19 March 2009
Kampuchea Thmei
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Considering that 18 March is a historical date for the start of the war by the reactionary group 39 years ago, Hun Sen said that he will reveal a secret that no Cambodians nor foreigners knew about. The secret that Hun Sen revealed was about the origin of the president of the Supreme National Council (SNC).
Hun Sen said, during the yearly meeting of the ministry of Education Youth and Sport, that it was during the 6th SNC meeting presided by Sihanouk, that the Cambodian side was putting effort because if it were to leave it to the foreign side, the law involved would be a failure, and the SNC would not even have a president.
According to the history revealed by Hun Sen, he said that he provided many formulas to Sihanouk. One of the formula that the Phnom Penh government (i.e. the PRK regime installed by Hanoi) could not accept was the one in which the SNC would be presided by Sihanouk and Hun Sen would act as its vice-president.
The other formulas that were advanced at the time included: Sihanouk and Hun Sen would become co-president of the SNC, another one in which Sihanouk and Hun Sen would rotate the SNC presidency one month each, and another formula in which the SNC would be presided by a party of 12. Hun Sen said that there was one formula supported by Sihanouk: in this formula, Sihanouk will be the sole president of the SNC, but he would resign from his position as the chief of the joint tri-partite government and he would also resign from his position as president of Funcinpec. According to Hun Sen, Sihanouk accepted this formula, and Sihanouk said that when he becomes the SNC president, he will resign from his positions as chief of the joint tri-partite government and president of Funcinpec.
Hun Sen claimed that there are many other secrets that no one knows about [KI-Media: Isn’t that why they call them secrets to start with?], and only he and Sihanouk share with each other. He said that he kept all these secrets and he will write them down in a book that will be sold at a very high price.
Regarding history, Hun Sen said that 18 March was the date of the start of the destructive war in Cambodia, but this fact was hidden and people did not dare talk about it because it is a shame. He said that in reality, these people (meaning those involved in the 18 March 1970 event) should be put or trial first. Hun Sen said that he told Shinahara, the former Japanese ambassador to Cambodia that: “I rather take defeat, but I would not allow my country to face war again, make no mistake about it.”
Hun Sen’s declaration on Wednesday appears to aim at the progress of the KR Tribunal which is currently facing budget shortage. Hun Sen said that he spoke to the Japanese ambassador, telling the latter that Japan should provide a lot of money [to Cambodia], not just that much because Japan had always supported the Khmer Rouge also. He said that Japan has a lot of issues with him, including lengthy negotiations filled with secrets. He said that he needs to talk about these issues so that history does not repeat itself again.
Hun Sen said that if there was no 1970 coup d’état, there would be no war, and Cambodia would develop significantly if Sihanouk were left to lead the country until now. If Sihanouk was not deposed, there would be no war, and no Pol Pot either [KI-Media note: and there would be no Hun Sen, nor CPP either]. Hun Sen said: “We had a lot of difficulties to seek peace using the Cambodian approach, however, if a foreign approach was used instead, there would be no success because foreign countries are only good at talking over institutions only.”
Hun Sen said: “We have already protected peace, that is we have protected human lives, protected development, therefore, we do not allow war to restart again.”
Development of the SNC
The Cambodian Supreme National Council (SNC) was formed in September 1990. On May 1, 1991, the four factions announced a voluntary cease-fire and arms moratorium. Since then, under the leadership of Prince Sihanouk, the SNC moved forward rapidly to reach consensus on a final comprehensive settlement based on the Permanent Five framework. It met five times--in Jakarta; Pattaya, Thailand (twice); Beijing; and New York--to work out differences over the draft agreements.
The SNC members agreed to elect Prince Sihanouk as President of the SNC and to designate him the final arbiter in the absence of a consensus. They then decided on at least 70% demobilization of all factional forces during the transitional period, with the rest to be demobilized or merged into a new national army after elections. They agreed that the first election will be conducted through a proportional representation system along provincial lines. Finally, they delegated to the UN the last word on all matters relating to the organization and conduct of the elections during the transitional period.
There is a consensus among the four Cambodian factions and interested countries that representatives of a Supreme National Council should be seated in the UN General Assembly as the Cambodian delegation.
Prince Sihanouk and the SNC returned to Phnom Penh in mid-November to establish the SNC headquarters.
Source: Gist: Cambodia settlement agreement - Comprehensive Settlement, US Department of State Dispatch, June 8, 1992
Hun Sen said, during the yearly meeting of the ministry of Education Youth and Sport, that it was during the 6th SNC meeting presided by Sihanouk, that the Cambodian side was putting effort because if it were to leave it to the foreign side, the law involved would be a failure, and the SNC would not even have a president.
According to the history revealed by Hun Sen, he said that he provided many formulas to Sihanouk. One of the formula that the Phnom Penh government (i.e. the PRK regime installed by Hanoi) could not accept was the one in which the SNC would be presided by Sihanouk and Hun Sen would act as its vice-president.
The other formulas that were advanced at the time included: Sihanouk and Hun Sen would become co-president of the SNC, another one in which Sihanouk and Hun Sen would rotate the SNC presidency one month each, and another formula in which the SNC would be presided by a party of 12. Hun Sen said that there was one formula supported by Sihanouk: in this formula, Sihanouk will be the sole president of the SNC, but he would resign from his position as the chief of the joint tri-partite government and he would also resign from his position as president of Funcinpec. According to Hun Sen, Sihanouk accepted this formula, and Sihanouk said that when he becomes the SNC president, he will resign from his positions as chief of the joint tri-partite government and president of Funcinpec.
Hun Sen claimed that there are many other secrets that no one knows about [KI-Media: Isn’t that why they call them secrets to start with?], and only he and Sihanouk share with each other. He said that he kept all these secrets and he will write them down in a book that will be sold at a very high price.
Regarding history, Hun Sen said that 18 March was the date of the start of the destructive war in Cambodia, but this fact was hidden and people did not dare talk about it because it is a shame. He said that in reality, these people (meaning those involved in the 18 March 1970 event) should be put or trial first. Hun Sen said that he told Shinahara, the former Japanese ambassador to Cambodia that: “I rather take defeat, but I would not allow my country to face war again, make no mistake about it.”
Hun Sen’s declaration on Wednesday appears to aim at the progress of the KR Tribunal which is currently facing budget shortage. Hun Sen said that he spoke to the Japanese ambassador, telling the latter that Japan should provide a lot of money [to Cambodia], not just that much because Japan had always supported the Khmer Rouge also. He said that Japan has a lot of issues with him, including lengthy negotiations filled with secrets. He said that he needs to talk about these issues so that history does not repeat itself again.
Hun Sen said that if there was no 1970 coup d’état, there would be no war, and Cambodia would develop significantly if Sihanouk were left to lead the country until now. If Sihanouk was not deposed, there would be no war, and no Pol Pot either [KI-Media note: and there would be no Hun Sen, nor CPP either]. Hun Sen said: “We had a lot of difficulties to seek peace using the Cambodian approach, however, if a foreign approach was used instead, there would be no success because foreign countries are only good at talking over institutions only.”
Hun Sen said: “We have already protected peace, that is we have protected human lives, protected development, therefore, we do not allow war to restart again.”
Development of the SNC
The Cambodian Supreme National Council (SNC) was formed in September 1990. On May 1, 1991, the four factions announced a voluntary cease-fire and arms moratorium. Since then, under the leadership of Prince Sihanouk, the SNC moved forward rapidly to reach consensus on a final comprehensive settlement based on the Permanent Five framework. It met five times--in Jakarta; Pattaya, Thailand (twice); Beijing; and New York--to work out differences over the draft agreements.
The SNC members agreed to elect Prince Sihanouk as President of the SNC and to designate him the final arbiter in the absence of a consensus. They then decided on at least 70% demobilization of all factional forces during the transitional period, with the rest to be demobilized or merged into a new national army after elections. They agreed that the first election will be conducted through a proportional representation system along provincial lines. Finally, they delegated to the UN the last word on all matters relating to the organization and conduct of the elections during the transitional period.
There is a consensus among the four Cambodian factions and interested countries that representatives of a Supreme National Council should be seated in the UN General Assembly as the Cambodian delegation.
Prince Sihanouk and the SNC returned to Phnom Penh in mid-November to establish the SNC headquarters.
Source: Gist: Cambodia settlement agreement - Comprehensive Settlement, US Department of State Dispatch, June 8, 1992
Ah Kwak Youn's dogs should be gratitute to Mr. Lon Nol
from cpp canada
I agree with Hun Sen's vision and his view about the history of Cambodia. Many things seem correct at this point.
CPP Canada, you were the one, Mr. Hun Sen should be gratitude not Mr. Lon Nol.
Alors Samdach Ta avez vous quelque des arguments à apporter ou à contreduire Levez vous et jurez TOUTE LA VERITE ET RIEN QUE LA VERITE
Good! Now, when Hun Sen talks, everyone listens. He holds the entire power. Let's see what will progress at the end of the mandate.
Bad! Leaders of Cambodia always have secrets and died without those secrets revealed. Be transparent dude! There must be no secrets for us owners of the country and of our own fate.
To CPP Canada, I think Hun Sen will not feel grateful to Lon Nol, In fact, he blaimes Lon Nol for prpviding him the opportunity of climing up to the position of prime minister which always bear the tough job, and every one in this position will feel himself hard to give up.
The secret was that HUN SEN never mention that Sihanuok created the KR in the beginning.
And Hun Sen shall not ask the KR tribunal to trial Sihanouk.
Good friends should not keep too many secrets from each other.
Those talks were all fabricated for a show. Don't make them such a big deal, because it won't change the facts that Vietnamese well trained spies speak Khmer Fluently and issued Khmer names before they entered Cambodia. Phan Boi Chau didn't make his trips to beg Japan and Siam for helps to fight French and keep Indochina under Vietnamese. From Phan Boi Chau to Ho Chi Minh spent million lives of the Vietnamese, the business is real.
Those talks were all fabricated for a show. Don't make them such a big deal, because it won't change the facts that Vietnamese well trained spies speak Khmer Fluently and issued Khmer names before they entered Cambodia. Phan Boi Chau didn't make his trips to beg Japan and Siam for helps to fight French and keep Indochina under Vietnamese for nothing. From Phan Boi Chau to Ho Chi Minh spent million lives of the Vietnamese, the business is real
Vous devez être la femme de couleur à Strasbourg.
Stupide comme toi, et que connaissez-vous la vérité ?
Hun Sen is going crazy now,h's the one and only that is responsible to lay down for Yuon molestation.
Yuon create Khmer Rouge and Khmer CPP with Sihanouk as Yuon underling for life.
What secret?
Oh yes, making coffins for those opposed Yuon and take good care of Yuon settlers at Khmer nation expenses,that's this Idiot's secrets.
Hun Sen and Sihanouk is not crazy, both of them is the real killer.
They should being court house with Duch.
Somdach Euv + PM Hun Sen = The end of Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy. That's why they are so scare.
good for them. may god bless them. it's called working together and unity, not the other way around! i have no problem with that as long as cambodia will benefit from it all! god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.
The both dogs!!!!The killers!!!
god bless cambodia's royal family and our good leaders! yes, we need good leaders for our country.
នេះជាមេបក្សពួកខ្មែរក្រហម នឹងជាឃាទករ សំលាប់ប្រជារាស្ត្រ ខ្មែរ ដើម្បីគំនិតល្ងង់ខ្លៅរបស់ខ្លួន
ហ៊ុនសែនពូកែអោនលំទោនណាស់ នៅចំពោះមុខស្តេច ប៉ុន្តែ បើនៅពីក្រោយខ្នងវិញ
ហ៊ុនសែន បានជេរស្តេចចំៗតែម្តង។
The two's secret is that they are both gay lovers.
It's crasy!!! How do you call it secret? if you have revealled it once. A year before Paris Agreement in 1991, Hun Sen after returning from any meeting with the other factions disclosed those conditions for political gains days and nights. Now he dares to tell us it secrets.
What a leader with short memory. CCP in Phnom Penh.
You can no longer fool us.
You are Vietnamese tool.
Hey Samdech Hun Sen why not publish your secrets on this blog? you won't make much money but at least people will find it entertaining
That was not Hun Sen secret. He was told to say. Don't be bothered by what Hun Sen said.
Motherfucker! your fucking secret that killed millions of Cambodian!
May lightnings strike your motherfucker the killers and let you rot in hell!!!!!!
12 120AM. I bet you didn't know Viet sleeping army were inside Cambodia since 1900's.
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