22 June 2009
Rasmei Kampuchea
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media
Prime minister Hun Sen asked why there are so many veterans in Cambodia? “We must not forget those who initiated the 18 March 1970 coup d’état, we must not forget to condemn them, if there was no coup d’état to topple Samdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk, the legal State leader, there wouldn’t be any war and there wouldn’t be the genocidal (KR) regime either. We must condemn the [Khmer] Republicans because, if there were no 18 March 1970, there wouldn’t be such tragedy in our Cambodia either,” Hun Sen said.
Hun Sen made these comments during the second anniversary of the Veteran Day to be held on 21 June 2009. Hun Sen’s comments were made on 20 June 2009 at the Chaktokmouk conference center, an event that was attended by 800 veterans.
Hun Sen added: “It is fortunate that in our country, there is no grudge held, all sides can live with each other.”
Hun Sen also reminisced about the formation of the national movement to liberate people from the genocidal Pol Pot regime [in which Hun Sen was a commander], and this movement started on 21 June 1977, i.e. 30 years ago, Hun Sen fled to Vietnam with a group of armed men, leaving behind his lovely wife. Hun Sen reminisced about some facts on the travel to Vietnam, such as his imprisonment in Vietnam.
Hun Sen added that in the uprising movement, nobody was more important than him. He was the commander of an army battalion. It was not until 02 December 1978 that the National United Salvation Front was formed with the joining of 5 parties: the eastern region led by Chea Xim and Heng Xamrin, the northeastern region led Bou Thang, Seuy Keo, and the southwestern region led by Say Puthang and Tea Banh (Koh Kong), as well as the troops under Hun Sen’s command.
Hun Sen also raised about the sufferings and the tragedy created by the KR on him and his family, and he said that if he were to make to wrong decision, he wouldn’t be alive right now. He said that his correct decision was when (1) his firstborn son was dropped from the hands of a KR delivery nurse, the child bled through his mouth and died on the spot. When he asked to take his son to bury and he wanted to take care of his wife, the KR commander did not allow him, this made Hun Sen very angry and he wanted to pull his gun to kill the KR commander, but he stopped himself on time (it should be noted that when he was recounting this story, Hun Sen choked and the participants were saddened by the bitter past under the genocidal regime which lasted 3 years, 8 months and 20 days). (2) His second decision was made when Hun Sen wanted to free his friends who were called in by Angkar (the party) for re-education, during that time, re-education meant being killed.
Hun Sen said that he is very fortunate with the people in the liberation of the country, the construction of the country, the prevention of the return of the Pol Pot regime, and also for bringing leaders in the Pol Pot regime to face justice. “Therefore, whatever the mean, whatever the price, we should not lose peace which we earn with great difficulties. We have many veterans because our country fought wars, therefore, we must prevent the return of the genocidal regime, and prevent those who want to start the war to come back. We must condemn the [Khmer] Republicans because if there were no 18 March 1970, there wouldn’t be tragedy in Cambodia either,” Hun Sen claimed.
Hun Sen added that he recognized he is hot-headed, but that he never made any wrong political decision yet, and this also included his decision to order the army on 15 July 2008 [date of Thai troops invasion of Cambodia in Preah Vihear], if he made a wrong decision, war will start all over again, this is not a small affair.
Hun Sen also criticized a small group of people who consider themselves as democrats or father of democracy, because they never made any decision regarding the policy of the country of yet. He said that even decisions within their small party were not done properly, and this led their members to almost all leave the party. He said that they should not demand to topple others, and they shouldn’t consider others as communist. Just using the word communist alone shows that they are not democrats anymore.
Hun Sen made these comments during the second anniversary of the Veteran Day to be held on 21 June 2009. Hun Sen’s comments were made on 20 June 2009 at the Chaktokmouk conference center, an event that was attended by 800 veterans.
Hun Sen added: “It is fortunate that in our country, there is no grudge held, all sides can live with each other.”
Hun Sen also reminisced about the formation of the national movement to liberate people from the genocidal Pol Pot regime [in which Hun Sen was a commander], and this movement started on 21 June 1977, i.e. 30 years ago, Hun Sen fled to Vietnam with a group of armed men, leaving behind his lovely wife. Hun Sen reminisced about some facts on the travel to Vietnam, such as his imprisonment in Vietnam.
Hun Sen added that in the uprising movement, nobody was more important than him. He was the commander of an army battalion. It was not until 02 December 1978 that the National United Salvation Front was formed with the joining of 5 parties: the eastern region led by Chea Xim and Heng Xamrin, the northeastern region led Bou Thang, Seuy Keo, and the southwestern region led by Say Puthang and Tea Banh (Koh Kong), as well as the troops under Hun Sen’s command.
Hun Sen also raised about the sufferings and the tragedy created by the KR on him and his family, and he said that if he were to make to wrong decision, he wouldn’t be alive right now. He said that his correct decision was when (1) his firstborn son was dropped from the hands of a KR delivery nurse, the child bled through his mouth and died on the spot. When he asked to take his son to bury and he wanted to take care of his wife, the KR commander did not allow him, this made Hun Sen very angry and he wanted to pull his gun to kill the KR commander, but he stopped himself on time (it should be noted that when he was recounting this story, Hun Sen choked and the participants were saddened by the bitter past under the genocidal regime which lasted 3 years, 8 months and 20 days). (2) His second decision was made when Hun Sen wanted to free his friends who were called in by Angkar (the party) for re-education, during that time, re-education meant being killed.
Hun Sen said that he is very fortunate with the people in the liberation of the country, the construction of the country, the prevention of the return of the Pol Pot regime, and also for bringing leaders in the Pol Pot regime to face justice. “Therefore, whatever the mean, whatever the price, we should not lose peace which we earn with great difficulties. We have many veterans because our country fought wars, therefore, we must prevent the return of the genocidal regime, and prevent those who want to start the war to come back. We must condemn the [Khmer] Republicans because if there were no 18 March 1970, there wouldn’t be tragedy in Cambodia either,” Hun Sen claimed.
Hun Sen added that he recognized he is hot-headed, but that he never made any wrong political decision yet, and this also included his decision to order the army on 15 July 2008 [date of Thai troops invasion of Cambodia in Preah Vihear], if he made a wrong decision, war will start all over again, this is not a small affair.
Hun Sen also criticized a small group of people who consider themselves as democrats or father of democracy, because they never made any decision regarding the policy of the country of yet. He said that even decisions within their small party were not done properly, and this led their members to almost all leave the party. He said that they should not demand to topple others, and they shouldn’t consider others as communist. Just using the word communist alone shows that they are not democrats anymore.
Hun Sen forgot that his action of removing imminity of Mu Sochua and Ho vann was also a coup d'etat. Madame Mu Sochua and Mr So vann were both legal lawmakers of the opposition party. They were both elected by National general election. Therefore any attempt to remove lawmakers elected by people is a coup d'etat. We can see also members of the police in front of the National Assembly too. Areak Prey
I agree with you 100% that Cambodia is again with coup d'etat against legal member of parliament of opposition party elected by people of Cambodia.
CPP is a party of common people party but is presently highjected by mafia people and has changed it to corrupted people party.
CPP youth for change
Ki-media, how you find that document?
Sihanouk also responsible for the death of million Khmers. It is Sihanouk that let Youn crossing Khmer's land to South Youn to fight against the US. We have one stupid king just like Hun Sen that want to hold on to power forever. Both Sihanouk and Hun Sen let Youn crossing the border and now millions of Youn living in Srok Khmer. Soon or later, we won't have any more land.
In reality, The Cambodian's History
may repaeted itself, The opposition
Party must go to ask Siam to fight back the power, since CPP have Yuon protected them. Start the War now Mu Sochua and Ho Vann, this is the only opportunity to fight back for your job. Go ask Siam and khmer oversea for help... the war in Cambodia will irrupt and change Hun Sen Government.
4:09 said : KI-media, how you find that comment ?
It's very very worry for you Mr.4:09!. How old are you now Mr.4:09?. You don't know who is SeK SAM IETH ? For know about SEK SAM IETH : Mr. 4:09 you must ask Mr. BENSON SAMAY( his real name is YIN KHÉNG, ancien sécrétaire de la Direction du service des pêches entre 1960-1970, et ancien capitaine assimilé de l'armée de la RÉPUBLIQUE KHMÈRE, très corrompu, collaborateur ou subordonné de SEK SAM IETH.
Idiot talking about the coup.
If, coup means change the entire government. Look at Thailand, when PM was ousted, a new government was installed, this is coup.
Removing immunity of MPs just the normal procedure of NA role. But what is wrong here just the abuse of power rather than a coup.
The country was in backward in the past just of these idiots tried to blindly copy every single word theory from the West and put it into practice in Cambodia, and hoped they would work (of course these include Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Rannarit, all French educated, and new CPP member Soun Chan Tol, Harvard graduate).
Even you are Khmers, but I can assure that many of you do not comprehence the true Khmer culture. I suggest you to read 'Cha Rek Khmer' to know the real Khmer.
SEK SAM IETH also know as Preah Ang Khmao and the big mother fucker in Battambang, Corrupter SEK SAM IETH was a betrayal Sihanoukist and Lon Nolian served and sold weapons, ammunitions, medicines to vietcong in Region 3.
the so-called lon nol gov't failed because partly they were very corrupted at all level, supported by who, you know? same with the marco regime of the philipines, so corrupted supported by who again, you know? cambodia must learn from the past not to take bribe from foreign donors as they really caused a lot of uncontrolled corrupted, to say the least!
Sek sam iet
I lived in battambang for years, and who doesnot know this bastard.
He even tries to have sex with subordinated's wives. Like many in this govt,it is a bunch of abusive rotten bastards. How can many known CROOKS end up in parliament???.
Blind and crooks pretend to make laws.Come on king,do the real job,and stop cooKING.
Kaun khmer
it would be stupid for cambodia to go to siem and youn for any assistance again like during the ignorant dark ages era! in this day and age, i'm sure cambodia will look way beyond youn and siem as we understand the world is bigger than the frog in the well mentality of the bygone era! god bless cambodia.
Ah Sex Sam Arch! is the number one LMUP SREY! Ah kanch chass niss, pi na ko choy de, leuk leng te kdet jkai, kdet jrook! Ah trov krob bek moi niss!
Sek Sam Iet,
This guy the most corrupted man in cambodia as far as i know, you guy are right about this bastard! he' been fuck around with alot officils wife and daughter, this punkass is the most cruel crooked man in cambodia...
May Neang KaHing Suck his ass down into the center of the earth and let him making love with lonely Hok Lundy...
Dear 4:25am this is one of the reason Ah Siamese troops continue to statione in and on Khmer border at this moment. Currently Siamese looking for bying Cambodians general if there is any betrayal Mr. Hun Sen, just like Hun Sen asking Yuon helping him, then Siam will stay and imitate what Yuon doing. This tricky fashion won't happen any more Siam will meet with fierce encounter attack one they step in Khmer land, those are already there will be expelt.
Dear 8:58am I agreed what you have mentioned Mr.SEK SAM-IAT is the worst should not be alive, Mr. Hun Sen has to do something, Mr. Sek is Khmer skin color but he is Mr. Mou Boutou the second(Zaiirian President). BAD BAD BAD Mr.Sek Sam-Iat
Mr.Sek Sam-Iat is double standard person, he's a cat-fish, Ah Siamese's Spy for long time after Mr. DAAB Chuon perhaps untill nowaday. Siames reposess all the Khmer rouge assets in their Bank account after KR lost the Power, but Siamese did not reposess Mr.Sek Sam-Iat welth, lets him stay outside the refugee camp for long time. Becarefull dear compatriots!!!
Cheth Khmer
Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca
Sek Sam Iet was a honest governor in Battambang, he had treated people with respect, he used to live in France before he became senator. Another job he had hold during Lon Nol regime was CIA informant, all other information about his job were confidential.
New Phally
Secretary of State for Ministry of Interior and Adviser for First Vice President National Assembly
Ah Scum Rainsy is next!
Sek Sam Iet,
You're a trator of Cambodia. You did destroy the planning to fight back the Khmer Rouge starting from Preah Vihear as Headquarter by cutting of COMMUNICATION.
You did supply weapons and ammunitions to khmer Rouge while your were governor of Battambang.
Now you had joined Viet puppet Hun Sen Regime.
Damned you, god damaged, ah kh'bot cheat, ah Runteas banh, ah Roleay Roub, ah Preah pak ra mouk.
Ah SEK SAM IETH Chea mee khbot cheat khmer, Louch vattho boran from Siem Reap, Battambang tov louk oy Sian ban brak rorb seblean bath berk hang meas nov Bankok during 75-80. He fuck all women teachers in Lycce Battambang. He used Drug import from France called "Juicestanonce" to make he pee bigger longer and stronger.
I saw this short and dark ugly prick at my Lycee Svaypor in early 1975 to recruit some student to fight KR at Sarapa.
His ulgy daughter attended Lycee Eab Khut with ton of young Lt try to give her a ride.
Colonel Lavan PoyNgang's daughters were prettier than Sek Sam Iet's daughter.
Go ahead and condemn them ah prokach ah Kvack I was not born yet. I condemn you ah jumkourt or education ah peal ah Kvack Hun Suck cam.
oooppps correction.
Go ahead and condemn them ah prokach ah Kvack I was not born yet. I condemn you ah jumkourt ott education ah peal ah Kvack Hun Suck cam.
If there wasn't coup deta,cambodia is belong to vietcong since and there no hun sen.
Are you phally from france then came to live in Australia.if it is you, then you are simply a sucker,cheating bastard,cheated khmers in sydney, canberra as well as Adelaide.
you are sucker!!!
If the current government punishes former Gov. Sek Sam Iet for whatever reason,it will send out a direct message to the rest of Khmer living under the Lon Nol's Era that there is still a revenge bitterness and unforgiving. There will be no national recociliation and no trust between the Khmer Hun Sen or Khmer Sihanouk and Khmer Lon Nol. Therefore, the country will forever divide and blood will continue to shed.
Can you find something else to say? ,but that Mr. Hun Sen?
Under Governor Sek Sam Iet, Cambodian people were living freely. They do what they want at their own free will. He represents freedom and liberty for Khmer people. Like they used to say, he brought the US to Battambang. A fabulous man!
Don't forget that 1.7 millions death Cambodian from the khmer rouge's era were one way or the other related to Khmer Lon Nol. Punishing Sek Sam Iet will ignite their pain and pain will will find its way to burn the current government in hell one of these days.
Sek Sam Iet has Khmer's face fits for King.
Sek Meas Bopha, his only daughter has the most beautiful name for Khmer's daughter. May God Bless his family
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