Sunday, March 08, 2009

Rumours milling around that Gen. Dul Koeun had died

Gen. Dul Koeun (R) and Gen. Hok Lundy (L).

Deum Ampil newspaper
6th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

There are rumours that Gen. Dul Koeun, Chief of Logistics and Finance at the Ministry of Interior, had died.

Gen. Dul Koeun was an arch-rival of the late Gen. Hok Lundy, the Police Commissioner who died of helicopter crash on 9th of November, 2008.

After the arrest of his bodyguard, Col. Pheng Phay, on charges of attempted murder of Mr. Thong Uy Pang, rumours are milling around that Gen. Dul Koeun had been arrested by Military Police and detained at Ministry of Interior along with Gen. Ke Kim Yan. Afterward, there are rumours that Gen. Dul Koeun was seriously sick and was sent to Calmette Hospital. Rumours were milling around that he had died at Calmette hospital and his body was sent to his home for funeral.

Since the sacking of Gen. Ke Kim Yan, the Cambodian People's Party had suffered unfortunate and malicious rumours of internal divisions. There were rumours that Gen. Ke Kim Yan was arrested and detained by the Military Police. Later, rumours are circulating that Mr. Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information, had died. And now rumours about the death of Gen. Dul Koeun had surfaced.

The rumours about Gen. Dul Koeun's death had been milling around for sometimes, but on the morning of the 4th of March, the rumours had spread like a wild fire.

Unexpectedly, on the morning of the 5th, Gen. Dul Koeun had telephoned Deum Ampil News to say that he is still alive, strong and healthy. And he appeals to the authority to find out the source of the rumours so they can be punished.


Anonymous said...

yes, even hun sen's life is at youn's hand. ask him. sometimes he complains about his unfortunate life, living in fear..............

Anonymous said...

Shit, if I can live like PM Hun Sen, I don't mind being at Yuon's hand at all. Please takes me! Please take me!

Anonymous said...

8.12 AM,

jesus christ will fuck you to hell and stuff your mouth and asshole with the bible util you repent.

Anonymous said...

Spreading rumors. Looks like some people have way too much time on their hands. In Cambodia, and I guess anywhere else, a lot of social and political upheavals can occur as a result of misinforming people by the spread of unconfirmed rumors. Some of these rumors can only be taken with a grain of salt and shouldn't be believed. Spreading false information is a very dangerous act. The way I see it, these rumors probably originated from within the CPP and its circulation is an intent to stir up some trouble.

Anonymous said...

Yes, no one spread rumors, only CPP's elites spread rumors. This rumors expect to blame on opposition party.

But this rumors truly come from inside CPP.

The proxy of internal conflict and division has become exacerbated because CPP has operated the country through personal-centric, not law-centric.

Personal-centric will inevitably lead to self-suicidal.

Anonymous said...

8:50am, there are internal rifts within the CPP, so the rumours must be spread by the CPP with intent to get rid of someone. they are fighting each other, so they have to do something to get rid of their rivals.

Anonymous said...

Remember, publisher of Deum Ampil news, Mr. Soy Sopheap, is a very close friend PM Hun Sen. He get all inside news before the other media and most of his news/rumors are true. So, I would think that the Hun Sen camp was the one who spread these sort of rumors so they can stir trouble for their rival camp.

Anonymous said...

Go mate 8:12AM. I too want our PM position.

Let ah pourk 'n mi pourk ot srok cry out loud.

Anonymous said...

Dai Viet will make you Khmers free from pain. Burn down all Buddhist Temples and make those lazy monks work.

Anonymous said...


Kampuchea will make you Yuons free from acting like barbarians. Leave your homes and head back to your Red River delta.

Anonymous said...

Wrong 9 20 am.

We come to stay for ever. Most people in Cambodia are not real Khmers but barbarians. We have to teach them to be sophisticated people.

Anonymous said...

sophisticated , my ass. just get your hole stiff and sophicated ready for the daiviet dick.

Anonymous said...

the rumors easily spread in Cambodia, because people could not rely only on TV or Radio. They hear a lot more propaganda then the fact in national news outlets.

Anonymous said...

don't forget!viets spies have been inside the cpp body since French colonial era.These spies have one mission in Cambodia is to weakening Khmer unity,Khmer forces and try all kinds of tactics to provide safety to illegal vietnamese in Cambodia.
Remember: late 1970,in the republic regime of LON NOL (Khmer hero)had busted one of the vietcong top secret agent living as a book seller in sphar Kandal(central market)known as hong vu.
After vietname invaded Cambodia in 1979,vietcong said that they withdrew from Cambodia but not so,instead they increased its spies more than 1000 agents among the cpp gov. I know there are a lot of good Khmer leaders through out the country,please working together to trim down one by one the viet spies in Cambodia.
In order to do that Khmer leaders have to work together and find some helps from powerful country like China and United States.

Anonymous said...

Dul Koeun was poisoned.
I still am skeptical about Hok Lundy's face. The governemnt did not show us the dead body of Hok Lundy. I knew from a closest friend who saw Hok Lundy's face. His face was multiple sliced like by a razor, can't even identify it was Hok Lundy except his clothes, whereas the rest in the plane were dead with no cut on their faces.
Could be a strugling between Hok Lundy and one or tow men on the plane?

They claimed Hok Lundy was on his way for Government business work, but he in fact was on his way to his party at Casino gambling. On the plane there were two men including Hok Lundy 3, and one young unidentified woman.

Who killed Hok Lundy?

Anonymous said...

10 00am. I am waiting for your anal opens for me. Try Dai Viet gay see how good it is?

Anonymous said...

Ah Dul Koeun (Ah Chapp Chrouk) will die for sure just like Ah Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

And you will live for ever 1:42pm?

Anonymous said...

Yuon will kill all their servants one by one. I hope all those jerk and jack get their time soon.

Anonymous said...

Ah Pnong Tep Vong' slover 8:24AM claimed he has a few houses and few countries with a real comfortable life and said and Tip Vong is his god. Why now he attacks the guy who loves camrade Hun Sen?

What is wrong with you now ah Tep Vong's lover?

Anonymous said...

It seems that Dul Koeun might be next after Ke Kimyan or after Hok Lundy. First, they arrested his bdyguard. Next they will arrest him. It seems that Dul Koeun is favored by Hun Sen any more. He will be gone too, I think.

Anonymous said...

your wish might come true 8.12am. then you might not like it.

if you're happy, would you go crazy everyday like hun sen?

Anonymous said...

8:12 AM

You're fucking low life maggot shit.