Monday, June 08, 2009

The door to the Indochinese Federation is now wide open: Vietnam and Cambodia to grow cooperation

Co-operation with Cambodia to grow

VNS (Hanoi)

HCM CITY — Relationships between Vietnamese and Cambodian border provinces have been consolidated for the prosperity and development of both countries, said Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem in HCM City yesterday.

Addressing the 5th meeting on co-operation and development between border provinces of the two countries, Khiem said that the solidarity and friendship between Viet Nam and Cambodia was the driver for the fine development of border provinces.

"Co-operation between these provinces has progressed significantly in various fields including economics, trade, investment and national defence," said Khiem.

He called on Vietnamese and Cambodian authorities from border provinces, ministries and sectors to review their co-operation and analyse advantages and disadvantages, as well as opportunities and challenges, in order to come up with measures to make their co-operation sustainable and efficient.

"That’s the way to improve people’s living conditions, maintain border security and the common security of the two nations," said Khiem.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng spoke highly of the traditional friendship and comprehensive linkages between the two neighbours.

He took the occasion to express his sincere thanks to Viet Nam for helping Cambodia overthrow the Khmer Rouge regime in the past.

"At present Viet Nam has enabled and encouraged Vietnamese investors to go to Cambodia to invest in trade, tourism and other areas" said Sar Kheng.

"Investment, trade, infrastructure development are now top priorities of both nations," he said.

In 2008, trade with Cambodia was recorded to be over $1 billion in value, an increase of 40 per cent compared to the previous year and accounting for about 70 per cent of the import, export turnover between the two countries.


Anonymous said...

The door of opportunity is quite narrow, don't you think.


Anonymous said...

I think I need to learn Vietnamese in the near future, just to get ready when I want to visit my relatives in Cambodia in a near future.

Anonymous said...

Oh my khmer MASTER BLOOD now where is the last drop of that blood?

Anonymous said...

There is no such a thing as "indochinese federation". It will only exist in your imagination. Remember...dream is not a reality. You are crazy to suggest such a thing of the past. Historically the viets have repeatedly violated border agreements with cambodia but they can never fool cambodian people with these kinds of propaganda.

Anonymous said...

11:34 AM

What a wonderful idea to enhance your diversity. I'm for it!


Anonymous said...

How can the Vietnamese violated the Khmer Krom terrority (as you claimed) since Khmer Krom is part of Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

What kind of products that Cambodia are trading with Viet Nam?
How many Viet Namese are living in Cambodia right now?
Do any Khmers or Khmers Krom have the same opportunity like the Viet in Cambodia.
In Khmer Krom Viet Cong take the lands from Khmers and then throw the owners in jail.

Anonymous said...

Slowly and surely the Kingdom will be swallowed by Youn as long as
Khmer still votes for Hun Sen.

Khmer in PP

Anonymous said...

Ho's dream of Real Estate Business in Cambodia via his 80 millions population is very smart and successful.

All other policies and cooperations are just the facade of Ho's plan.

Anonymous said...

Are you accusing the administration maintains a façade of enterprise proposition?


Anonymous said...

screw ah "Choy Marai" PPU!

Anonymous said...

7:08 AM

Do you know the differnce between light bulbs and you? You can always screw the light bubls, but when it comes a person like yourself -- yes, you Mr. 7.08 PM --you can't unscrew it.

Why don't you go and screw yourself for a change.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

PPU= Punk, Ph'leu, Uneducated,

Viet slave, his father an army general in Battambang is viet dog.

Like father like son, are enjoying Viet bones, and continued to help the Vietnamisation of Cambodia.