
Her Excellency Carol Rodley
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the United States of America
No. 1 Street 96
Sangkat Wat Phnom
Khan Daun Penh, Phnom-Penh
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you as one Ambassador to another in the hope that you might reflect upon the remarks you made at the “Clean Hand” concert at the National Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh on May 30 which you will doubtless be aware have caused both controversy and offence.
While I happily pay tribute to your distinguished contribution to the Foreign Service of the United States of America over many years including as Deputy Chief of Mission at the American Embassy in Cambodia, I am both surprised and disappointed that you should choose to make such inflammatory comments.
I know this is your first posting as Ambassador and that you only took up your appointment in October 2008. However, I am sure you will be familiar with the overriding principle to which diplomats of all countries normally adhere (particularly Ambassadors), namely that we seek to maintain neutrality at all costs and refrain from commenting on the internal affairs of the nation to which we have been appointed envoy. If I may say so, this principle would seem to have served the worldwide community rather well over many years.
While you are of course entitled to your personal opinions, the danger of expressing them publicly is that they can be interpreted as being politically motivated which immediately compromises your reputation as an impartial observer of Cambodia and an honoured guest.
In this instance there is the possibility that you may be seen by some as having allied yourself with the discredited views of the international pressure group Global Witness which continually engages in virulent and malicious campaigns against the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Your remarks would also appear to contradict what we were told was a refreshing new approach to foreign policy by the United States, initiated by President Barack Obama and already being embraced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; to forge constructive new relationships with other nations based on mutual trust and respect.
I hope that you will now reconsider your remarks - which appear to have been based on misinformation - and take urgent steps to clarify your position.
Needless to say I am more than happy to discuss this matter further with you and by whatever means of communication you prefer.
With kind regards
Hor Nambora
Ambassador of Cambodia to the Court of St James’s
London, United Kingdom
While I happily pay tribute to your distinguished contribution to the Foreign Service of the United States of America over many years including as Deputy Chief of Mission at the American Embassy in Cambodia, I am both surprised and disappointed that you should choose to make such inflammatory comments.
I know this is your first posting as Ambassador and that you only took up your appointment in October 2008. However, I am sure you will be familiar with the overriding principle to which diplomats of all countries normally adhere (particularly Ambassadors), namely that we seek to maintain neutrality at all costs and refrain from commenting on the internal affairs of the nation to which we have been appointed envoy. If I may say so, this principle would seem to have served the worldwide community rather well over many years.
While you are of course entitled to your personal opinions, the danger of expressing them publicly is that they can be interpreted as being politically motivated which immediately compromises your reputation as an impartial observer of Cambodia and an honoured guest.
In this instance there is the possibility that you may be seen by some as having allied yourself with the discredited views of the international pressure group Global Witness which continually engages in virulent and malicious campaigns against the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Your remarks would also appear to contradict what we were told was a refreshing new approach to foreign policy by the United States, initiated by President Barack Obama and already being embraced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; to forge constructive new relationships with other nations based on mutual trust and respect.
I hope that you will now reconsider your remarks - which appear to have been based on misinformation - and take urgent steps to clarify your position.
Needless to say I am more than happy to discuss this matter further with you and by whatever means of communication you prefer.
With kind regards
Hor Nambora
Ambassador of Cambodia to the Court of St James’s
London, United Kingdom
Baby Hor 5 just wanted US dollars, not a say in the RGC's corrupted affairs. Sorry, its American taxpayers' money here. If you are so good, why remain as a begger. When your gov't depend largely on donors' money, then live with it. It's part of the package. Get it!
Hi HO 5 BOra,
do u think are u self neutral? You always bark for yourn regime. You just want protect your self and your familie but not khmer nation. In my opion the speach of Mrs ambassador of USA is corect.
Would you shut up please and go to bed.
Baby Hor Bora need something in his mouth to shut him up. All babies does shut up when fed.
Baby bora need to BE fed even he is at his age now. LOL
This idiot acts like communist and talks like one. He sound like one naive mother fucker. If you are willing to spend the US money, you need to shut up and lisent to the lectures or else stop begging.
Hor5 bora your reaction seem gone too far , You are Cambodia embassy in UK not in US , Carol is US embassy in Cambodia , It's should be Cambodia embassy in US to react not you , Your react show that you try to silent whoever that reveal the black spot behind your dad's government ( Well Cambodia is not a everyone 's government now it's belong to HS and his cronies ) ? Why don't you face with it and find way to solve it ? You are embassy I believe you not stupid right ? :)
I would like to encourage Khmer over sea as well as Khmer in Srok to write and congratulate her excellency for skoaling Khmer government. Her critism should be welcomed and appreciated from all Khmer around the world.
Baby Hor,
Sounds like your daddy, Commie Papa Hor got pissed and made you write this statement. Once again little Baby Hor, your job description requires you to be an ambassador for the Royal Cambodian Government in the United Kingdom. Let your daddy and the ambassador for the Royal Cambodian Government in the US do their own talking. So do us a favor Baby Hor, stick a bottle in your mouth and shut up.
What does breach diplomatic rules mean?
What are the rules? Can anyone explain?
Mr. Babe Ho 5 bora is stupid. He has never known that his reactionary letter is out of boundary. He should learn more about diplomatic task.
He has always written reactionary letters in which are contradict to the reality.
I am very appreciate with Ambassador Carol Rodley who stood up on behalf of Cambodians. Every Cambodian has well perceived about the rampant corruption in Cambodia, but they dare not stand up. Even though, an American Ambassador's speech has been reprimanded, Cambodian people will be terribly in fear to talk about wrong behavior of your corrupt government.
Ambassador Rodley has full rights to articulate this constructive speech. Why your government don't pay gratitude to her speech or exceed to handle with corruption? But why your government has taken in this stupid reactionary step? You should not fool Cambodian people again and again like this.
Ambassador Rodley has been aware of US's aids were paid by American tax and the corruption in Cambodia has tremendously depleted US's interests.
Your letter is nothing important. Your letter is just a piece of puppet commies, a shrimp brain and ignorant.
Regardless of where you are residing, corruptions are everywhere if you were to follow the money trail; whethere it is there in Cambodia or here in America, the question is about tranparency of those activities that kept surfacing into the public eyes. Nevertheless, the US is not a donor recipients or begger nation, but when compare, we see that Cambodia is not in position to challenge what Ms. Carol claimed. She has been appointed to observe the situations in Cambodia and to advise the Cambodian government as to what issues are most critical to Cambodia for rectification and I strongly believe Ms. Carol has sufficient evidence to back up those allegations. In the name of promoting "clean hand" Cambodian government ought to come clean and admit that mistakes were made and that solutions are the next best thing. If CPP wants to win election in the future, CPP must stand on neutral ground and to never forget what had happened to former President Marcus in Phillipine...it too...can happen to Cambodia and its leaders. Each and everyone of us has a bag given to us by God, the more sin we put into our bag the worst it gets each day as we live into the future and this also apply to each and every Cambodian leaders. Please come clean and stop filling your bag with your sin, soon that bag will be filled with sinful acts, by that time it is too late to save you or your family. Next stop...PRISION.
I thank you.
This idiot Baby Hor tried to patronize the Honorable US Embassador who earned her post through years of hard work in the diplomatic corps. On the contrary, Baby Hor got his post because of his daddy, Hor 5 Hong. This Baby Hor has no shame in his body.
អាចោលម្រ៉ាយ ហោ ណាំ បូរ៉ា មិនដឹងជាកើតមក
នាំតែពិបាកប្រហោងក្ដិតម៉ែវាអី នេះសុទ្ធតែពួកអា
youn ចុយម៉ែវា អាងាប់តែនឹង រន្ដះបាញ់៕
5 Bora would say anything he's told to.
ho bora can you sleep at night when you see and you know that more than 85% of Khmer population are dirt poor and struggling for daily life.
from now on you should learn how to respect people not just your own profits.You should learn good works from the country where you reside.
Whore NamBok,
You need to shut the f*ck up, A-hole. Unlike you who known Hun Sen's cocksucker and beggar of job and teller of lies, Madam Rodley speak nothing but the truth. Americans in general are world class people, unlike a scum and a scammer as you, Whore NamBok. One of their guiding principles is to do for their country (America). What have you done for Cambodia, Whore NamBok? Nothing. Whatever you have done is to defend the Butcher Hun Sen in power. Who have ever heard that after more than 30 years, the great majority of the Cambodian people are still the poorest people on the planet earth? So what have you done for Cambodia, Whore NamBok? I have seen the like of you abroad who does nothing but going around with young girls and eating Chinese noodles. Take a look at yourself before challenging Madame Rodley. She spoke the truth and the truth will remain that Cambodia is the most corrupted country on earth as long as it is run by the like of you. So shut the f*ck up, A-hole.
ho5 5 must stay out of mrs carole rodley's way. What are you babbling about hor 5? Let her do her job as an american ambassador. carole rodley simply wanted to help cambodia solve corruption problem. So stay out, hor 5.
I am learning to be cunny like my father, so that i can take his position when he is retired.
this is how new breed prepared to take over and serve master YOUN.
chkout sot
you whore nam bora , if you can't handle the truth or take criticism from anyone , you need to get your ass out of the public office and stop barking . the united states gives millions of dollars a year to your government so she has the right to criticize your government for corruptions and that's right true . if you think there no corrution in your government , you must be stupid, but if you believe there is corrutions in your goverment , you need to clean it up instead of avoiding it because you can't hide it
It shows how much the Royal Cambodian gov't knows about diplomacy. Mr. Hor 5 Bora would have done himeself and perhaps the country a favor by not sticking his head out where it don't belong.
His old man should smack him in the head a couple times there.
Stupid Bora.
I just can't believe we have such a idiot embassador that work at UK and complainst about US embassador to Cambodia. Mrs. Rodley earned her position from her experiences and hard working, how about you idiot? have you start your work from regular employees or you just start work on this position because of your Khmer Rouge dad?. You are lone worries about your families you never care about all khmer people. Mrs. Rodley is 100% correct! I am strongly support her expression. Being a Cambodia people I am so ashame that our govenment surving by begger money from the world and load from every where, and who's going to pay for that debt? is that you or your families? ah Bora?.
You should see his 5Bora's wife. Nothing more than selling diamond. She is fucking up with diamond. Corrupt both husband and wife.
Ambassador Carol Rodley
Embassy of The United States of America
No 1 Street 96
Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh-Cambodia
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Dear Madame Ambassador,
I am writing this letter in response to Ambassador Hor Nambora’s letter to you, “…I am both surprised and disappointed that you should choose to make such inflammatory comments.”
When ordinary Cambodians speak out about corruption, eviction or elections, we are often ignored and threatened. We have been robbed of our thinking, speaking and self-expressing for the past 30 years. And for the first time in a long time, when I heard your bold and direct speech at Clean Hand Concert, it was like you have hit the home run in the bottom of the 9th inning. My heart pounded with joys and emotion.
Your comments, Madame Ambassador, were not and are not inflammatory at all. Actually, they are encouraging and inspiring to me and to many other Cambodians to stand up and take responsibility for their country.
However, your comments only disappoint and inflame those such as the Prime Minister, Ambassador Hor Nambora, Senior Minister Om Yentieng who do not see and think the way we do and who see reality as a threat. These people are those of the past.
I thank you for helping my government and my country.
Cambodian youth
Ah son of bitch, motherfuckers, asshole, what were you commenting above?
Pi anh : SRP senior member
Ms. Rodley is right with her speech on May 30th 2009,( i support that speech 100%)
i have known one of Cambodian official. i visited him in 2006. He had a big villa in Kandal, another was being built at Jrouy Jank Va and another old house at Kbal Thtal. At one of the villa he has two cooks,Two gardeners, two cars and a driver. I asked him what was his salary to own so many properties? he told me $250.00 per month. So where the money come from???
The money that help Cambodia came from tax payers. we are the people who work really hard. we don't mind to help poor Cambodians, but we don't want to see our money go to those corruptors. It is time to clean them up or stop give them any more money. if want to help poor Cambodian hand money to them directly.
Ah stupid 1:33AM, why you don't tell your asshole stories to your motherfucker?
Pi anh: SRP senior member
1:49am U R son of Mee Samphoeung Youn Ah Rot Ah Rai sucking Ah Ong Ying Tieng dick.
Pi em : Mem Som On
1:02AM and 1:49 AM
you are a scum in a toilet bottom.
Two thumbs up for Cambodian Youth. Your bold and thoughtful comments mean so much to all Cambodians in and outside. Thank you.
Ah son of bitch, motherfucker 2:08 AM, 2:29 AM what were you talking about asshole?
Pi anh: SRP senior member
2:33 AM,
You're a FAKE SRP senior member, but ah kone me Sam phoeung Yuon came along Viet troops led by ah Sok KOng, and invaded and raped Khmer resources of all kinds.
Tonle Sap had no more fish did you see that ? Angkor Wat owned by ah Sok Kong, ex- Viet Cong general.
Her Excellency Carol Rodley's comments stroke at the heart of this innffectious corrupt pratices regime. So far they have enjoyed the full support of foriegn donnors and the UN in particular. The question we should ask then why should the regime that continue to haunt the poor Cambodian with its totalitarian conduct and caused so much destruction to Cambodian natural resources, continue to receive support? What are Donnors community need to do to avoid being seem as a colaborator to this regime?
Enough is enough these Nations are smart enough not to be fooled by this Communist regime. They stole so much from the nation.
The UN should stop fostering the nation of dictators
Ah son of bitch, motherfucker 6:01 AM, 2:18 PM, are you asshole mentally ill?
Pi anh: SRP senior member
Nav nav.. Miss 3;33pm.
Don't forget to say your prayers, before you sleep, horny.
3:33pm you 're son of bitch ,motherfucker,is
your parents& mentally ill?
Pi anh:SRP senior member
Manet better watch out, without his dad HS being around, HNbor will be a cut-throat competitor who will knock him out for power at any given opportunity and time. From his look and writing, HNB is a like a persistent, menace Yietcong fighter.
How a disgrace to cambodia when Hor Nambora, Ambassador of Cambodia to the Court of St James’s London, United Kingdom took the liberty to point out to another ambassador what to do or not to do from another side of the ocean.
If there is something wrong happen in Phnom Penh, it should be the role of the prime minister or the Foreign Minister in post to act.
What a morron to act this way!!!
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