Monday, March 09, 2009

Immunity for SRP head

Monday, 09 March 2009
Written by NETH PHEAKTRA The Phnom Penh Post

OPPOSITION leader Sam Rainsy will have his parliamentary immunity restored when the National Assembly's Permanent Committee meets for an extraordinary session Thursday, officials said Sunday.

Senior CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the committee would hold a preliminary meeting Tuesday to prepare the agenda for an extraordinary session, at which the SRP president's immunity was expected to be addressed.

"Sam Rainsy's immunity is one of seven agenda items for the Permanent Committee meeting," he said.

"I expect that the Assembly will vote to restore Sam Rainsy's immunity on March 12."

Sam Rainsy has been without his constitutional immunity since February 26, when the committee voted to suspend it to force him to pay a 10 million riel (US $2,500) fine to the National Election Committee, imposed for comments made during last year's national election campaign.

SRP lawmaker and spokesman Yim Sovann said that during recent International Women's Day celebrations, National Assembly President Heng Samrin confirmed the leader's immunity would be restored in the next few days.

"What I have heard so far is that the Ministry of Justice prepared a letter to be sent to the Permanent Committee [asking them] to restore his immunity," he said.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sam Rainsy,

Just want to let you know that you and your team do a very fine job! I was certain that Sam Rainsy will get his Immunity back. And for that, I'm grateful to see!

Good Job Sam!!! As for you CeePeePee (Hun Sen and Cronies), go to hell, sons of BASTARDS!!!

From: Someone that is in love with Sam Rainsy

Anonymous said...

It's rather silly to restore Ah Scam Rainxy's immunity and then lifted again when he's up to face defamation charge filed by Hor Namhong.

Anonymous said...

Sam Ransy is the man with knowledge and qualification. He is way better than those 3 monkeys.

Chea SIm
Heng Samrin

These 3 monkeys harldy go to school
They are former border robber.


Anonymous said...

congrate Uncle SAM we know that HUN DOG can't do nothing to harm you ..

Anonymous said...

Even I am not totally agree with what Sam Ransy have done I wish he will get his immunity back. I also hope he will be more smarter for whatever he will do and don't. There are over one million Khmers supporting him.

Anonymous said...

I would call all of those who have involved in lifting Mr Sam Sam Rainsy immunity as blind and totally idiots for abusing NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.
I would like to repeat again and again that No-one can lift Mr Sam Rainsy immunity at all. His immunity was authomatically given to him through NATIONAL GENERAL ELECTION. His immunity will be also authomatically finished when he cannot be elected by another NATIONAL GENERAL ELECTION.
His Status in Cambodia should equally regarded as a Statement. He is an alternatif of leader between him and Hun Sen. He deserves the same respect and the same security as Hun Sen has. Between them noone can order any police nor military. Only the Minister of defense can work directly with the chief of staffs. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

I smell the end of Ah Scam Rainxy is near. Muahhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

3:02 AM (You Mean )I smell the end of Ah HUN SEN is near. Muahhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Good. Sam Rainsy will re-obtain his parliamentary immunity. Time to head back to Cambodia and kick ah Hun Sen's ass.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what should I called current primister, everything he said alway correct never repect other people, never get idea from other people event his spoken himseft. just try grab power only. in his brand have once thing is fighting for power only,

The primister in world had only one, never study,
get PHD Degree without study, get money by sold public properties and power, ........ the primister fighting for power,

By Khon Khmer