Monday, June 22, 2009

Cambodian opposition MPs stripped of parliamentary immunity

Monday, June 22, 2009
Liam Cochrane

Cambodia's National Assembly has voted to remove the parliamentary immunity of two opposition MPs, in a move criticised by a human rights group as an attack on the role of the political opposition.

Two members of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party - former Minister of Women's Affairs, Mu Sochua and Phnom Penh municipality representative, Ho Vann - had their immunity stripped in a single show-of-hands vote by the National Assembly.

Without immunity, Mu Sochua now faces a defamation charge from the Prime Minsiter Hun Sen, while Ho Vann is being sued for defamation by senior military officials.

Mu Sochua says the decision is a sign democracy is going backwards in Cambodia and says she is prepared to go to jail, rather than pay a fine to the Prime Minister, if found guilty.


Anonymous said...

One eyed bandit will taste his own medecine one day.

Anonymous said...

useless NA.....a tool for Hun Sen nothing else nothing new.....what a moron.....

Anonymous said...

The UN and the international communities must act now to stop this dictator in disguise to operate under their nose.

Anonymous said...

I think anybody's being disproportionately and partially unreasonable here by lambasting and berating the CPP. The mere fact that the rule of law is being applied to ensure that the law is tenaciously adhered--not to be contravened. The contravention of law will ineluctably place one in a draconian quagmire, and it's critically imperative that everyone understands.


Anonymous said...

Imagine an opposition member talk about Hun Sen's wife the way Hun Sen himself talked about Ms. Mu Sochua.
What would happened to the MP?
His Parliament Immunity would be lifted.
This is the Precedent, no one in the future dare criticize the government because they will be sued for defamation. So what is it? They are bad, corrupt, incompetence but you to keep praising them for doing a good job for the exchange for freedom?
This parliament behave like a gangster now.

Anonymous said...

One thing I can say to everyone is: I always have faith in our judicial system, and justice has been served.


Anonymous said...

What else is ah PPU Viet's slave going to say?

KI-Media ought to lift ah PPU's ummunity of free speech by just erasing his comments here on KI-Media.

Anonymous said...

Well, Don't blame me for I am of course the son of a slut, adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, and loose woman Viet...

Let it be known that I have a mission here and that is to destroy KI-Media for the benefit and welfare of the CPP new Viet-khmer people under the leadership of Hun Sen, got that?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The mere fact that I'm here because I want to excercise my responsible freedom of sppech.

Does anyone have problems with that?


Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up motherfucker PPU