Kampuchea Thmei
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
On 30 April 2009, rumors are flying all over Phnom Penh city and they even reached all the provinces in the country that Hor 5 Hong, the vice-PM and minister of Foreign Affairs, died in France. These rumors are circulating not just among the public, but they were also spread among high-ranking officials as well.
In the evening of 30 April 2008, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) forcefully declared that Hor 5 Hong is in good normal health. The declaration indicated that Hor 5 Hong traveled to France after completing his mission in the US to inaugurate the new Cambodian consulate in Lowell and to meet with Cambodians living in Massachusetts on 26 April 2009. During his mission, Hor 5 Hong had encountered some health problem when his blood pressure dropped and this situation led him to pass out for 2-3 minutes.
The declaration indicated also that, currently, Hor 5 Hong is completing his mission in France and he is making preparations for Hun Sen’s visit to France in the near future. Hor 5 Hong will return to Cambodia on 07 May 2009, and his health is normal now.
Furthermore, in the afternoon of 30 April 2009, the MFAIC also announced that Hor 5 Hong and the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, who is the current EU parliament president, will co-chair the 17th ASEM foreign ministers meeting in Phnom Penh on 27-29 May 2009. The meeting will gather delegations from 40 countries from ASEAN and the EU. The ASEAN secretary-general, the EU council, and EU committees will also participate in this meeting.
The 16th ASEM meeting was held in Nuremberg, Germany on 14-15 March 2007. This yearly meetings are held in Europe and in one of the ASEAN countries, alternatively.
In the evening of 30 April 2008, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) forcefully declared that Hor 5 Hong is in good normal health. The declaration indicated that Hor 5 Hong traveled to France after completing his mission in the US to inaugurate the new Cambodian consulate in Lowell and to meet with Cambodians living in Massachusetts on 26 April 2009. During his mission, Hor 5 Hong had encountered some health problem when his blood pressure dropped and this situation led him to pass out for 2-3 minutes.
The declaration indicated also that, currently, Hor 5 Hong is completing his mission in France and he is making preparations for Hun Sen’s visit to France in the near future. Hor 5 Hong will return to Cambodia on 07 May 2009, and his health is normal now.
Furthermore, in the afternoon of 30 April 2009, the MFAIC also announced that Hor 5 Hong and the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, who is the current EU parliament president, will co-chair the 17th ASEM foreign ministers meeting in Phnom Penh on 27-29 May 2009. The meeting will gather delegations from 40 countries from ASEAN and the EU. The ASEAN secretary-general, the EU council, and EU committees will also participate in this meeting.
The 16th ASEM meeting was held in Nuremberg, Germany on 14-15 March 2007. This yearly meetings are held in Europe and in one of the ASEAN countries, alternatively.
better go hoc lon di waiting for him
This is the good news taht Ah Hor 5 Hong dead!!!!!
He will meet ah Hok Londy soon!!
Ah Hor 5 Hong will take his Comrade Hun Xen with .
Great news about this!!!!!!!!!!!
It appears that these egregious rumors have falsely percolated throughout Cambodia; however, the foreign minister is well and kicking. Moreover, you can speculate all you want, but these rumors are not true.
soon hor 5 hong will join his comrade hoklundi at the cemetary
Ah Cambodian-American'ts are so callous; yet, they have always been betting on someone's death in an effort to solve problems in Cambodia, and nevertheless, they call themselves part of the "solution."
Ah Jkuout Jrouk callous escapees.
Isn't it time for a new generation take over? No wonder why these people work till die on spot or DOA or dead on the road. Power and money must be greater than health.
If the rumors are true, it would be the American CIA who poisoned him with polonium.
hun xen is next
TO Mr. Hor Nam Hong (OH! 5 Rouge)
Who would get profit out of the false rumor of you drop death?
Not opposition!
Not Cambodian oversea or undersea!
Not even pour inocent Cambodian like Pou Cyclo!
BUT the people who show that they protect your reputation ( What's reputation?).
The people who get profit from thr rumor of your drop death are:
Peole above you like Hun Xen, Hun Xen's five, or may be top oone in Hanoi!
And peopl right under you and the rest of suppervisor level in your ministry include you own sons of a bitch!
Do you know why?
Because of your presume death some one have to take over your positio! And to get promotion as you know ans have pratice it! They have to bride for your chair, dude!
Some close to you may went to see Hun Xen 's five and the Hanoi beach already!
And all the goverment officer in Foreigne Ministry did pacipated in powe vaccume from Long Visalo down to ah Seung! Gives have move aroung like Noel in Paris dude!
And they all wish you death! your boss five and your subbordinateds!
Whish you live in pain for hundred years more!
Hell gate is welcome you ah jkaer youn.
how come none of you'll come to Lowell to protest his arrival?
No one knew he was there 12:28 AM !
Cambodian Town
Long Beach, Ca
It was clearly detail that SRP member, supporters were mentally sick, evil.
New Phally
PPU & New Phally are next.
New Phally will go before PPU.
PPU is busy to Pee & Pee Urine.
The rumors was spread by the CPP because they get jealous of Hor 5 Hong, because they wanted his job.
I think the KI must have enough of "PPU."
It's too bad that this pseudo-journalists unable to handle the freedom of speech.
KI, fuck you, and the rest of your fucking clans.
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