Sunday, June 28, 2009

84.6% of Thais want both sides to negotiate peacefully and jointly improve the regional economy

Thais ok with corrupted government


A latest survey reveals that many Thai people would accept a crooked government if it can make the country prosper and raise their standard of living.

The Abac Poll Research Centre conducted a survey on people's well-being, involving 1,228 households in 17 provinces nationwide.

84.5 per cent viewed that corruption in businesses would not be unusual and 51.2 per cent said they would tolerate a corrupted government if it can improve the country and their well-being.

73.9 per cent agreed that living self-sufficiently can help ease the economic crisis.

On the continuing border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, 84.6 per cent wanted both sides to negotiate peacefully and jointly improve the regional economy. 4.8 per cent wanted either side to use force to solve the problem.

52.9 per cent supported the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship's anti-government rallies under the condition that they must be held peacefully.

16.3 per cent said they would support the UDD unconditionally. 21.1 per cent opposed the group.


Anonymous said...

This clearly shows that Cambodians have a higher tendency toward military solution. Shame Khmer, not a peace loving nation, no wonder wars and destructions go on and on without stop on this narrow land.

Anonymous said...

View from Thai people wants peace solution, but top Thai leader use it unilateral map to violate Cambodian territory by sending the troop to the border and claim it is an overlapping area or disputed area. The act of sending troop to Cambodian territory by Thailand is not considered as a peaceful nation that makes me difficult to believe that Thai people want peace solution. If it is the issue of map, and if Thailand really wants peace as its people want, then, it is not necessary to send to troop to the border of Preah Vihear. Thailand, a country of highly diplomatic, can bring this issue to an international court again to claim about its own map.

But according to my observation, it is Thailand intension to exercise its military power to threaten the small country for its economic benefit without any legal ground.

From Mr.Green, Montpellier, France

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​កូនក្រកយួនសាច់ងាប់ (dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងមកបៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា​ឯង
ចាក់រុកឆារឆៅ ខ្មែរ រកប្រយោជន៏ឱយ អាយួនស្រកី
នោះ។ កុំធ្វើដូច ម៉ែអាឯងរវល់តែដើរធ្វើសំផឹង​នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ណា៎អាភីភីយូ (PPU)!​មកផ្ទះយើង​
នៅហាណូយ (Hanoi) បៀមក្ដឪ អាឯងលេងវិញ

ពីអញឪអាភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Viens PPU, viens ici et succer le "CocK" de ton Papa...d'accord?

Ton Papa, PPU.

Unofficial translation of the above comments in Khmer and French:

[Hey you little susage dead meat PPU, come and suck your Daddy's dick you Son of a bitch, quit going around harassing, trashing and sabotageing Khmer's readers on KI-Media in favor of the The Viet Kantorp, okay? DOn't you know that your mother has been busy prostituting in Cambodia, PPU? PPU, you'd be better off coming to our Hanoi home and suck your Daddy's dick...

From me your Daddy, PPU

Come PPU, come and suck your Papa's dick, agreed?

Your Papa]

Anonymous said...

This survey shows that 15.4% of Thai people know that Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia and they do not think of joint management. It is also shows that 84.6% of Thai people are still confused about their own history and also greedy.

Anonymous said...

3:31Pm were your parents drop you head first in the pit of shit! Or are you just stupip like them?

May the lier get kill by cancer!