Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cambodia finds cash to re-hire TV pundit as [soccer] coach

PHNOM PENH, June 4 (Reuters) - Former television soccer pundit Scott O'Donell has returned as coach of Cambodia after the penniless Southeast Asian strugglers secured enough cash to bring him back.

The Australian lost his coaching job in December 2007 after the sponsors paying his salary pulled the plug on funding for the ragtag team, who have never won a trophy and sit 179th in the FIFA rankings.

"I'm happy to be back," O'Donell told Reuters. "I signed a one-year contract. We'll take it from there and see how it goes."

(Reporting by Ek Madra; Editing by Martin Petty and Ian Ransom)

1 comment:

Khmer soccer said...

Who the hell is this fucking guy? You are really shit, as the money is so important than your honor? You have leaded Khmer soccer team for couple years, but the team never won any price or award!

You are so incompetent coach!
Let's go back to your shit country, and no need to come back when we have the money for you.

Hey, why Olympic committee don't change this guy, and hire another better coach?

Shit Scott O'Donell!