Thursday, June 25, 2009

Duch: “Everything I did, I did it to please my superiors”

Kambol, Phnom Penh (Cambodia). 22/06/2009: In the press room at lunch time, during Duch’s trial at the ECCC (Photo: Vandy Rattana)

By Stéphanie Gée

During the hearing on Tuesday June 23rd, Alain Werner, co-lawyer for civil party group 1, suggested to the accused another way to look at his role at the head of S-21 – and hence his personality – which departs from what Duch has explained until now during his trial, in other words, that the former director of the security centre where over 12,000 people lost their lives was no other than a zealous cadre. Shortly afterwards, the defence counsel presented a rueful Duch by showing an excerpt from the footage shot during the reconstruction at Choeung Ek and S-21. Also, the tribunal’s international co-Prosecutor, Robert Petit, announced his resignation (see textbox).

Did Duch encourage torture?

Alain Werner introduced his examination by acknowledging that the accused had been in the last few days bombarded with questions and had not eluded any of them. He respectfully invited him to continue giving short answers and launched into a sagacious and uncompromising interrogation that however failed to unsettle the accused.

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Anonymous said...

You sure about that? to please yourself too right!

Anonymous said...

អា​ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃ បាតជើង យួន សាច់ងាប់ (dead meat) ភីភីយូ នឹងបានត្រូវ អាស្រកី​យួន សំឡេះចោល ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ​ដោយវាបាន​ធ្វើអោយ ចៅហ្វាយវា បាត់មុខបាត់មាត់និយាយមិនឈ្នះ មឹត្តអ្នកអាន ស្នេហាជាតិនៅលើ ខេអ៉ាយមីឌីយ៉ា (KI-media)នេះ។ តាមយោបល់ របស់ពួកមីសំផឹងអស់សាច់ យួនកន្តប ដូចជាម៉ែអា ភីភីយូ ជាដើមបានអោយ
ដឹងថា អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិខ្មែរមឹនបាច់ធ្វើអ្វីទេ
ពីព្រោះ អា យួន ភីភីយូ នេះកំពុងតែស្លាប់
នឹងជម្ងី​AIDS/SIDA រួចទៅហើយ!
Please help cut and paste this good news for ah PPU! Thanks so kindly for your cooperation!​

Anonymous said...


Duck sang during the KR dark past: "Everything I doooooo, I do it for you."

Hey guys, does it sound like something we knew...?