Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cambodian troops pushed Thai soldiers to leave O’Chak Chreng

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

An official from the army front headquarter told the Koh Santepheap newspaper that Cambodian troops had pushed 10 Thai soldiers to leave Hill 600, also known in Khmer as O’Chak Chreng, as these soldiers appear to be reinforcement troops to the 30 Thai troops who are already stationed there. The presence of Thai soldiers in O’Chak Chreng, located at elevation 600-meter on the Dangrek Mountain chain, caused surprise at the beginning of last month, in fact, Thai soldiers entered this area almost 1 year already, since 15 July 2008 when Thai soldiers led their aggression in the area near Preah Vihear temple. In 2008, only police officers were guarding the border, and these officers were only able to patrol the foothill. When Cambodian soldiers from battalion 8 came to replace the border police officers, during their patrol along the top of the mountain, Cambodian soldiers discovered the presence of Thai soldiers there. One army official indicated: “We are maintaining our position: these 10 Thai soldiers must pull back. Those were the terms of the negotiation on 02 June. At the end, Thai soldiers agreed to pull out.”


Anonymous said...

Get The Fuck Out You STupid Fucking Siem..............FUCK THAILAND

Anonymous said...

Border conflict between Thailand & Cambodia is similar to Land disputes in Cambodia while Authority and Tycoon/Powerful men send troops (police PM Armed forces) to pull people out of their lands... in order to grab....

Excellency Bandit PhD General Oknha Achar Knoy-PhDs from Pahok Chamroeurn Avichea PPenh, Cambodia

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cambodia must upgraded their military power is the only way to stand up against agressor neighbors...