Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Corruption allegations at the ECCC: a Defence Team refers the matter to the Municipal Court

Phnom Penh (Cambodia), 08/01/2009. Michiel Pestman, Defence Lawyer at the ECCC. (Photo: Vandy Rattana)

By Stéphanie Gée

The Defence Team for Nuon Chea, considered to be the ideologist of the Khmer Rouge regime and charged by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), tried to submit a criminal complaint on Thursday January 8th to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. Its goal? Having the legal body examine the allegations of corruption which appeared within the Khmer Rouge Tribunal but have not been concretely followed up yet. This approach is a never before seen and stands out among other examples of international criminal courts which, unlike the ECCC, are placed entirely under the responsibility of the United Nations.

Nuon Chea's Defence Team explained they were “victims of violations of the 1992 UNTAC Criminal Code and/or analogous provisions contained in any other applicable Cambodian penal code”. More precisely, the complainants, who claim to be acting on their own behalf and not on behalf of their client, “alleged that institutional corruption at the ECCC could undermine the fundamental right to a fair trial”. “The allegations are very serious... We are seriously worried about the legitimacy of the Court.”

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Anonymous said...

This Pestman is really a pest. But he is doing a great job.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Screw ah "Koy Pichet".

Anonymous said...

Hello Extraordinary Cambodia Corrupt Court (ECCC). I bet this KRT won't befinished until at least 500 million or billion dollars of USD to each of your pocket.