Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sihanouk lashes out at journalists' 'war'

Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Written by Neth Pheaktra and Sebastian Strangio
The Phnom Penh Post

KING Father Norodom Sihanouk has lashed out at critics from his Beijing residence, accusing journalists of waging a "war" against him, apparently in reaction to a recent French documentary of the monarch.

"Some journalists (French and other Westerners) have just relaunched their war against me, Norodom Sihanouk, treating me as corrupt, dictatorial, greedy [and] bloodthirsty when I was in power in Cambodia," he said in a seven-page message released Monday.

The former King then reasserted the legacy of his 1953-70 rule, claiming he enjoyed widespread popular support.

"The Khmer people decided by themselves with sovereignty and liberty to give me and the Sangkum Reastr Niyum power over the state," he wrote.

"If I was corrupt, I would not have been loved like this."

The letter was released in seeming response to a documentary of the monarch screened on French television on the evening of February 23.

The Nine Lives of Norodom Sihanouk, directed by Gilles Cayatte, covers Sihanouk's life between 1941 and 2004, including interviews and rare archival footage of the monarch.

Sihanouk's official biographer Julio Jeldres has also slammed the film's "great arrogance" and "comprehensive awfulness", accusing director Cayatte of distorting Sihanouk's story.

"I believe that [the documentary] is a crude exercise to paint as black as possible a picture of Norodom Sihanouk," he said in a commentary to the film issued in March.


Anonymous said...

សម្តេចតា វាហួសពេលនឹងកែតម្រូវហើយ នូវអ្វីដែលព្រះអង្គបានធ្វើក្នុងពេលកន្លងមក។
មានតែការសារភាពកំហុសទេ ដែលអាចឲ្យព្រះអង្គ បានធូរស្រាលខ្លះ។
ខ្ញុំព្រះករុណា ស្អប់ណាស់ អ្នកដឹកនាំណា ដែលបានធ្វើខុស ហើយ មិនព្រមទទួលកំហុសរបស់ ខ្លួននោះ។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Were Cambodian liked Shihanouk like his DOG's liked him ?????

Anonymous said...

Pol Pot et Ieng Sary sont des(MoNstResss).
Pas moi,

Anonymous said...

Comment porter pleinte contre ces journalistes.
they tell the truth Copin de Pol pot.

Anonymous said...

Lok Sihanouk,
Think harder,Sangkum Reastra Youm was your idiotic ploy that eventually bankrupted the country then killed millions for your own hatred.

You lied too much and all the times, you almost lived everything you said.

Anonymous said...

It is hurt when it comes to be truth?
Commit suicide by put your head in your rice plate better than keeping your self as a liar .

Anonymous said...

cambodia needs an effective, good leader who can make a lasting difference for cambodia and our khmer people and society. so far, some leaders are very ineffective, to say the least because it was all about personal interest and personal power grapping. thank god, that was history now! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

With out Sihaknuk it won't be the khmer rouge .With out Sihaknuk there won't be Vietcong hiding every where in the country, with out Sihaknuk it won't be the killing field happen,with out Sihaknuk there won't be Hun Sen in the power ,with out Sihaknuk Cambodia not the hell place ti live.
That enough and enough we do not need you Sihaknuk you leaded Cambodia to a tremendous disaster and messy.
No one are caring about you anymore ,soon you'll die in pain ,frustrating and shameful.
Cambodia better with out YOU

Anonymous said...

DEar Sihanouk,
All of these medias are not attacking you at all. They have just revealed your true nature and true face. Now is a new generation of yung people who are very straight foward. If you are good they would say you are good. If you are very bad they would say you are very bad. They are young people with good income and won't need your help like your ambassador in Australia at all. You cannot bribe them to write from black to white at all. If you don't like what they wrote about you, you should go to hell.