because it could cause turmoil for the country if we conduct it," he told a school inauguration ceremony in Takeo province.
According to the constitution, a national congress can be convened, if needed, for all political parties to join and debate relevant issues.
"Now, we have at least 50 political parties which are registered at the Ministry of Interior and it is easy to cause turmoil for the country (if a national congress is held for them), " national television TVK quoted him as saying.
"It is difficult to conduct a national congress," he said, adding that only the major ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) can collect enough votes to omit it from the constitution.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Cambodia used to hold national congress in front of the National Museum near the Royal Palace to seek the best resolution for the problems of the country and also debate the difficult matters that the country faced.
Since the kingdom conducted its first general election in 1993, no national congress has been convened again.
There is now the National Assembly, the top legislative body for the political parties to discuss government issues and participate in management of the country.
Quand on a l'arme sous la main il faut utiliser , si non elle va etre rouiller parole de samdach TA
Let samdach Poo do it now!
Is Hun Sen brave enough to join in debates?
The National Assembly IS THE MAIN AND LEGAL LEGISLATIVE ORGAN OF THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA'S GOVERNMENT and so I find it irrelevant for the country to conduct a National Congress. Hun Sen doesn't care to listen to his ordinary everyday countrymen's opinions, concerns, constructive criticism and ideas and so what makes him want to listen to a National Congress that would consist of ordinary citizens, people from different spectrum of society and the smaller political parties? Remember, Hun Sen wants silence and close-mindedness, not progressive thinking and ingenuity.
Dictatorship or communist is heading towards HUN SEN's path.
We need this forums cause we need idea and suggestion from those who debates what's going on across the country.
Why HUN SEN is worry about political turmoil in Cambodia??
He is still afraid of people revolts against him??
Hun Sen doesn't have the intellect or humility to carry on an intelligent debate and doesn't have the dignity to face his own countrymen and intellectuals. In the face of pressure and constructive criticism, he likes to bark behind closed doors with a gun. In a real debate, he would totally be annihilated and humiliated. For Hun Sen, it's all about ranting, name calling, blaming and being an arrogant narrow-minded fool in public. He only loves giving monologues.
Hun Sen ain't a man.
That's what happen when we have a a low education to lead country.
He should be more intelligence by now.
He is very rude and misguide Cambodia to the wrong path.
He should be stepped aside and let other who is qualified to lead the country.
We can't stick this guy for life!!
Khmer PP,
That is all you know?
Can only say "SO!"
That's why HUN SEN keep you in the well just like a frog. can only see the circle of the well. You not seeing other beside you.
Come on get a grip!!
sounded like someone needs to be educated in order to understand the need for this "national congress." this is to ensure good, democratic government in cambodia. if cambodia can't do it the american way, then this is as close to it as possible like the president in the USA is holding a state of the union address or a townhall meeting style. perhaps this is very similar style, just in a different way. good gov't shouldn't have to worry about it convening, especially if we think long into the future, then it is actually a good agenda to have in the constitution. remember, it should be about the national interest, not personal interest or personal, political ambition because nothing can last forever unless it is spelled out in the constitution, then it is fair and balance for all. but again, perhaps, it was just mr. hun sen's opinion as everyone is entitled to their opinion. still the nation has to vote for it, not any one special interest group or any one leader, it's national level to decide what is rights and wrong and majority lawmakers to amend the constitution, especially when dealing with the constitution. that's why there are lots of people in parliament, not just one or two people. thank you and god bless cambodia.
the key word is that it's just a proposal; so, it still has to go through parliament, national assembly, the monarch, etc...etc it is considered final. so, nothing to be alarmed about, although it is good to discuss about it. god bless cambodia.
Pourquoi pas "va etre rouille" au lieu de "va etre rouiller" 10:36 PM? Quel francais!
The only turmoil right now is him, his regime and youns running cambodia.
MF Hun Sen has very little education back ground, He know more about assassination and killing than education.
As long as MF Hun Sen in power, he will not debate with anyone.
hey, this is asia, not the EU or america for that matter, so, in asia, it is understandable and people should expect too much as changes and reform are in place, however, habit, tradition, culture, belief, etc... will take more time to change; so, don't expect changes from personal habit to take place overnight. understand the difference the way people are taught in college and university is very important when dealing with nations, people of different background, belief, etc... didn't we all learn that in college already? higher education is university and college all over the world are teaching people to understand each other, etc..., why are we, as a human being, failed time and again to understand this? it may put you college degree in question if you fail to understand the differences and to tolerate and accept those differences. hello. need i explain everything?
Hay ah kwack Hun Sen without you and your CPP gangster Cambodians will have
Better future.
Hay ah kwack Hun Sen without you and your CPP gangster Cambodians will have
Better future.
2:05AM WITH FREE PhD you can not change any thing, you brain alway short!
Ah Kwack may can debate with Dog!!!
May lightning strike human-dog!!!
I'm tired of hun kvang bla bla all day long in every scambodian medias.
I'm tired to see those khmer rouge heads, the yuon killing tools who continue to destroy Cambodia and persecute Khmer people everyday
I'm tired to all the stupidities and stupid propaganda every time those khmer rouges cadres open mouth to speak. Those khmer rouge never left their old culture of polpot time. Those who talk and those who listen those khmer rouge cadres talk are like pouk ah pleur meul ah chhkaourt. Nov srok pouk ah klong, ah korm chea sdach
bulldog show the manage the system in his ruling
I agree with HunSen. At this point Cambodians still haven't reached much of our consensus, so it is still very velnurable to conduct such debate since each of them may not easily convinced. look at the exmple of Khmers in oversea, especially in the US, how seperated they are. there is no unity generated from their free debates.
Focus on the education to improve the undestanding and unity of the perception is more effective even though it will take long time to see the result.
4:06AM , How stupid are you?
What the fucking UNITY are you talking about?
Unity if we are not ussing violent to solve problem like ah Hok Landy did!
Debate of National Congress is in the reality that people have all king of difference opinion and WE as a nation want to hear them all to educated ourselves and understand situation better and make democracy decission!
Fool, what a vaste to send you to school and become stupid just like the faked PhD of your blind father!
Good to have chance read your idea. I am lucky to engage in debating with you about this issue. Of course this idea is not yours alone, many Cambodians think like this too.
I concur that this idea exist because having many factors:
1. Cambodian people are still afraid of war because each day Hun Sen and his teamwork talk about Khmer Rouge brutality and social turmoil. In your idea, this propaganda produces positive change slowly in Cambodia like what you think or not? I tell you, it is just the tactic of power men who cling to power until they die. Ok, many Cambodians say that they are not immortal, one day those evil leaders will dies. Yes this is true, but they have to know the bad legacy as well as their clans and their families are not going to die? NEVER DIE!
2. Cambodian people are having one syndrome called "PTSD" that they don't want to see change, they experience enough suffering (now they are living in the well of suffering). You may be like that too. But you can think again that "when you are living in the well of suffering, and maintain that status quo or let it change slowly, is your suffering will be better or worse?)
3. Cambodian people are brainwashed too much by their own leaders since King Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, and finally Hun Sen. Those leaders have never encouraged Cambodian people to development their own capacity, productive personality to have self-determination, self-confidence and self-progress at all.
You have to think twice about this. Human beings in the world have the same desire: hate suffering and love happiness. It is regardless of where they are living: Asia, Europe, Africa or else where. This is simple to understand, no need to finish college or university like you suggested.
Regarding National Congress is important in the chapter of Constitution. This chapter should not be omitted or neglected if Cambodia wants to develop its democracy. But Hun Sen comes up with that proposal because it is certainly reflecting Cambodia as a "Weak State with a Strongman". This proposal shows that Hun Sen is a strongman only to make war, instability, dictatorship and bullying his own people. He is not a strongman to develop democracy, to protect his nation from poverty, to protect foreign invasion or other national catastrophes.
Is he strong or is he weak? Though this small chapter invaluable in the Constitution, he dare not to make a deal and face with it. He should push this chapter into practice in order to build his fame as a democratic leader as well as to play his political model role for future Cambodians. He should not be so cowardice. He is strong to fire anyone from position, he is strong to force or break all public demonstrations, he is strong to defeat all his opponents...but why he is not strong to implement this important chapter in the Constitution.
It will not cause any turmoil like he jeopardized. It depends on good or bad logistics. National Congress is very important to listen the voice of the bottom Cambodians as well as to give them chance to learn on how to develop "self-determination", "self-progress", and "self-reliance". Cambodian leaders should stop the culture of fooling Cambodian people in order to enjoy selfishness, short term benefit or fake benefit for themselves and their clans.
This episode of "A Tale of a Strongman in a Weak State" reflects the continual political culture of Cambodia that has always weakened and fooled the Cambodian people in order to benefit their arrogant power ambition. This culture shows only in a "Weak State" with an "less educated strong leaders". In brief, last time I mirrored Cambodia as a "weak state" because this country is still not able to protect the weak, the poor, the farmers and the indigenous people. Cambodian political leaders, the middle classes and the elites are still earning their living at the expenses of the poor, the weak, the farmers and the indigenous people.
You are welcome to read and enjoy next 3rd episode in the same tittle "Weak State with a Strongman".
GOOD ONE KY!!!!!!!
Hi everybody!Do you remember,How many years National Congress has been established? What for?I think that Cambodia now only trongman talks. Its can be the law!!How about KINK ,CCP member,SRP....?demm!
No fucking excuses you fucking Viet leech, 2:05 AM!
Hun Sen doesn't have time to sit around and debate with his own countrymen and intellectuals. It's pointless for him. He'd rather be in a room full of international donors so that he can beg for money and pocket it later on.
""Now, we have at least 50 political parties which are registered at the Ministry of Interior and it is easy to cause turmoil for the country (if a national congress is held for them), " national television TVK quoted him as saying."
OMG, 50 political parties in a country that is the size of a dot on the planet.
PM Hun Sen is 100% correct: National Congress must be abolished to save the country. There are too many monkeys and losers here. Send them back west, please!
I meant to say back east, to Hanoi to be specific - Sorry for the mistake.
i'm so sorry to cambodian to call hun sen as a king.actually hun sen is Ah Arch Kdor Roboss Youn.
Yeah, but that is only because you have lived in Viet's shit pit for too long. Everything start to look like shit to you.
heh..2:07pm are you Youn ?or are you just Ah Arch Kdor Youn same as Mr. Bat Pha Sa Khmer Rouge Youn's slave hun kwach.why are you afraid of calling viet as Ah Youn.
It is not that I am afraid, 2:21, it's just that KI don't like racial slur here.
people, hold your horses, don't jump to a quick or wrong conclusion here. let's listen and hear what the reasons are from both points of view, of course, before starting to pour your water away thinking it's going to rain tonight! thank you.
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