Friday, June 19, 2009

Hun Sen ‘Regrets’ Thai Temple Remarks

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
18 June 2009

The prime minister lashed out at remarks made by his Thai counterpart Thursday, who claimed he would seek joint World Heritage registry for the contentious Preah Vihear temple.

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva made an official visit to Cambodia last week and returned several stone artifacts from the Angkorian period to Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The Bangkok Post reported Wednesday that Abhisit would seek joint registry for the temple, where hundreds of troops on each side are engaged in a long-running standoff.

“I want to see the temple a peaceful area so that the temple of the two countries can jointly benefit from this site of high historical importance,” the Post reported Abhisit as saying.

Hun Sen said Abhisit had not raised the issue in talks last week, but he added, “I think he will not reach his goal.”

Preah Vihear temple was listed as a Unesco World Heritage site under Cambodia in July last year, prompting protests in Bangkok and leading to several skirmishes in subsequent months between troops on both sides.

Hun Sen, who spoke to reporters following talks with the UN special rights envoy Surya Subedi on Thursday, said he did not think Unesco would be “stupid” enough to follow Abhisit’s request.

“I regret his purpose in saying that,” Hun Sen said.


Anonymous said...

Thailand PM is the stupidity person in the whole planet, this guy wasted paper and pencils that his parents had spend on his school supply....what' a dumbhead he is??

Anonymous said...

Cambodia must get ready for war with Thailand! the way Thailand is acting right now is force cambodia to get into the war...because Thailand still kept bragging about preah vihear that's already listed in world Heritage site, cambodia must be ready for war!!

Anonymous said...


Come on now, the last thing Cambodia needs right now is war. War has fucked Cambodia for almost a quarter of a century. War is not going to benefit Cambodia, it will only create the loss of tourism money into Cambodia, another generation of cripples as a result of landmines and hamper Cambodia's fledgling attempt at developing and modernizing itself into the 21st century global economy. UNESCO and the whole world knows Preah Vihear is Cambodia's and nothing is gonna change that. Thailand is only being naive and wishful thinking.

Khmer innocent said...

Shameless Siamese! still dreaming of stealing the temple from Cambodia.

At first, cliamed only the temple's vicinity that illegaly occupied by the Siam to be jointly inscribed the World Heritage List. and now the temple itself?

At first, the skirmish said to be provoked by a handfull extremist Siam. Now the stupid Siamese PM, and the deteriorated Abdulyadeth could be the next person?

Come on! all Siamese, stop dreaming nonesense! save your efforts for your internal political uprises (republic and Islamic autonomous movements).

Anonymous said...

What ta hell is wrong with Thailand? still bitching about it again? don't they felt ashamed? Temple was built by Khmer King and they knew that already! this stupid greedy mother fucker is something man! now they wanted to joints register? what ta hell are thinking??

Khmer rouge please give them thieft some more mines to step on...fucker!

Anonymous said...

The longer Hun Xen delays, Thai has more chance to fight back.

Thai Gov. is not stupid, but Khmer because we give them times to do so.

Come on Khmer! get up, our Gov. is not doing for our Country. May be they do for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Thailand never stop their greeds, they had taken so much of lands from cambodia already! they should let it goes, and trying to live peacefully next to each other as good neighbors....

Anonymous said...

Agree with 9:09AM! he's got the piont there, more time meant Thai can do something to get it back!

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Why did Thai Look down on Khmer???

Khmer leadership, Khmer half-Viet king, N.Sihanouk, Hun Sen + his cronies had looked down on themselves first.

They murdered their own race, Khmers.

Let over 5 millions Viets resettled freely in Cambodia, and raped all kinds of Khmer Resources:Fishstock in Tonle Sap, Tourism of Angkor Wat, Forests, lands grabbings, women traffickings....

The International had given Khmer a tool to protect themselves against any foreign invaders stating in the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.

In 2005 Khmer-half Viet king, Sihakmoni with the consent of N.Sihanouk, RUBBER-STAMPED (endorsed) the Additional Treaties
ceding Khmer territories to Vietnam in Violation to that International Accord.

Thailand, as one signatoried country on that Accord, ceased to obey that Agreement, and continued to encroach our territories, especially Preah Vihear area to get something that the Khmer puppet regime had given to Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

The Siem leaders are living in fantasy Island and they continue to entertaining the idea that they have the right to own what belong to Cambodia even though it had proven again and again that Khmer Preah Vihear belong to Cambodia by looking at the inscriptions, the architectural style, and the geography!

So what the Siem leaders are trying to prove by denying the facts that Khmer Preah Viehear temple belongs to Cambodia? The truth is the Siem leaders use Khmer Preah Vihear to enhance their political position by showing off how patriotic they are! They want to show off to the Siem population that Thailand is a powerful country and the Siem leaders can dictate and enforce their will over Cambodia anyway they want even if the Siems leaders have to use the ASEAN, ASEM, or United Nations!

The Siem leaders need to understand that Cambodia does need a neighbor and good one too but Cambodia doesn't need all neighbors! So fuck off!

Anonymous said...

Abhhishit is cunning like a fox. Since he was in parliamentarian opposition to being a prime minister now he never stopped day dreaming about getting Preah Vihear back. Eat your heart out man, the 1962 world court decision is final and confirmed by UNESCO recognition as Khmer world heritage. Hun Xen should not have invited him to visit Phnom Penh in the first place. Abbhishit is a fox. We must watch out.

Anonymous said...

one eyed bandit bowing to thai masters!

Anonymous said...

Well, Don't blame me for I am of course the son of a slut, adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, and loose woman Viet...I have a mission here and that is to
destroy KI-Media for the benefit and welfare of the CPP new Viet-khmer people under the leadership of Hun Sen, got that?


Anonymous said...


I blame you again mother fucker! Now get lost!

Anonymous said...

we praise our prime minister for standing up for cambodia. god bless cambodia.