Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mexican Flu Deaths Rise

Sunday, Apr 26, 2009
Reported by: RNS
KARK (Arkansas, USA)

Alarm over the number of people contracting an apparent new flu strain seems to be increasing.

The World Health Organization has labeled the outbreaks a, "public health event of international concern." The WHO has used the "p" word saying the outbreaks could cause a pandemic or global epidemic of serious disease.

As of Saturday night the numbers are these: Up to 81 people have been killed in Mexico by a new flu virus. More than 1,300 people in Mexico are said to be infected by the new strain, a mixture of swine, human and avian flu viruses.

All of the deaths so far have been in Mexico, but the flu is spreading in the United States. Eleven cases have been confirmed in California, Kansas and Texas, and eight schoolchildren in New York City caught a type A influenza virus.

Health officials there have sent test specimens to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for investigation.

Mexican health officials have ordered all schools in and around Mexico City and the central state of San Luis Potosi closed at least until May 6th.

The nation's health minister is asking bars, clubs, stadiums, movie theaters, churches and other religious centers closed to limit further infections. Labor Minister Javier Lozano says the precautions are all about avoiding human contact.

No countries have issued travel bans to Mexico, but some countries are asking travelers to check websites for information on the flu outbreak.

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