Thursday, June 04, 2009

60th anniversary of the loss of Kampuchea Krom

Cambodian Buddhist monks read local newspapers at a ceremony in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, June 4, 2009. Hundreds of Buddhist monks and other people mark the 60th anniversary to commemorate the Kampuchea Krom territory, a large part of southern Vietnam, handed over to Vietnam by the French government on June 4, 1949. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)
A Cambodian man holds a burned incense sticks in front of a painting poster of Son Kuy, a hero of Kampuchea Krom, a large part of southern Vietnam, at a ceremony in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, June 4, 2009. Hundreds of Buddhist monks and other people mark the 60th anniversary to commemorate the Kampuchea Krom territory handed over to Vietnam by the French government on June 4, 1949. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)


thainin said...

good news I love to read it

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom will always be part of Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

2:35 PM

Dear viet PPU,




Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom will always be part of Vietnam. How many more times do I need to repeat myself?

Again, Khmer Krom will always be part of Vietnam. Also, I'm quite certain that the overwhelming major of Khmer Krom people would concur with me.


Anonymous said... one of ho chi dog{minh} thug..
ngo hay thorng dann

Anonymous said...

PPU sounds like ah mouy neak I just read in Camdisc named Kampucheachun. Ah neung chea Khmer chheam Youn.

Anonymous said...

Is Khmer Krom trying to claim the old Champa, too?

Is there anyone with me on this, because I'm lost in translation in your assumed interpretation.


Anonymous said...

It is my belief that Khmer Krom has at least an infinitesimal shot at winning the hearts and minds of Khmer Krom sympathizers -- the likelihood of claiming the LAND is infinitesimal and insurmountable -- since Khmer Krom is already part of Vietnam. Having said that, let me say this: they (Khmer Krom)will ineluctably encounter insurmountable dilemmas and difficulties ahead of them.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:45 PM

Sorry, 'youtube' is not my cup of tea.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Ah PPU , Come here and suck my dick i just finish fucking your wife , How many time did i tell you I just finish fucking your wife and I need I dick clean by ask you to suck it , AH Jkea youn PPU ?

Anonymous said...

6:12 PM

The KI should enroll this guy in civility class.


Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure about your claim PPU. The fact that Khmer people can hold this event is already a major victory. This event will inspire Khmers to stand up fight for their independent.

See you in the International Court for the for the right to self-determination.

Anonymous said...

The more you speak up the more you will be heard nationally and internationally.

Recently the whole world take a look at your plight a lot. Please continue doing good work.

You got to remember about the Turk that controlled the Greece for more than 400 years and the Greece managed to free itself from the Turk.

Freedom and self determination or autonomous will prevail shortly.

Khmer Krom will get independent in near future after Kosovo.

East Timore and Kosovo are our role model and example.

We want the right to live as human being on our ancestor's land.

We are the PEOPLE and we will be the People!!!!

Khmer Krom PP,

Anonymous said...

Dude, are you out of your mind??

Champa is for Cham people. Khmer Krom only wants what is belong to Khmer Krom. Nothing further discusses.

KhmerKrom in Battambang,

Anonymous said...

I can smell independent is coming to Khmer Krom soon.

At Geneva and New York (UN Headquarter), YOUN really looked ashame. Almost all representatives in the meeting not support YOUN. They heard what Ms. Thach Somalin said them all. They didn't even buy YOUN's story.

Bravo Khmer Krom!!!

Anonymous said...

During the cold war era, Staline’s policy was to annex small states along Russian border. Along that line, Ho Chi Minh saw it as a good opportunity to annex Cambodia. So he went to form alliance with Russia (Soviet Union at the time) and infiltrated his communist agents in Cambodia. Pol Pot did horrible things to our nation and people, but he also outsmarted the yuon communists, so Hanoi decided to launch a massive invasion.

The end result was Hanoi not only failed its plan to annex Cambodia, but it also created a for-ever-lasting bitterness with China and Chinese people around the world. Well, thank you uncle Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, your opportunity has now become my golden opportunity. Because of your Indochina Federation plan, Cambodia has found a long lasting ally that share common security interest.

You see PPU, the game is not over yet. As some blogger mentioned yesterday, Cambodia is a resilient nation and it has learned to survive through difficult times. In these days, event the once-mighty Soviet Union could not hold its empire. Many of its ex-states become independent states. Today international climate provides strong support for Khmer Krom to seek independent from Vietnam. You, your defunct uncle Ho and his Indochina supporters are on the wrong side of history!

Khmer Academy

Anonymous said...

People, please forgive PPU for his harsh comments. 6:12PM, stop lying about PPU's wife, because he doesn't has one. How do I know? Because he was my gay lover. We had been together since he was a little boy and matter of fact, I was his first lover. He is very upset right now because I broke his precious heart with another man who is my own kind, YOUN. I feel very sorry for PPU who hate himself to be borned as Khmer. He even changed his name to PPU which is short for Phuc Phu Unh. He even shared with me his dark pass that he was rape by is uncle who actually turned him gay.

Viet Ung Dog

Anonymous said...

Don't worry PPU. Come to Sanfransisco and I'll find another gaymate for you. Do you like a six inches or a four inches size.

Anonymous said...

8:40 PM, please get him a tiny one because his is quite small. That was one of the reason that I left him in a first place.

Viet Ung Dog

Anonymous said...

If Vietnam governments don't treat khmer-krom fairly, they will lost the lands back to khmer-krom, just like 8:27PM said, UN/GENEVA are watching Vietnam very closely...

Vietnam gov't is ashamed!

Anonymous said...

To Cambodian Gov't in Phnom Penh, why don't you guy help khmer-Krom that suffer so much from Vietnam govt? Khmer-krom also suffer in her own motherland from her own blood people..?? why?

Anonymous said...

Khmer suppose to help khmer, not killing khmer!! YOUNs/Simaese are the one that suppose to be our FOE...wake up!

Anonymous said...

9:10 PM, if Hun Sen cut the tied with Youn and help Khmer Krom, he will be killed. Khmer current government is only Khmer by name, but it is actually Youn.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful lands of cambodia is Khmer Kampuchea Krom lands, i've visited it twice, they are the most beautiful....what a huge lost! if i have chose where to live, khmer krom lands is the one...

khmer germany

Anonymous said...

9:17PM, you're absolutely right. There are so many yuon agents in Cambodia and inside CPP so that the good CPP officials and Hun Sen have to be very careful.

People got to understand why Hun Sen can not openly oppose Vietnameses. However, China is ready to help. CPP must gradually build a strong tie with China.
China continues to be very reliable ally to counter vietnamization in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I think all Khmer should visit Khmer Krom because it is a small way of helping the people there. True Khmer like myself don't want to visit or talk about Khmer Krom because it hurt too much due to the lost. Khmer Krom people are very resilience, brave and patriotic. We Khmer around the world as well as people in srok Khmer should do more for our brothers and sisters in Kampuchea Krom.

Khmer USA

Anonymous said...

Vietnam authority has allow their people to build houses inside khmer krom temple- lands, it's suppose to be holy place?, this is how rudeness they are! they even force khmer monk joint army, stop khmer from pratice khmer language, a lot of monks were lock up in jail, so they have to escape to cambodia with no other choice...

and khmer gov't in cambodia did the same damn thing to them like vietnam did!

Anonymous said...

Folks! Very soon Ah Hun Sen will has both eyes blind for sure...

Anonymous said...

9:38 pm, this is the YOUN's plan, they have to cut the blood lines from Khmer Krom. Youn infiltrating in the Khmer's government so Khmer Krom will not be able to get any help. Soon as Hun Sen cut his tied with Youn and help Khmer Krom, he will be assassinated.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments above! it's hurt so bad when you visited Khmer krom lands and you felt the big lost of our lands and our most beautiful things in the world, i had visited the lands in 2007, Khet Kro Mourn Sor/Prek Pros and Prek Srey, the lands are so beautiful, but my heart is breaking and hurts, i lived in French nowaday, but i hated them...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kampuchea Krom means "Cambodia Below" or "South Cambodia". "Krom" in Khmer also means under to indicate "Southern." Kampuchea Krom was the southernmost territory of the Khmer Empire, and it was once known as (French) Cochin China. It is the South-western part of Vietnam. It covers an area of 89,000 Km2 with Cambodia to the north, the Gulf of Siam to the west and the South China Sea to the south, and the Champa's territory to the northeast.
Prei Nokor was one of the most important commercial cities in Kampuchea Krom. The Vietnam's government changed the name to Saigon, then, to Ho Chi Minh City in 1975. The Vietnamese find most Khmer locality names difficult to pronounce so they changed them to Vietnamese. These new Vietnamese names have no meaning whereas their Khmers' are related to historic events or accounts.
There were two long rivers: the Mekong and Bassac rivers. The Mekong Delta had 40,000 Km2 of field that full of rice field and forest. There was a historic canal Chum Nik Prek Teng or Te Ong Anussa (Vinh Te) from Mot Chrouk to Peam (Ha Tien). It was 53 Km long and 25 meter wide. There were Cheung Baa Deng mountain in the province of Raung Damrey (Tay Ninh) and Seven mountains: (Ktau, Ta Khvaa, Ook Yaum, Po Peal, Nak Ta thnauk, Phnom Rau and Phnom Tra Daak) in the province of Mot Chrouk(Chau Doc). Kampuchea Krom consist of four provinces DO NAI, LONG HO, MOT CHROUK and PEAM, later on divided into 21 provinces and with the population of 8-10 million of Khmer Krom currently living in the southern tip of Vietnam.

Khmer Name Vietnamese Translation
1 Preah Trapeang Tra Vinh (Vinh Binh)
2 Khleang Soc Trang
3 Mort Chrouk Chau Doc
4 Kramuon Sor Rach Gia
5 Pol Leav Bac Lieu
6 Tuk Khmau Ca Mau
7 Peam Ha Tien
8 Prek Russey Can Tho
9 Long Hor Vinh Long
10 Peam Barach Long Xuyen
11 Raung Domrei Tay Ninh
12 Prey Nokor Ho Chi Minh city (Saigon)
13 Tuol Tamoak Thu Du Mot
14 Changva Trapeang Sraka Trey Bien Hoa
15 Me Sor My Tho
16 Preah Suorkea Baria
17 Koh Koang Go Cong
18 Kampong Russey Ben Tre
19 Kampong Kou Tan An
20 O Kab Vung Tau
21 Koh Tralach (Tralach Island) Con Dao (Con Son)
22 Koh Trol (Trol Island) Phu Quoc island

Anonymous said...

Very good news that Khmer Krom movement is alarming the world.

Wow, this is very fruitful. Independent will prevail.

Obama will push the world to recognize Khmer Krom's plight. Just like during the former president of United States (Bill Clinton) did it for East Timore.

Buddha blesses Khmer Krom!!!

Anonymous said...

President Obama is in Cairo, Egypt to have the summit of Muslim world. He ensure that Palestine will become a statehood soon. So this is will urge the Khmer Krom to rise up even more to be recognized.

Khmer Krom is getting stronger and stronger. They are now well heard and well known internationally.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the more you speak up the more irritated will YOUN will be.

Please continue to tell the world the mistakes the French did when left Indochina and the brutal acts the YOUN have done.

Khmer Krom Pride,

Anonymous said...

Talking about the lost of Khmer Krom, I am always angry and hurt. The truth is only Khmer can help Khmer. Yes, we can tell the world all about our suffering, but if we are not united among ourself it is meaning less. The fact of the matter is Youn is not going to give up Khmer Krom easily regardless of any situation; therefore, we have to be ready to fight. I don't mean to be a pessimist, but if there is no bloods shed, the international community will just watch from a distance. Sorry if I sound too radical.

Srolanh Khmer

Anonymous said...

How many time do I need to tell you that Khmer Krom is part of Vietnam. There's no such thing as independence. Yes, forget about the independence. You guys must be out of your mind.

Pi Anh: PPu

Anonymous said...

Sorry, kids, I don't like to deal with a bunch of daydreamers. I think everyone must snap out of these dreams and face the reality.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Khmer people doesn't welcome this uneducated fool Pi Anh. He is a sore looser. He needs to send back to a re-education camp.

Yes, to thumb up Khmer Krom must be unted (Samakee).

Please rise up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PPU (Phu Phuc unh/my uncle rape me), it is you who is a dreamer. Why do you still want to be my lover when I turned you down due to your small penis. There are a lot of gay people in this world and many of them are also Youn too. Please release me and set me free.

Your ex-lover
Viet Ung Dog

Anonymous said...

Very shameful to have this guy (PPU)as Khmer. He doesn't represent Khmer at all. All he does, just step in this forums and cursing Khmer.

I don't think he is Khmer. He is cheaper than my dog.


Anonymous said...

2:46, don't be to harsh on Phu Phuc unh. Yes, he is Khmer, but he already convert to be Youn. Can you not tell his name also changed. He is my Ex-lover and he is very ashame to borned as Khmer and gay.

PPU Ex-lover
Viet Ung Dog

Anonymous said...

Viet Ung Dog, thank you for sharing your story and Phu Phuc Unh. It is my regret that your relationship didn't work out. Having said that, I do understand your preference of a lager side because I am gay too.

Anonymous said...

Hello PPU darling, I'm 8:40PM. Are you coming to Sanfransisco or not? I made a lot of phone calls to find a tiny size for you. He's eager to meet you and get into action. Don't make him wait to long OK?

Anonymous said...

2:36 AM

If you get raped by your father, don't go around and tell people.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

4:02 AM

San Francisco, you meant? Please learn how to spell your state correctly, because it is a very vital process of acculturating and integrating into the American society. Certainly, it must have been a tough life for you and the rest of your species in the ghettor neighborhood. Of course, I understand.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, June 4th also the concurrence of Thursday commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. How interesting! Yet, I'm relatively unenthralled, because everyone still does not understand and acknowledge that Khmer Krom is part of Vietnam.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for divulging your identity. In fact, it's great to have heard that you're having identity crisis; also, I'm certain that there are many more people like you who are Ah Scum Rainsy's supporters are experiencing the same crisis.

L'état, c'est moi (Anh): PPU

Anonymous said...


Check with any good Psychiatrist to make sure you are alright. You carry so much hatred toward others who love freedom. Were you molested by anyone in your family members when you were young?

Anonymous said...

Psychiatrist cannot help him (PPU) either if he doe snot take his pills. His schizophrenia forces him to write the same thing over and over again.

Anonymous said...

12.48, 12.51

Are you telling me that you already had enough of me. Don't fret, there are plenty to come for YOU PEOPLE.

Incidentally, I love heat; also, it get more fun when it gets hotter. One thing I can say to you is: bring it on!

L'état, c'est moi (Anh): PPU

Anonymous said...

Darling PPU, I am upset now because you still didn’t get it. You're correct, the right spelling is San Francisco. But that’s not the place I referred to. A confused soul with tiny size like you are not welcome to the real San Francisco. That’s why I have to find this fake San Francisco called Sanfransico. It’s a fake place for fake Khmer/yuon like you. Got it , darling?

Anonymous said...

Darling PPU, you're now really confused. Don't lose your temper and get mad because someone called you, Phu Phuc unh. Just accept the fact and move on... OK Darling? Your gaymate is still waiting for you at Sanfransisco.

Anonymous said...

PPU darling, I am so sorry to reveal your secret about your dark pass. Please find your heart to forgive me okay. Having said that, you also need to forgive yourself and your uncle who raped you to turn you gay. In addition, you should not be ashamed of being a gay Khmer because it is not your fault. Even I have a dark secret that I hided from you all this time which I am very ashame of it. My secret is that I molested your little brother who is also now gay too. Please forgive me Phu Phuc Unh.

Your Ex-lover
Viet Ung Dog

Anonymous said...

To all of my brother and sister all around the world, please help spread the words out to help our people in vietnam, we are suffer everyday because vietnam authority, alot of our people were taken away sometime at night by vietnam official...

khmer/teuk khmao

Anonymous said...

ro ah PPU, who care about how many time you said khmer krom is youn but khmer krom heart still be khmer the more they fight for their right the succes they will get their land back to khmer. ah pleur.