Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Thaksin used video link-up from Cambodia under Hun Sen's protection: The Nation

The barbarians are at the gate, how will the govt respond?

April 7, 2009
By Sopon Onkgara
The Nation

TOMORROW will see the beginning of suspense and tension for the entire country, when people watch how many red-shirted protesters take to the streets, intending to carry out their mission to force out key members of the Privy Council and topple the Abhisit Cabinet. If this plan is successful, the red-shirted people can roll out a red carpet to welcome their patron, Thaksin Shinawatra, back to Government House.

Can this battle plan of Thaksin and his red shirts achieve the desired goal? The chances remain dim, despite the apparent lack of a plan for a decisive response and counter-strike by the Democrats after a week of watching the barbarians at the gate.

The situation for the government has worsened since the red-shirted mob began their rally in front of Government House, despite earlier expectations that they would not last more than a few days due to the hot weather and the shortage of supplies.

When Thaksin decided to go for broke via long tirades against the government and the Privy Council through his video link-up from Cambodia - under the protection of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen - the Democrats pretended it was nothing serious. Things were under control, so they believed.

As the days have passed, Thaksin has unleashed more vicious badmouthing, elevating his campaign to a do-or-die battle, calling for a nationwide uprising of his supporters and massive street demonstrations from Government House to the residence of Privy Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda.

Thaksin's announced plan is to remove General Prem and his protege, ex-premier General Surayud Chulanont, from office. The real intent is to bring down the entire national leadership structure, as disclosed by another Privy Council member, General Pichitr Kullavanijaya.

The Democrats are panicking, but they still profess to be unperturbed by the swelling political crisis which threatens to push the country's economy into a deeper chasm if the street demonstrations escalate into violence, as predicted by many. Bloodletting cannot be ruled out because that would be the ultimate cause for a change of government.

As of yesterday, the public remained dumbstruck by the lack of response from the government, chiefly the Democrats, who look more and more like the victims of over-confidence and their own earlier complacency.

They may appear a bit more honest than the barbarians at the gate, whose bosses have had their days in government. Still, the obvious weakness displayed through inaction and lack of a battle plan is inexplicable. There should be a survival instinct among the battle-hardened Democrats.

The repeated calls by supporters for the Democrats to counter Thaksin's intense accusations have fallen on deaf ears. What they should do is simply broadcast the truth of Thaksin's long years of massive corruption, abuse of power and a wide range of misdeeds. They do nothing.

This is in sharp contrast to the Thaksin years, when the public was fed with propaganda, spin and lies. Maybe the Democrats have forgotten the art of self-preservation. Alright, politicians are generally perceived as people who don't speak the truth, or don't know how to - but they should not forget how to boast about themselves.

Politicians might be able to survive for some time when they have power. The public may allow them to cheat, lie and get away with stupid acts, but once a sign of weakness becomes evident, then their end in power is near. Over the past week, the Democrats have hardly inspired confidence through either word or deed.

What is the worst-case scenario when the demonstrations start tomorrow? Thaksin and his red-shirted crony campaigners boast they will be at least 100,000 strong, if not three times that level. That sounds highly unlikely. But after a week of verbal attacks and lies, the potential of the gathering red-shirt strength cannot be underestimated.

What will be the consequences, intended or otherwise? The number of demonstrators becomes less significant if we take into account the risk of possible violence between red-shirt protestors and supporters of General Prem, who have also vowed to gather in front of his residence. Violence could erupt by provocative acts on either side or a tough response by the authorities.

No matter how events unfold, the country's economy will take longer to recover, and a lot will depend on public confidence in the government. Thaksin stands little chance of achieving victory in his final battle. If he is defeated, it will be difficult for Hun Sen to shelter him. The last thing he may have to pay dearly for is his life.

Seers and astrologers had forewarned Thaksin earlier that, over the years of his rise and fall, he would gradually lose power, wealth and his home. The first three steps have happened and are happening. The last one is a certainty, but only how and when.


Anonymous said...

This News source reported by Ah Sopn Ongara, The Nation is so unreliable? What are you base on? Can you prove the world and show evident that Thaksin lives in Cambodia?

Fix up the political mess that your people had caused and stop using Cambodia for your country’s benefit.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Town
Long Beach, Ca

Sopon Onkgara tried to make-up stories for people to read his article. We Cambodian have nothing to do with an affairs with the clan of General Prem Tinsulanonda, General Surayud Chulanont, General Anupong Paochinda, they were trouble maker for Cambodian.

New Phally
Secretary of State for Ministry of Interior and Adviser for first Vice President National Assembly

KE said...

I feel so sorry for Siamese people, especially the Nation News - they must think every single piece of word before they say. It sounds to me that The Nation is ftrying to fuel the war between Thailand and Cambodia from one to another (e.g. Preah Vihear Temple and now linkage Cambodia to its famous former PM Thaksin. You must proof a concrete information to the international arena that Thaksin lives in Cambodia. You must not say bla..bla.. without evidence. Remember your professionalism and code of conducts of journalism...!

Anonymous said...

Her is another liar,The Nation newspaper.It has records of speaking half truth and inciting more flames.

This is dangerous as Bangkok continues to throw wild cards at Hun Sen as Thaksin supporter.

Obviously now it's Thaksin versus Bhumibol dynastic rule.Prem is a guard dog for King at all cost.

Blood bath is about to happen as The Nation keeps attacking Thaksin personally.

The Nation is an agent of fear for Thai democracy and people movement.

1976 repeats itself soon...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist Party of Kampuchea
Khmer Revolution Party
Khmer Rouge Party
Khmer Krorhorm Party = គណបក្ស ខ្មែរ ក្រហម

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples from 1975 to 1979 in Cambodia.

You're support the killing at least sixteen innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack in Cambodia.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing in Cambodia.

You're support attempted assassination and murder of Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union of Cambodia).

You're support corruptions in Cambodia.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika (Apsara Dancer).

You're support Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was a former Khmer Rouge commanders.

Now, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge leaders, since their leader (Pol Pot) is dead.

From 1975 to 1979, these Khmer Rouge commanders responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples in Cambodia.

From 1980 to present, these Khmer Rouge leaders responsible for killing innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997, assassinated journalists, political assassination and killing, murder of Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire) and attempted assassinate and murder of leader of the Free Trade Union in Cambodia.

When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen's personal Bodyguards Unit (Brigade 70) is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Extrajudicial Killings
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threat
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Mass Evictions
Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Acid Attacks
Steal Votes
Violate the Constitution

These are the Trade Marks of Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.

Under Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge's government have ever been brought to justice.

Terrorism in Cambodia.
Killing at least sixteen innocent men, women and children.
Hun Sen's personal Bodyguards Unit (Brigade 70) was the suspects and was order by Hun Sen.

An FBI investigation concluded that Cambodian government officials were responsible for the attack.

The U.S. Senate Foreign Committee concluded that Cambodian government officials were responsible for the attack.

Leader of the Free Trade Union of Cambodia
The Cambodian government attempted to assassinate Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.

The president of the Red Cross of Cambodia (Bun Rany) had order Hok Lundy to murder Piseth Pilika (Hun Sen's affaire).

Heng Peov hold position as the Police Commissioner of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed under age child sex.
Svay Sitha is a senior government official from Cambodian People's Party.
Svay Sitha had a sexual relationship with Tat Marina, that was only 16 year old.

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed acid attack.
"On December 5, 1999, Tat Marina, age 16, was severely disfigured in an acid attack in Phnom Penh. The attack was allegedly committed by Khun Sophal, the wife of a senior government official, Svay Sitha, because she was angry her husband had a sexual relationship with Tat Marina. Neither Khun Sophal nor those suspected of being her accomplices in the attack were brought to justice. Intense media publicity compelled the Phnom Penh Municipal Court to issue an arrest warrant for Khun Sophal for attempted murder, but the police claimed that they could not locate her, although journalists reported that she was living at home as usual."
Source: Human Rights Watch

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed torture and murder.
"On the night of January 16, 2003, a street youth named Prak Sitha was beaten to death at the Ministry of Interior (MOI) headquarters after he was arrested and detained by off-duty MOI officers on suspicion of theft. His body - bearing numerous injuries to the head, torso, arms, and legs - was dumped at a Phnom Penh pagoda the following morning by ministry officers, in violation of police regulations regarding deaths in custody. No criminal charges were filed in connection with this death. In December 2004, the case was cited by the UN secretary-general's special representative for human rights in Cambodia - who stated that Prak Sitha died at the ministry "following beatings by a known police officer" - as an example of a "consistent and continuing pattern of impunity" in Cambodia."
Source: Human Rights Watch

Hun Sen's personal Bodyguards Unit (Brigade 70) is a terrorist organization.
Hing Bunheang is a March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack suspect identified by the FBI.
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed murder, again.
"On September 4, 2008, Mean Sokchea, a RCAF major working in Brigade 70, shot dead 21-year-old waitress Put Samphors at a restaurant in Kandal province. Mean Sokchea, in a drunken stupor, fired his gun and apparently mistakenly hit Put Samphors in the stomach. She was taken to a hospital but later died of her wounds. Mean Sokchea was detained by the police overnight but was then released, allegedly after intervention by Hing Bun Heang. Put Samphor's family received US$2,700 from Mean Sokchea, and the police told them that their daughter was shot while authorities were chasing robbers."
Source: Human Rights Watch

I have a question for Hun Sen Khmer Rouge's government.
Since Hun Sen Khmer Rouge's government likes to assassinate innocent Khmer peoples.
Does Hun Sen Khmer Rouge's government have any plan to assassinate the U.N. Khmer Rouge Tribunal 9 judges?

Information change without notice as it become available.

7:33 AM

khmer surin said...

How the Nation could call the red shirts , the barbarians ? The red shirts are more than 50% of
Thailand population. How a serious Nation can call
the majority of the King's subjects , the barbarians?
The Nation should be the state of terminal panics.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is that 7:33am? You are producing a comment or a lecture? You ruin this forum, you know that? Fuck you man! you quite bother people. So get the hell out of here, before it is too late. Who is going to read your nonsense longest bible.

Anonymous said...

Agree with your comment 4:41PM. I don't know what this annoying 7:33AM guy trying to do here. Why does he keep posting his "whatever" repeatedly?
Get a life 7:33AM!