Saturday, June 27, 2009

Border tense ahead of Suthep visit

June 27, 2009
The Nation

Thai Second Army Region commander Lt-General Wiboonsak Neeparn said the situation along the border was very tense, with the two sides faced off against each other.

"Policy-makers in the two countries should quickly find a solution to the problem," he said.

If the situation escalates further, that could mean more violence, the commander said.

Wiboonsak said Thai troops in the area would not initiate a clash but would be prepared to retaliate if Cambodia opened fire first.

However, Thai Army chief General Anupong Paochinda said the situation was unlikely to result in a skirmish as long as commanders on both sides maintained contact with each other.

Tensions have been mounting along the border near the Hindu temple since last week, when the Thai government decided to maintain its objection to Preah Vihear's World Heritage inscription.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ordered Natural Resource and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti to submit a complaint to the 33rd session of the World Heritage Committee in Spain this week and asked Deputy PM Suthep to clear the stance with Cambodia.

Abhisit yesterday said in Beijing, where he was on an official visit, that Thailand's objection to the Preah Vihear inscription had nothing to do with Cambodia, but rather with the World Heritage Committee.

Pongpol Adireksarn, a former chairman of Thailand's own World Heritage Committee, said Thai complaints were useless, because they had come too late and would not be placed on the agenda.

The latest tensions stem from the government tying the inscription to the boundary issue, even though the two matters have no connection and linking them upsets Cambodia, he said.

Suthep yesterday insisted he would visit Cambodia today as planned to mend the rift, despite Hun Sen saying Preah Vihear would be off the table.

He said Hun Sen had to make such a statement to protect Cambodia's interests and that it was an internal affair.

"No problem. I won't intervene in Cambodia's internal affairs, but rather will go to make friends and reduce border tensions," Suthep told reporters.

The two neighbours can cooperate constructively for mutual benefit, he said.

"I won't discuss any issue that could lead to further disputes," Suthep added.

Hun Sen on Thursday said he would not discuss a Thai idea for joint nomination of the Hindu temple, but rather only a withdrawal of Thai troops from Cambodian territory.

Suthep said the Army could handle the situation on the ground at the border.

The ongoing dispute at the border near Preah Vihear has sparked two border skirmishes - one last October and the other in April - leaving seven soldiers on both sides dead.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen regime is not different from KR. His goal is to privatize Cambodia and sell it to Vietnam at the end. Starting from recent lifting opposition immunity to sentencing of Hang Chakra benefit nothing to the nation, but to silence all those critics and defame Cambodia in the world stage.

Hun Sen's alternative is to eliminate SRP and his team-works, and support another opposition party (may be Human Rights Party, only the name of this party already shows its intent to eliminate human rights NGOs in Cambodia) that can lick Hun Sen's d-i-c-k.

But how Hun Sen can go far and divert the rife happening inside the CPP?

Hun Sen's step to bully oppositions and Hang Chakra is just his habit to indirectly warm his internal opponents.

After Hun Sen died, Cambodia will be fully controlled by Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

សៀមវាភ្លេចថានៅពេលនេះ មានកូនខ្មែរ
ក្រៅប្រទេស ហើយកំពុងតាមដានដើម្បី
សញ្ជាតិ បារាំង អាមេរិកាំង អូស្រ្តាលី
កាណាដា ជាដើមនឺងចុៈមកប្រាប់តាម
ច្បាំងនឹងបារាំង អាមេរិក អូស្រ្តាឡី កាណាដា
បើសៀមវាយព្រៈវិហារ ខ្មែរ​រួបរួមគ្នា
ពុទ្ធទំនាយទាយទុកថា បាងកករលុំ
ភ្នំពេញរីករាយ សៀមបែកខ្ចាត់ខ្ចាយ

Anonymous said...

អាសាច់ងាប់​(dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាចុយម៉្រាយ អាឯងនឹងត្រូវ​ខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់ជាតិពឹត
ប្រាកដ​សំឡាប់​ចោល​ទំលាក់ទឹកទន្លេ បួនមុខ ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ។
ពីអញ ឪអា ភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Anonymous said...

Mais oui, pour de bon on doit éliminer ce fils de pute, ce salaud PPU.

Anonymous said...

4:02 AM, NO. I don't think so. Thai PM came to power by shameless means. Hun Sen came to power by elections. AND, of course, no losers in developing countries accept the results.

Thai is super-power in terms of population size and number of educated people, but Thai leaders are not skillful in doing their jobs. Hun Sen was not well educated, but his natural skills keep him in power for decades. He knows what laws or agreements are, but Thai leaders do not, unfortuately.


Anonymous said...

ah/mee Surya,
Ah HUN SEN knows squat; ah HUN SEN must do what the Freaking Viet commie tells him to do or else! Don't be freaking pretending that you don't know because the world knows that already...are you one of the freaking Viet commie's slave, ah/mee Surya?

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​កូនក្រកយួនសាច់ងាប់ (dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងមកបៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា​ឯង
ចាក់រុកឆារឆៅ ខ្មែរ រកប្រយោជន៏ឱយ អាយួនស្រកី
នោះ។ កុំធ្វើដូច ម៉ែអាឯងរវល់តែដើរធ្វើសំផឹង​នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ណា៎អាភីភីយូ (PPU)!​មកផ្ទះយើង​
នៅហាណូយ (Hanoi) បៀមក្ដឪ អាឯងលេងវិញ

ពីអញឪអាភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Anonymous said...

លោកPPU មិនឃើញជ្រលក់មាត់ដូចសព្វមួយដង ។ លោកគឺជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលខ្វះសេចក្តីថ្លៃថ្នូរ ដែលតែងតែប្រើពាក្យសំដីអសុរសដាក់គេដាក់ឯង ។ តើលោកមានដែលគិតទេថា នៅពេលដែលលោកឯងប្រើពាក្យសំដីដ៏ស្មោគគ្រោគដាក់គេនោះ វាកំពុងតែបង្ហាញពីភាពគ្មានពូជអំបូររបស់លោកកាន់តែខ្លាំងឡើង ។ លោករៀនសូត្របានប៉ុណ្ណេះ នៅតែមានអាកប្បកិរិយាគ្រោតគ្រាតប៉ុណ្ណឹង ចុះទម្រាំមិនបានរៀនសូត្រទៀត លោកប្រហែលជាមិនខុសពីសត្វស្វាក្នុងព្រៃទេ ។


Anonymous said...

hun sen came to power by Youn instalaion. idiot Youn's dog. even the dogs in Srok khmer never vote for hun sen....

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen regime is very different from KR. His goal is not to privatize Cambodia nor sell it to Vietnam at the end. Starting from recent lifting opposition immunity to sentencing of Hang Chakra benefit do a lot good to the nation, and to silence all those critics and defame Cambodia in the world stage is a must.

Hun Sen's alternative is to eliminate SRP and his Seim supporters, and oppose another opposition party (may be Human Rights Party, only the name of this party already shows its intent to eliminate Seim supporters and NGOs in Cambodia).

But how Hun Sen can go far and unit people inside the CPP?

Hun Sen's step to bully oppositions, the Seim supporters and Hang Chakra is better for our country and bring above peace in internal policies.

After Hun Sen died, Cambodia still be Cambodia and will not control by Vietnam or Seim.


Anonymous said...

Long lives Khmer leaders, politicisns and ministers. I don't know how much you love your Khmer nation but one thing I understand is you protact Khmer interest.
Keep fulfile your task to protect Khmer all.
Long lives you are !!!

Anonymous said...

Soon Hun Sen is will come. Tevada watching him everydays, so it never last and suffering more than his have been hurt people.

We should protect our people and Nation. Please need to act to Free us from the regime abuse.

Anonymous said...

Be together Khmer compatriots! Siem leader fail at UNESCO meeting twice:
1) fail to convince this meeting to consider their calim to be discussed - i.e. their propsal was rejected and not included in the agenda
2) fail to block Cambodian representatives in the WHC.

This is very shameful for Siem leaders and some of their extremist nationalists.

If Siem wants to build good relationship with Cambodia, they have to first abondant their shameless thought of getting Preah Vihear back; 2) accept the border treaty between Siem and French. Then they will have aopporutnity by gaining tourist atraction from their side. If they coninued with the agressive and invasive aim, no way that Cambodian peple will stand and watch. Siem can see in the History on how Cambodia fight back to all invading nations: Youn, Siem (themselves) French, American, Chines, Youn, Russian etc. Youn has been trapped in Cambodia in the 1980's and so far they are still collecting their soldier's bones back. Some international wirters descibed the situation at that time as a Vietnam's Vietnam War. This time if Siemese, by mistake/purpose, invade Cambodia, the nationalist wisdoms among Khmer people are much much stronger and they will face a serious consequences. You can see how fast their Embassy was destroyed in 2003. All Siemese business persons who invst in Cambodia have to pressure their government and people to change attitude otherwaise you will lose everything. This not include your other enemies such as Burma, Malyasia and Laos. Thos countries are the victim of Siemes Leaders' invasive and agressive ambition/policy. Don't be stupid Siemes leader/king!

I finish now and let other to share their view.

Anonymous said...

5:46 AM

Who are you trying to move? Me or Ah Scum Rainsy?


Anonymous said...

Death to a dictatorship government and a puppet of Vietnam