Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hanoi-educated Hun Xen warns Surya Subedi against being "ignorant" and biased

Hun Sen speaks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday. (Photo by: TRACEY SHELTON)

UN envoy welcomed, warned

Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Written by Cheang Sokha and Georgia Wilkins
The Phnom Penh Post

PRIME Minister Hun Sen, who famously soured relations with the former UN envoy for human rights, Yash Ghai, has welcomed his successor on his first visit to the country while at the same time warning him against being "ignorant" and biased.

"We will listen to his ideas, and we hope he will listen to our ideas," Hun Sen said Tuesday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"But I think he would not be ignorant and follow an ignorant person from his team previously.... Working with this rapporteur will not be difficult, but it will be difficult to work with people in [the local UN rights office] if they still have an ignorant stance towards the government."

Surya Subedi, the new envoy, began his first visit to the Kingdom on Monday and met with Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on Tuesday.

Though Tuesday's meeting was labelled a "protocol" meet-and-greet by UN officials, ministry spokespeople said afterwards that the government had appealed Subedi to be "just" when assessing rights in the country.

"What the government is wanting is justice, reality and transparency,"Ouch Borith, secretary of state at the Foreign Ministry, told reporters after the meeting.

"Hor Namhong told Mr Subedi that he should meet with and collect information from all government officials, not just listen to or get reports from NGOs, civil society groups or the opposition. [He] has to get reports from all sides," he added.

Ouch Borith also said the government had made a request to Subedi to check any report before it is sent to the UN.

"[We] want to check the report for balance," he said.

Subedi's predecessor Yash Ghai resigned from the post after receiving multiple personal attacks from Hun Sen and other top government officials.

UN human rights representative Christophe Peschoux would not comment on the meeting except to say that it did not deal with "substantial" issues and was rather a greeting.

The new envoy is to meet with the prime minister on Thursday morning and has also confirmed a meeting with the head of the government's human rights committee, Om Yentieng, later that day.


Anonymous said...

This guy's brains sockets are fully stuffed with the Yuon's excrement.

Anonymous said...

Which guy? You menat Hun Xen or Surya, the new envoy?

Anonymous said...

Surya, should hire informant to collect the activities run by the CPPs. IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE NON-BIASED INFORMATION.



Anonymous said...

Hanoi educated? You make it sound like it is a negative thing. I never noticed that any form of education is bad or negative? It is what you do with what you learn, not what you learn that makes you good or bad.

Fyi, KI your team and many of your readers seem to be ass kicking the Western culture a lot, don't you? I mean the West has its greats but when you have to shun down other type of knowledge, Hanoi, Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc... you are setting up yourself to be a fucking ignorant idiot.

Let me break it down for you in term of business deal. In stock exchange, you would want to have a portfolio of different stocks so you minimize the risk, right? Same thing for all you I-am-so-much-better-than-you-because-I-am-educated-in-the-West geniuses. If you are so stupid to think the West is the only thing you need to be a wholly person, that just means you're investing in one stock in your portfolio. Not diversified? You're doomed. That is just 101 shit. Shouldn't you know this already being educated and shit?

Ittipul Khmer said...



Since you LOVE analyzing things, let me ask you to define 2 words. 1. Ignorant and 2. Stupid. RSVP

Anonymous said...

Chhkai Youn(Dog) dictator Hun Xen!!!
Youn's brain!!

Anonymous said...

This guy mouth and brain are full of shit .
Ah jkuot prime minister third grade

Anonymous said...

12:30 AM

If your comment serves your ignorance and stupidity, I won't stop you.


Anonymous said...

often, people misinterpret khmer language. people have to truly understand khmer language so to understand what people are trying to say. don't forget that mr. hun sen is khmer and very fluent in khmer, so for those people who don't speak or understand khmer, they naturally misunderstand and misinterpret, and thus deviate from the real meaning behind his speech. in this day and age, it is important for everyone in the diplomatic community to learn about other culture, language, custom, etiquette, etc because we are dealing with the world on a daily basis. for your information, the world is big and consist of many, many different languages, culture, etc, etc... thus, do not stereotyping others who are different from you because that is a sign of ignorant and undereducated, to say the least. educated people do not use stereotyping, they try to understand others by being inquisitive, studying and observing, etc... any one can be a critic, but being a good leader is rare indeed.

Anonymous said...

That how Youn government educated Hun Sen. Hun's never take any advice excepte Youn only.

We all should know we need to stand up together even Khmer and Khmer-krom and Khmer Sorin, we all Khmer no one love us then we love each other, time is run out Youn try to still our country like Kampuchea-Krom don't ever forget that.

Kaun Khmer in Blood

son of farmer said...

My beloved 12:30AM!

While I strictly adhere to the unpleasant truths, my only concern is, that I shall hardly be able to comprehend your masterful scholar of magnificent argument and expression about two different kinds of PhD between West & Hanoi.

I am not academically educated and I almost did not graduate from the Middle School, therefore I might be wholly confounded the very essence of which is highly or univerally better PhD?

According to my most ignorant, dispicale, and stupid knowledge, I am strongly and undoubtedly believing that Hanoi PhD is highly, respectfully, and universally better than the West's?

Do you know why? Because you simply don't have to go or to attend even one second in school, as long as you are selfishly, highly corrupted and continuously worked for the CPP, then you should be eventually earned Da Hanoi PhD?

My beloved 12:55AM!

Are ye speak or write Khmer?
How many years did ye learnt Khmer?
Are ye absolutely sure that Hun SenVarman speaking Khmer fluent? If so, why are the children of Khmer continuously going to college and finishing it?

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, you are showing off your ignorance and stupidity because again and again you call people who criticise you stupid and bias . hun sen , you are one of the dumbest leaders in the always think whatever you do is right and whoever dont agree with you is wrong . you are no better than pol pot mister dictator hun sen. PS .... if you want to sue me for defamation or disinformation , you are welcome to do that .. just let me know i will give you my address .
khmer blood from preah tropeang

Anonymous said...

12:55 AM,

If your comment serves your ignorance and stupidity, I won't stop you.


Anonymous said...

Ah Kh'vang Hun,

Ah chh'kaer Viet, your whole like works for Viet benefits and Vietnamisation of Cambodia.

Ah Runteas Banh, Ah Roleay roub, Ah
preah Pakra mouk...

Anonymous said...

CPP cronies will you please accept that PUBLIC powers have been privertised, ie police in charge has to pay $10,000 a month to hold on his position,any left over shares within your team. this applied to custom, immigration, army, for DARK trader substantial ransom has to be paid.

These are facts. Induced corruption creates CHAOS in khmer society.Distorsion and cheating in number and suck out of GHOST list are the mean of corruption.
We all knew very well since 1970.

Kaun Khmer

Anonymous said...

6:40 AM

If your comment serves your redundancy in stupidity, I won't stop you. lol haha what a joke that guy is. Copying and pasting same shit? What are you, an internet troll?

Anonymous said...

What I am saying is there is no definitely right or wrong, you see? What is right for you isn't necessarily the same for others. That mentality that I must be right all the time is what got you arrogant and fall prey to ignorance eventually. That mentality is what causes war and all the suffering just because you, as much as you like to think of yourself educated, do not open your mind to the "other."

If there is no definite right or wrong, why not learn anything you can. Again, it's what you do not what you learn that defines you as a person. You don't have to necessarily become what you learn, understand?

I don't see any form of education and knowledge as bad. No knowledge in and of itself is bad, it's what you do with it, may it be Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Burmese, Russian, Communist, Capitalist, French, etc...

Anonymous said...

i think Hun sen himself is ignorant and stupidity.

ignorant of Hun sen is do not know how to create job for his own people, being a pm of khmer only know how to begg other country for money, or loan money for his work, do not know how to stand up for himself, his gen is from slave so when he became khmer pm he still is a slave for youn and thailand. therefore slave gen can not be a good leader because slave still slave no matter what he try to be but his real gen show him as a slave.

secondly he lead his own people to hell, lie and cheat to his own people and do not know how and what to do to help those poor to have a better life.

thirtly, all youn, china and thai who live in kmer country look down on real khmer people. now look back at youn, when khmer go to live in youn country, they never give khmer any right to qualify with their own people, some khmer live in srok youn for a long long time but youn to not give them youn citizenship, or other right that can qualify as their own people, look at kampuchea krom how youn torture them. look at thai how they torture khmer? why? ah Hun Sen? is this is not your ignorant brain can't lead your own people? you let youn and thai yange khmer land and you do nothing. when pm thai came to cambodia you do nothing not even ask them a question? why? is this not you ignorant? also you words when you talk or do a speech to you own people you never show that you are not an ignorant PM. you and your gange show very clearly that you are an ignorant pm of khmer. Once we look at cambodia people in general we could also say that Hun Sen and his gang party are an ignorant.

will be countinue on stupidity of Hen sen in the next common.

Anonymous said...

that dog 12:30AM got his education from one of the western countries, not from any Asian one.

Anonymous said...

7:47 AM,

If your comment serves your ignorance and stupidity, I won't stop you.


Anonymous said...

6:40 & 10:22

This is must a very famous phrase in which I have written for Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok Scum Rainsy's supporters love it so very much that make them use this phrase quite frequenly.

Now, get the fuck out of my face.

Pi Anh: PPU