Friday, June 19, 2009

Cambodia creating 'AIDS village'

Friday, June 19, 2009
ABC Radio Australia

Human rights groups have condemned the Cambodian Government for evicting 20 HIV-affected families from their homes.

Officials say the families had illegally settled on state land where the government wants to build new offices for the Ministry of Tourism.

But Amnesty International spokeswoman Sarah Marland says they are being segregated because they have HIV.

"They have been moved into little buildings made of green metal sheets," she said.

"They look distinct from other homes in the area, so it's already being referred to as the 'AIDS village'.

"You can imagine the stigma and discrimination these people are already facing."


Anonymous said...

hey, no discrimination on hiv/aids patient! this is a form of segregation, to say the least. hiv/aids patients already have enough to worry; they don't need discrimination, segregation, stigma, etc in their lives, ok!

Anonymous said...

i'm not a bit surprise as cambodia have a history of discrimination, segregation, etc... nothing new, really. take leprosy, for example, cambodia way of preventing the spread of such disease is to isolate them on an island on the mekong or something, so, now it's hiv/aids. however, let's don't forget as well that with hiv/aids disease, it knows no discrimination, meaning anyone and anybody can get it if not careful or use precautions when having sexual contacts, blood transfusion, exchange of bodily fluid, clean needles, etc, etc... hiv/aids does not spread through casual contact like eat together sharing the bathroom, doing the laundry together, etc, etc... unless there's a cut or open sore, etc on the infected person. plus, hiv/aids virus don't live long when expose to air, maybe like less than one minute. please learn more about the hiv/aids virus and mode of tramsmission before have unfound fears of it. please get the facts, first. thank you.