Monday, June 15, 2009

CPP-controlled National Assembly to rush Mu Sochua’s immunity suspension on Monday

15 June 2009
Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The dealing of SRP MP Mu Sochua is progressing forward. Cheam Yeap, the [CPP] chairman of the National Assembly (NA) permanent committee claimed to Rasmei Kampuchea yesterday that the NA permanent committee will meet in the afternoon of Monday 15 June to decide on the suspension of Mrs. Mu Sochua’s immunity. Cheam Yeap confirmed that this decision will be taken by the NA permanent committee itself and there is no need to wait for a NA plenary session at all.

This decision is the same as the one taken against opposition leader Sam Rainsy when the court asked for the suspension of his parliamentary immunity a few months ago. Cheam Yeap declared that this is not a lifting of immunity, but that it is only a decision to suspend her immunity that is why the NA permanent committee can make its decision in this manner. Cheam Yeap’s committee will report this case to the NA during the next NA plenary session.

In response to the decision to suspend Mrs. Mu Sochua’s parliamentary immunity, Mrs. Mu Sochua commented that she is not concerned about her personal safety, and neither will she flee. She confirmed that she has no fear whatsoever. Nevertheless, this opposition MP still continues to criticize the Cambodian justice system and she declared that what is happening to her show that there is no equity in the law, unlike what is stipulated in the Cambodian Constitution.

Civil society organizations are also showing their concerns. Hang Puthea, Executive Director of Nicfec, called on Cambodian politicians to be open-minded and to be understanding to each other in order to avoid such political dispute. Thun Saray, President of the Adhoc human rights organization, commented that the lawsuits between politicians not only show the murkiness of the progress of democracy in Cambodia, but it can also bring dishonor of Cambodia on the international arena as well.

Up to now, a number of lawsuits are being brought up, such as the one brought up the government lawyer against the opposition-leaning Khmer Machas Srok newspaper; the lawsuit against Sam Rainsy brought up by Kep Chuktema, Phnom Penh city governor; the lawsuits against Mrs. Mu Sochua and her lawyer brought up by Hun Sen’s government; the lawsuit brought up against high-ranking army officers against SRP MP Ho Vann.


Anonymous said...

Immunity suspension sounds not such a bad idea.

I'm for it!


Anonymous said...

Yep, you are also needed more vaseline.

Pimping Pussy University

Mi Sompeung Doss Koy!

Anonymous said...

This is a very sensitive case. It will indicate CPP next moves and political policies

Anonymous said...

To make it fair, the NA should strip Ah Kwack Xen immunity too. Ah Swa Xamrin must be totally blind.

Anonymous said...

Immediate immunity suspension is required and absolute necessary for the Cambodian people.


Anonymous said...

This (crazy)lady should not walk freely on public streets; she should serve her time in Prey Sar prison for her stupidity.


Anonymous said...

PPu scum of the earth

Anonymous said...

Agreed Immunity suspension to all opposition parties. They are nothing but, looking to be big boss. Get lost you double citizens.
Cambodia are not welcome you here. go back to France or what ever country you come from.

Anonymous said...

The proceeding should not be delayed! The faster, the better.


Anonymous said...

I am not surprise that ignorant people comment on KI-Media, low class an educated, come from the countryside or jungle who can not respect people's opinions and comments.

I commend Mu Sochua's stance on her lawsuit. She is standing up for equality and justice under the law. She is one courageous woman and I am glad that the whole world is taking notice of this case to see the real non-transparency in the Cambodian court system. Karma will get Hun Sen and all his cronies in some sort of way, so may Buddha protect her and bless her on her heroic efforts and fight.

Anonymous said...

Immunity suspension must be called immediately, and the proceeding of immunity suspension is absolutely necessary. The proceeding must not delay; time is of the essence.


Anonymous said...

i do not know what are behind the scene, but if keeping this to happen again and again... NA is just a tool for CPP, it is not represented the nation. people in internet community should do something to stop the manipulation of ruling party on NA and court..

Anonymous said...

Recently, I personally ooze enormous frustration due to the fact that this lady (lawmaker?)is unruly running on public streets making all sort of allegations against the CPP, and therefore, I should exude cheerfulness as her immunity suspension is complete.


Anonymous said...

--PPU = Pouk ah Pleu Un-educated

Anonymous said...

I am so disgusting with these ah mey ah thong blind supporters of cpp and yuon. If you are Khmer you are cheeper than dogs. If you are yuon that your duty to destroy Khmers.

Anonymous said...

4:59 PM

What are you whinning about?

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Does PPU = Pleu Phnong Un-educated ?

Anonymous said...


No, but PPU= Pleu Pleu Unam scum

Anonymous said...

I personally despise the whinning party and Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok Scum Rainsy. I can't imagine holding a candle into the wind; it's just not a good idea at all, yet it does not bother Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok Scum Rainsy, and for that reason, I'm still perplexedly confounded by their ignorance.


Anonymous said...

The hanoi/cpp have the history most currupted track-record mis-using the laws.

Shame on all them currupted official and hanoi.

Anonymous said...

If there's (are) corruption or scandals exist in Cambodia, the scope of corruption no where compare to the AIG, American Insurance Group (or Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed), and Citigroup.

These company's CEOs were not punished for their culpability, yet they were exculpated and handsomely rewarded with billions of dollars of taxpayers' money.


son of farmer said...

My beloved 3;02PM!

I strongly and totally agree with you.

Madame Mu Sochua is bravely climbing the first step of the fighting ladder's corruption, and only one of her patriotic bravery's attitude and mentality, Hun SenVarman and the CPP's bloodsucking parasites ain't increasingly afriad, but if the millions Khmer people in Srok Khmer are initially beginning to think as hers, therefore Hun SenVarman will be no longer pleasantfully jokeful and laughable!

Anonymous said...

I am glad of the CPP's action, because that just proved to the world Mu Sochua is right about Hun Sen. There is no true Democracy in Cambodia, but 100% dictatorship government. Having said that, we should not expect more from an uneducated one eye Khmer Rough leader like Hun Seen. Actually, we Khmer should pitty Hun Sen because his life totally depend on his master Youn. Youn will kill him if he decided to disobey.

Anonymous said...

sound to most KI-Readers that PPU is just a fake name pretend to be CPP's side, in fact, PPU could be the other side to make the short story longer.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what side he is on, he is an idiot. We don't know what his reall name is, but he sound like he is very unhappy with himself and he can use some psychotrophic medication or psychiatric case load.

Anonymous said...

2:29 AM

Resulting from neurological damages, Mr. 2:29 AM, you need a more detailed neurological evaluation and examination to ascertain any neurological abnormality, thus to forestall any hindrance of our important discussion.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

1.25 a.m.

That's an unequivocally impartial characterization of my character.


Anonymous said...

1:25 am, I think you are right about this idiot PPU. This guy must have no life. I also agree with 2:29 am, this guy sound very unhappy with himself and he must not have a lot of friends. I bet that he is currently taking a lot of psy. medication for his ADD. PPU, please forgive yourself for feeling the way you do about other people. It is not your fault for your poor up bringing, but rather your parents lack of education.