Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Maha Ghosananda's 2nd year funeral rite

Maha Ghosananda

Monk Honored in Second-Year Funeral Rite

By Nuch Sarita, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
09 March 2009

During the dark period of civil war, a Cambodian monk led a campaign for peace in his nation. For years, the venerable Maha Ghosananda contributed to the cause of peace, and he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize four times. He died on March 12, 2007, and his passing will be marked in an upcoming second anniversary.

Monks and laymen alike will honor the life of Maha Ghosananda across the United States, with an official second-year funeral ceremony to be held at Trai Ratanaram, a community center for Cambodian monks in North Chelmsford, Mass., March 12 through March 15.

“They changed a new robe for him, and bought a new golden coffin to permanently store his body,” said venerable monk Sao Khon, chairman of the Ratanaram pagoda. Laypeople are busy in their communities preparing to honor him, he said.

In years past, Sao Khon said, he traveled with Maha Ghosananda to the World Peace Council, for the cause of peace in Israel, Palestine, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and other countries. At the UN, they distributed a book advocating peace.

“The honorable Ghosananda was a Cambodian hero monk when our Cambodia was at war,” Sao Khon said. “Using Buddhist dharma, he brought Khmer suffering the world’s attention.”

Maha Ghosananda was born in a very poor family in Daun Keo village, Takeo province, in 1929. He entered the monkhood in 1943 and was one of supreme patriarch Chuon Nath’s students and a member of delegation led by supreme patriarch Chuon Nath to participate in the 6th International Buddhist Monk Congress to celebrate the 2, 500th anniversary of Lord Buddha's Parinibanna, in 1956 in Rangoon, Burma’s capital.

He studied at Nalanda University in India and received a doctorate in philosophy in Buddhism in 1969. In 1980, he established an inter-religious organization called Mission for Peace. In 1981 he led the Khmer community to build Buddhist pagodas in Cambodia, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. He led 16 Dhamayatras, walks for peace, in Cambodia, advocating nonviolence within society and human rights.

His fellow monks remember him well.

Venerable monk Treung Ky Chantha, a representative of the Kampuchea Krom monks in the US, told VOA Khmer Maha Ghosananda had preached “truthfulness, forbearance and gratitude” in his efforts to bring peace to Cambodia.

“He always paid attention to helping Cambodian society, within and outside the country,” Treung Ky Chantha said. “He devoted his whole life to his nation and religion. In particular, he always led Dhamayatra [peace marches] in Cambodia, as well as in other places in the world to pray for peace, happiness and prosperity. Although he passed away, his name and reputation are still alive to be a good role model for all Cambodian people.”

Maha Ghosananda contributed to social development through Buddhism. He led the first Dhamayatra in the northern part of Cambodia in 1992, as UNTAC helped prepare the first democratic election in Cambodian history.

Venerable monk Nhem Kim Teng, abbot of Prey Thlork pagaoda, in Svay Rieng province, is currently doing his doctoral studies in Buddhism at Delhi University in India.

“Honorable Maha Ghosananda participated in Dhamayatras in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and other countries at war,” Nhem Kim Teng said. “He was recognized throughout the world as a person dedicated to the quest of peace not only in Cambodia, but across the world. People knew his name as a Cambodian hero monk who actively advocated peace through Buddhism.”

Venerable monk Chhuon Chhoeun, of Damnak pagoda, Siem Reap province, said that in 1993 and 1998 Maha Ghosananda led Dhamayatra from his pagoda, with 2,000 Buddhist novices, monks, and nuns throughout Siem Reap town.

“The Dhamayatra led by honorable Maha Ghosananda from Damnak pagoda in 1993 was not in the fighting areas because conflicting factions in our country were already united,” he said. “Before, his Dhamayatra went to fighting areas, such as Samlot, where the Khmer Rouge were positioned.”

Men Maya, a Buddhist follower at Dhamikaram pagoda in Rhode Island, met with Maha Ghosananda in 1983. She, like many others, was devoted to him, seeing him again in 2006 and staying with him until the end.

“I served him for five months and a half until his last day,” she said.


Anonymous said...

His late Holiness Maha Ghosananda was a truly Buddhist, truly Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia. He was not only a high educated Monk but he followed Buddha's teachings.

Anonymous said...

Maha Ghosananda was between The Intermediate Soul and The Advanced Soul. His soul will soon leave the sanctuary of the spiritt world to a few more trips to Earth to complete his Advanced Soul by fullfilling His good deeds on Earth. Maha Ghosananda still has karmic pitfall that has to be cleaned, and he will return to Earth to improve and enhance human values.

Anonymous said...

I remember he said: "Kuor Yeung Mean Preah Vihear Nov Knong Duong Chett!"

Anonymous said...

"When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world." Maha Ghosannada

I had an ambition to greet him and I did meet him for a very short time. I asked him "Is Preach Metreyya here yet?" He smiled and told me to pray and fast, and then he said just only me to hear "even Preah Metreyya was here we didn't know. The world is going to be worse because of our too much bad Karmar." That chilled my spine.
When I asked him "Is Jesus Christ Preach Metreyya?", he had to leave because some people were there to greet him then he left with them.
The news of his Holiness died was a great lost. He was loved and respected by too many not only Cambodians.

I can never forget Maha Ghosannada radiated composure, kindness not being motivated by self interest, and he also understood toward others.

Anonymous said...

When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world." Maha Ghosannada

I had an ambition to greet him and I did meet him for a very short time. I asked him "Is Preach Metreyya here yet?" He smiled and told me to pray and fast, and then he said just only me to hear "even Preah Metreyya was here we didn't know. The world is going to be worse because of our too much bad Karmar." That chilled my spine.
When I asked him "Is Jesus Christ Preah Metreyya?", he had to leave because some people were there to greet him then he left with them.
The news of his Holiness died was a great lost. He was loved and respected by too many not only Cambodians.

I can never forget Maha Ghosannada radiated composure, kindness not being motivated by self interest, and he also understood toward others.

Anonymous said...

Yes Maha Ghosannada was right.
The world is getting worse. Estern European countries like Ukraine, etc., are in a deep recession bordering depression. And Vladimir Putin claimed to take them back to be once again Soviet Unions. He further wants to re-draw Georgia new map.

I wonder how many thousand of KGBs silently infiltrated in those Estern European nations before their economics collapsed.

Vietnamese copied the same strategy from their master Soviet (now Russia). The Vietnamese spies learned and speak Khmer fluently including their IDs are also Khmers though they're born in Vietnam. Vacuuming Cambodia economy through CPP.

Who knows the KGBs may be in the US since some members of the Congress and Senate hold duel citizenships.
US Constitution is being eaten up by the imposter.

Anonymous said...

Oh let Ah Ghosannada (a G. Washington worshiper) go to hell in peace.

Anonymous said...

6:36PM. Your fear is not just in your writing but in your soul.
Try to make peace with yourself first before you can deal with others.

Anonymous said...

what? those three links are the same. Why Part 1,2,3,? when it the same?