Wednesday, June 17, 2009

CPP Cheam Yeap’s reaction to UN OHCHR’s statement: Deny! Deny! Deny!

CPP official’s reaction to UN statement

16 June 2009
By Zakariya
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

One CPP official reacted to the statement issued by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rigths (OHCHR) which indicated that the used of defamation and disinformation lawsuits seriously affect the freedom of expression as guaranteed by the Cambodian Constitution for the development of democracy.

CPP MP Cheam Yiep, the chairman of the National Assembly (NA) permanent committee, said that Cambodia cannot bring down democracy because the government is strengthening democracy. He said that the UN statement is unacceptable because every Cambodian citizen has the right to sue.

Cheam Yiep said: “The UN representative in Cambodia needs to have clear check and balance also, he should not adopt these minor preventions and consider everything to be at fault.”

On 15 June, the UN OHCHR issued a statement indicating that the numerous lawsuits brought up by high level Cambodian government officials against government critics, including politicians, reporters and civil society officials are too extreme and they are unreasonable. These lawsuits are serious threat to the development of democracy in Cambodia.

Ou Virak, President of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said his organization and a number of other NGOs recently issued a joint statement which bears the same conclusions as those published by the UN OHCHR, especially in regards to the backward progress of democracy in Cambodia. He said that he really regrets that the government refuses to acknowledge the truth.

Ou Virak said: “This is an application of the law that is contrary to the goal of democracy and human rights, and it is also contrary to International law, as well as the Cambodian Constitution which is the supreme law of the land in Cambodia.

Kul Panha, Comfrel executive director, said that, in spite of the fact that fear and a drop in freedom of expression exist right now, he hopes that the government will redress all these points.

Up to now, the number of politicians, NGO officials and reporters who were sued by the government has reached 8, and some of these people have also fled the country.

In the afternoon of 15 June, the NA permanent committee decided to submit the case of the suspension of SRP MP Mu Sochua’s immunity to the NA vote at the beginning of next week.

Nevertheless, the UN OHCHR indicated also that the lifting of parliamentary immunity, or the threat to lift the parliamentary immunity to instill fear destroy the value of the parliamentarian immunity for members of parliament.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Cheam Yiep, you're quite right that everyone has the right to sue. That is the right way. However, in Cambodia, only CPP's lawsuits are accepted by your corrupted, inapt, powerless, non-independent court system that always listens to the CPP big shots and money. Need I say more?