Friday, June 26, 2009

It's matter between Thailand and Unesco ... never mind that Preah Viheae belongs to Cambodia!

It's matter between Thailand and Unesco : Thai PM

Fri, June 26, 2009

The Nation

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva insisted Friday that Thailand's opposition to Unesco's listing of Preah Vihear Temple as World Heritage Site has nothing to do with Cambodia.

He said his trip was aimed at solving any misunderstanding between the countries. His visit would definitely not escalate the conflict between both countries.

Abhisit said earlier Thailand will ask Unesco to review its July 2008 decision to register Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site when the panel met earlier this week in Spain.

He would also propose that the temple be registered jointly as a World Heritage Site by Thailand and Cambodia, not unilaterally by Cambodia.

He said his trip was aimed at solving any misunderstanding between the countries. His visit would definitely not escalate the conflict between both countries.

Abhisit said earlier Thailand will ask Unesco to review its July 2008 decision to register Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site when the panel met earlier this week in Spain.

He would also propose that the temple be registered jointly as a World Heritage Site by Thailand and Cambodia, not unilaterally by Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

When is the GREED stop kicking into Thailand PM's brain?

If the matter is between UNESCO and Thailand why would you deploy or increase troops then??????

Where is UNESCO's armies or troops??

This speeches doesn't make any sense at all. They think HUN SEN stupid or what?? What kind of degree did this Thai PM have??

Even an 8 years old has clear thinking then him.

Khmer will not let you take the 4.6 Km2 or not even 1MM of land at all.

BACK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

See what's happening in Bangkok again. The people going to oust this Thai PM out of office again.

They got curse from God. What's come around will go around. The Thai will face all kind of instability in near future.

Now the rally is getting bigger.
Preah Vihear is cursing the Thai now.

Karma is haunting Thai now!!!

Anonymous said...

Bangkok Crumble!
Phnom Penh dissolve!
Battambang Misplace!
And Happy Angor Wat!!

Anonymous said...

Bangkok-Thailand,Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is over dreaming. He does not even against Cambodia, but also against with UNESCO.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva wants to lead UNESCO. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has heart attacked about US black list for Cambodia and Lao, now he wants to be bossy with UNESCO.


Anonymous said...

Abhisit, only when your father raped your mother that is not your business! If some one else do it even yourself is your business motherfucker!

What a vaste to education to be a Thai!

Anonymous said...

LOL, Abullshit was graduated from Oxford and got a degree out of lunch box!!

Wow, our PM (HUN SEN) didn't go to that kind of fancy school and HUN SEN beat almost everyone include:

Mahamed Mahatir (Malaysia)

Law degree but our temple boy like HUN SEN will overcome them all.

Go learn some education Abullshit!!!

Anonymous said...

Sartu sartu sartu!!!!!
Karma is coming to Thailand.

Anonymous said...

For what the prediction said, Abullshit will be kicking out of office shortly.

He is making Thai a shame. He had to go!!!

Khmer/Thai Issan,

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Dear all brother and sister in RED SHIRT!! we must kick Abhisit Vejjajiva and Anupon paochinda and all of his parties out of Thailand for good! these poeple are trouble maker, they created problems with neighbors country, they send troops to invaded cambodia and created crisis with cambodia, Thailand will be PEACE! without these trouble maker running Thailand.....Ahbishit/Anupong paojinda must be kick out!!

Anonymous said...

All red shirt people stand up! and kick Ahbishit and all of his party out!! go go go go go go all red shirt people go go go go!

...Ahbishit and his party must be punish and kick out from Thailand forever!

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​ ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងចង់បៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា

Anonymous said...

how stupid can thailand get? "the matter is between unesco and thailand" as if preah vihear belong to them or something! how stupid can they be, really! they and their ignorant people needs a lot of educated about cambodia! get lost already! god bless cambodia.

i guess thailand does not understand that preah vihear is not theirs! and even the surrounding lands belongs to cambodia all along and icj had confirmed that when they used the international treaty map of 1907 for their ruling in 1962. thailand must be very stupid after all not to be able to pass the test of preah vihear exam when the rest of the world did pass this same exam, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

thailand flunked khmer history exam, now they can't become the phd!

Anonymous said...

thus, let's all help to educate thailand its ignorant people that preah vihear belongs to cambodia, not theirs! let's continue to give special treatment to these people because apparently they cannot understand that fact. let's keep educating them all again and again about our preah vihear temple and the icj verdict, the international law, etc. this way, we will find out scientifically whether they have no brain or their brains are the size of a rat!

Anonymous said...

AbbhiXit is a lunetic, a day dreamer like his follower PAD the Thai foreign minister Phiroum. They all dream of one day to take Preah Vihear and later Battambang and Siem Reap provinces as well. They should worry about the red shirts that will take back the government sooner or later.

Anonymous said...


Ponlue said...

To Thai PM,

Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding land belong to Cambodia according to the map drawn by France-Siam in 1908 and recognized by ICJ. Why you say the objection to the list of Preah Vihear Temple as the world heritage is not related to Cambodia????

I think you guy are completely crazy. Do you think that no one can find your tricky idea stays behind???? It is as easy as ABC, only a baby just was born can find your shallow strategy too.

In good purpose, I think that you should go into your mother's pussy again and reborn; so you will have new brain, not stupid anymore.


Anonymous said...

It means never mind the dog. It matters the owner. Therefore Cambodia is equal to the dog. The UN is the owner. That is what Mr.Thai PM means.

Anonymous said...

អាសាច់ងាប់​(dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាចុយម៉្រាយ អាឯងនឹងត្រូវ​ខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់ជាតិពឹត
ប្រាកដ​សំឡាប់​ចោល​ទំលាក់ទឹកទន្លេ បួនមុខ ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ។
ពីអញ ឪអា ភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't show how much Thailand respect Cambodia? Yeah! it's equal to his shoes. It's enough to make PM Hun Sen pukes blood.

Anonymous said...

abhisit looks at PM hun sen as a 3 years old boy.

Ponlue said...

Thai leaders are worsen than a street dog. After they barked at the UNESCO and no body paid attention; they came to lick the Hun Sen's foot.

Ponlue said...

To 6:58

Yes, it may be to show how much Thailand respect to Cambodia.

However, it may be to show to the world that Thais are barbarian....

Anonymous said...

the thai are brain-dead! doctors should check for the siem's brain cells to see if we all can retrain them and to see if they all can absorb the knowledge we taught them!

Real Khmer said...

To 6:58

Yes, Cambodia is a dog is much better than Thailand, because Cambodia is a dog have the owner (UNESCO).

As for Thailand is a dog have owner, ie it is a mad dog on a street, no body pay attention on.

Real Khmer said...


As for Thailand is a dog have not the owner, i.e, it is a mad dog on a street, no body pay attention on.