Monday, March 09, 2009

Thai soldiers forbid Khmer villagers from growing vegetable in their backyards

In January 2009, 35 heavily-armed Thai soldiers crossed 50 metres deep into Khmer territory at O'Smach to prevent Khmer workers from building a fence near the borders.

Reaksmei Kampuchea newspaper
7th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

Six Cambodian families living in the border village of O'Smach in Ouddor Meanchey province opposite Thailand's Kap Cherng district of Surin province were prevented by black-clad Thai Royal Guards from growing vegetable aroud their houses.

The Thai border guards said that the village where the Cambodian villagers are living are disputes areas, but the Cambodian border guards said that the areas are Cambodian territories and the Cambodian villagers have been living there since 2000, but only got the problems with the Thai soldiers after the Thais invaded Preah Vihear areas in July 2008.

Mr. Phorn Thol, Deputy Chief of Border Police gurading the O'Smach areas, told Reaksmei Kampuchea on 4th March that the six Cambodian families had been living there since the year 2000 and they had grown their vegetable around their houses since then. But later, Thai soldiers came to forbid them not to grow vegetable, not to clear the lands or make extensions to their houses because they said that the areas are in disputed territories.

Mr. Phorn Thol also said that Thai soldiers forbid the villagers from fishing in the natural pond or not to use the pond named Ang Dop Pram (Fifteen Reservoir) located on the border on top of the Dangrek Mountains.

Before the 1997 coup, Ang Dop Pram was a Khmer territory and Cambodian villagers as welll as Khmer border guard soldiers can use the pond and fish from the pond.

Mrs. Singh Hort who live in Phum Dey Pram Mett (Five Metres Village) in O'Smach district, told Reaksmei Kampuchea that the disputes happened after Thai soldiers invaded the Preah Vihear areas in July, 2008 and since then the villagers in her areas are living in double-hardship. In the areas, villagers are foraging for wild mushrooms, wild plants, tree tars, wild flowers and wild fruit to sell to Thai people across the borders, but after the Thai invasion of the Preah Vihear areas in mid 2008, they have difficulty selling those products to Thai people.

They said that in the past they can grow vegetable around their houses and can use the water from Lake Ang Dop Pram, but now they are prevented from growing the vegetable around their houses and are not allowed to use the water in that pond. Now, they have to buy foods and all consumer goods and everything from Thailand.

The six Cambodian families are families of Cambodian border guards who are protecting the borders in the areas. Their livelihood worsened due to global economic crisis and due to Thai soldiers not allowing them to grow food around their houses.


Anonymous said...

It is always from Bangkok. What going on with the Muslim in the south, you will have soon the problem with the Khmer descents.

Anonymous said...

Why did Hun Sen allow the Thai to take Khmer lands everywhere a long the borders? So, in future there will be no Cambodia, if Hun Sen continues to be Cambodia's PM. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Why is HUN SEN still can't see this??

Is he deaf and blind?

My goodness, this guy only tough on his own fellow Khmer.

Khmer/Preah Vihear

Anonymous said...

The east the west are nibbling off Khmer's land why the hell Khmer's leader can't protect them??


Anonymous said...

God damned, get the fuck out of Khmer Leu's lands and stop making trouble, Ah Khmer Kandal!

Anonymous said...

If Ah Thai soldiers came to our home to forbid Khmer farmers not to grow the vegetable in their backyard, where are Ah Hun Sen elite forces who only could kill their own people. Only 6 body guards were sent to protect the border. When you have an peasant PM, that's what you get in return. Ah Kwak let Hanoi and Siem invade Khmer territories. Ah Kwak won't do anything.

Why still negotiated, Ah Kwak? Don't you know when they took your property; you need to go to court. But, Ah Kwak doesn't go to court; he goes to hell. If they invaded us, no negotiation. Bring them to international court and UN, moreon.

Anonymous said...

Remember, ah Hun Sen and his cronies in the CPP don't care about Cambodian territorial integrity. The loss of land or encroachment by Thais and Viets mean nothing to them unless that particular land can bring profit to their wallets such as Preah Vihear can.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Hun Sen even cares about those Cambodian families. You see how it is in the past. When Cambodians near the Cambodian-Vietnamese border are brutally killed or violently beaten up by Vietnamese villagers and Vietnamese soldiers NEAR OR INSIDE THE CAMBODIAN SIDE OF THE BORDER, he simply does nothing and even blames and curses his own Cambodian people.

The reason why Hun Sen even takes a small stand against the Thai is:

(1) In the case of Preah Vihear. Technically, it lawfully belongs to Cambodia. For Hun Sen, he only sees Preah Vihear as tourism profit generator. Plus, during the national elections, when tensions between Cambodia and Thailand escalated, he showed strength to only prevent himself from losing face to the Cambodian public.

(2)His Vietnamese advisers advice him on to handle situations. You'll never see Hun Sen taking a stand against Vietnamese soldiers. Honestly, the same thing happens on the Cambodian-Vietnamese border where Vietnamese soldiers come into the Cambodian side and harass Cambodian farmers, villagers and fisherman. You never see Hun Sen taking a stand against that.

Anonymous said...

8:17 PM
You are a just Thai descent.
We Khmer don't know, who are Khmer Loeu ?
We only know Khmer descent, Khmer Champa and Khmer Mon, but not Khmer/Thai.

Anonymous said...

You guy don't be hero too much.I got enough about war in Cambodia since 1962 till 1979.So you guys don't too much pestimestic ok.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Polpot laid a lot of landmines along the border for a good reasons.
Because they know that someday these Greedy Nation will cross over our land,
Up to this Point, our Dr. PM still doen’t do anything to stop them. Maybe People right about black bussiness with Sieme. If he is real done that, God won't let it go, The thunder will strike him very soon. If he doesn’t stop these people from coming to our land, next time they will come to your house, step on your head and rape your family So bad that we have such a careless person leading the country.

Anonymous said...

Thai royal black clad soldiers? Check your info again please. I google searched who those guys are and nothing came up on Thai defense regarding who they are but according to a thai dude on youtube, they are actually civilians that get militarized.

The real Thai soldiers are the ones in paramilitary uniforms. These black clad guys are civilians with arms provided by their government.

That being said, if all of you on here are so patriotic, why don't you go do something huh? Or do you like to do your usual sitting-waiting-wishing- on the sideline?

Anonymous said...

great, what's worse then actual military is a group of extremist vigilante who thinks they have the authority to fix a problem that isn't even clearly defined!

See, the Thai nationalist are more blind then Khmer. And they're not official titles, KI just use them as descriptions, it evocative image, i thought some other readers would have enough sense to get that also.

Anonymous said...

Oh well! Every Khmer land now is regarded as disputed territories according to the Siem map but what about international map? The fucken Siem can't go around impose their will over Khmer people!

I say pull out the international map and make these fucken Siem bastards on the run for their life!

Who would give a fuck about these fucken Siem bastards have to say because Cambodia has the map and the constitution!

These Khmer people have the free will and should have no fear of these Siem bastards and they should go on with their daily business life and go ahead grow anything you want because this is Khmer land!

Fuck all Siem and their King and Queen!

Anonymous said...

That's great, 9:40! You know Khmer-Mon. FYI, there is hardly any Khmer-Mon in Cambodia, but lot of them (millions) in Thailand. Therefore, can you leave their land alone?

Anonymous said...

Why didn't khmer soldiers shoot these mother fucken thais soldiers?? why let them crossing over our side and demant this! and that! don't do this? and don't do that? what ta fuck wrong with those khemr soldiers leaders?? stupid dumbshit mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

He' right! if we dare to step in to thai side just one inch, they will shoot us right away! but for them to cross over...into our lands and go as free? whenever they wanted, this is fucken wrong dude!

Anonymous said...

Of course, it can't be business as usual when you stole lands and temples from Khmer-Leu.

Anonymous said...

To 3:14AM

Hey Siem mother fucker!

Khmer people certainly don't have identity crisis! Khmer Krom, Khmer Kandal, Khmer Leu, Khmer mon, Khmer... And for you to classify Khmer as if the Khmer people don't know who they are!

You Siem bastard need to pull out international map and see for yourself before talking more garbage!

We Khmer people know who we are and you Siem bastard needs to fuck off and go back to nanchoa!

Anonymous said...

It is so sad to see our lands being chipped away bit by bit everyday. The saddest part is that our political leaders, especially PM Hun Sen, have turned a blind eyes to these Thai violations. Not any word of protest or even send officials to verify the claims of Thai encroachments. Hun Sen never care about Cambodian borders, he only cares about his family and personal benefits.

Anonymous said...

Everyone did not see the real problem, here.

Thai tried to distract their population from the real internal issues. Such as the South, the Government polical situations, and many more...
Can someone list them out for people to see? Thanks.

Thai might gain more land by stealing from khmer out of their internal problem. Thai will break apart by internal civil conflict.

Anonymous said...

3:14AM! you called yourself Khmer- Lie? you dumbfucken shit! what ta fuck are you talking about? calling yourself Khmer-Leu? what ta fuck wrong with you stinky black thais shitty mother fucker!! pull out international map 1904,1907, and start doing some research mother fucken dumbshit!! you thai-thieft stold/rob from Khmer empier...go back to south china sea and ask your death ancestor you thieft mother fucker!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Empier exist from 7th century to present, Thai did not have any lands at all, they lived on sea, khmer king gave them some lands and taught khmer culture, after they learned everythings, thai started rebel and rob,stold khmer lands, every Temples you seen in thailand nowaday are belong to Khmer empier...Prasat meung Tam, Prasat Roung, Thai is good in playing soft tricks, Khmer King was too straight that's why we lost so much lands to thailand!

Anonymous said...

I still remember the Thais do as Cambodian Authority use armed forces to to protect people from growing crops in their own land and grabbed their Cambodia...

Dr. Excellency GeneralMulti Gold Stars Oknha Achar Knoy
PhDs /Bandits(4-5 PhDs)from Pahok Chamreourn Avichea PPenh Cambodia

Anonymous said...

What the piece of shit A Kvak can do to prevent the mighty thai soldier abusing is own people in their own land?

In less than 50 yrs, there will be no more khmers in Cambodia. Im doubtless about how weak the current khmers are. Khmers have no connection whatsoever with those who built Khmer Empire in the past.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Cambodia will not try to make any trouble with the neighboring Khmer people by trying to steal their lands, islands, temples, or whatever.