Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thailand to protest UNESCO over Preah Vihear inspection [-Thai border charade never stops]

BANGKOK, May 20 (TNA) – Thailand will submit a protest letter to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Thursday after the UN agency’s staff inspected the overlapping zone adjacent to Preah Vihear temple without prior notification to Thailand.

Virachai Plasai, Director-General of the Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will invite a UNESCO representative to receive the protest letter Thursday morning at the ministry.

He added that Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya had earlier instructed the ministry to convey this concern over the issue to UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and its offices in Bangkok and Phnom Penh.

The disputed area, adjacent to the ancient temple, has long been a source of tension between Thailand and Cambodia.

An international court awarded Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia in 1962, but a 4.6-square km (1.9-square mile) parcel of land surrounding it remains the subject of territorial claims by the two neighbouring countries.


Anonymous said...

To Thai, its king, PM and FM

Stop your arrogant act. There is no way out cry will make the UNESCO change its stances.

If you can claim or reclaim whats not belong to you, Cambodia can do the same. We will reclaim the rest of Thailand too. Almost of Thailand was once belong to Cambodia.

You need to deal with the reality and the history. How do you think Khmer been dealing? We have lost a lot. Worst than you think. Lands and people that we lost.

Down the Thai!!!

Anonymous said...

Thai leaders! Keep doing what you feel it's right for you. It's time for your nation that always took advantage of Khmer's trouble. And it's time for Thai nation to fall apart itself. It's just the result of Thai past Karma to the Khmer, which was always unacceptable. Whatever you now is just open the way to hell. Don't ever think that the whole world is blind toward what u r doing..

Anonymous said...

If Thai leaders just keep smiling, no one would of known that Thai people are a bunch of cry baby. But, it’s too late now. Nice going, leaders for The Land of Smile…NOT.

Anonymous said...

If you are crying about this issue, we Cambodian will ask the UN to let you return all the provinces you took from KHMER.

Khmer Issan is an example. Give them back to us. Those are our people!!


Anonymous said...

Bravo UNESCO official. Please, do more investigations to stop Thai from lying to its people and the World.

Thai FM Kasit acted like a pathetic child. How can he cry while UNESCO has a complete right and duty to take care of World Heritage? Plus, this site is in Cambodian land.

I have no respect at all to this Thai FM.


Anonymous said...

hey thailand, protest all you want, unesco will only abide by the international treaty and international law. don't keep saying the icj did not rule on the surrounding lands as part of their verdict on cambodia in 1962. they had the map from the 1907 treaty in 1962 and they used that as the official borderlines already. so, stop your demand as it is useless against the international law. unesco knows the international law better than thailand and its unruly or uneducated people who always dream of steal from cambodia with any lame excuses. unesco can only stand with the international law. you were wrong and always are wrong all along. leave and respect cambodia sovereignty already! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Fucken Thailand don't wants UNESCO to know the facts! Thailand should be ashamed...

Anonymous said...

thailand must respect cambodia of its sovereignty because more than 40 years itwas better than now. why you are jealous over the khmer who are your good neighboring people and have our temple be in the world heritage that means it belongs to everybody in this world which will become a oneness world eg. european union, asean ...
thais have get a lot of money from this temple why the thai government complain and illegally claim the land from cambodia.
it is ashamed that you do this act of hegemony towards neighboring state. this is against the asean charter or not?
god bless cambodia and its people who love peace.