Monday, June 08, 2009

Meoung Sonn fled to France after being sued for speaking out on Angkor Wat lighting controversial

President of KCF flees to France

Monday, 08 June 2009
Written by Chrann Chamroeun
The Phnom Penh Post

THE Khmer Civilisation Foundation president, Moeung Sonn, has fled to France to avoid arrest, he said, after the Cambodian government sued him for incitement and disinformation over his public accusations that the installation of new lights at Angkor Wat had damaged the temple.

"If I had not left Cambodia shortly after Thursday night, I would have been arrested and detained with a court warrant because the government was terribly angry with me," Moeung Sonn told the Post Saturday from France.

"I want to return to my country because I love my country forever," he added.

Last week, Moeung Sonn blamed local media for spreading the information before he made his accusations.

Lawyer Pal Chan Dara confirmed that on behalf of the Cambodian government, he had sued Moeung Sonn on June 2, and that he had been summoned by the Municipal Court for questioning.

"I will go to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on June 9 as scheduled to be questioned about my complaint against the president of KCF, Moeung Sonn," Pal Chan Dara told the Post.

Moeung Sonn accused the government of drilling holes into the temple walls to install light fixtures, a charge the government and the Apsara Authority deny, saying the recesses were already there.


Anonymous said...

It is great that he fled to France!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's good to see Mr. Moeung Sonn has fled to France to avoid arrest or being kill by Sok Kong or Sok An' bodyguards. We don't Trusted Cambodia Government, especially Hun Sen thugs.

Anonymous said...

this stupid government keeping on acting stupid.
Some big countries gonna drop the A bomb again on them.

Sorry to say, but somebody gonna have to do something. These cockaroaches need pestercile

Anonymous said...

The true is still the true. The different is the way to deal with it.

Two things Mr. Sonn did lately that deem over board:

1. Led a group of non-profit organization suing Thailand for what Thai troops had done to Cambodia Market at Prah Vihar.

2. Concern about the installation of new lights at Angkor Wat.

Government should listen to him, support his action, or ask some of his advices rather than confront him. He deserves an appreciation from the Government, not a court warrant. As we can see, he did not against the Government at all. I don’t know why Government put itself in this position. The Government would better off if it knows how to deal these cases in a different way.

Not just kill a good dog to save a Master's face.


Anonymous said...

Created the problem and take the chance to live in Western country.
Every Khmer dream so, including those Khmers in the US, look at how they faked their marriege to move to the US.

Politic is not their ultimate goal.

Anonymous said...

Here is another of story to prove Cambodia is slipping into Khmer Rouge ara again when you cannot say openly what you have seen in your eyes. Mr Moeung Son has been partly supported the government very strongly since he has been in Cambodia. I met him many times when I was there. Even him cannot stay in Cambodia who else can stay in Cambodia? only vietcong can stay !!! Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that every Khmers dream to live in a Western country?

If it was right, what's wrong in Cambodia. A Khmer proverb says "Tek Trajak Trey Kom" (In soothe water fish flock in).

You should do more research before come to this conclusion.

Anonymous said...

If you have good connection to hun sen and is preparing to do what ever to support his regime regardless of loosing your friends and family and lands to vietnam, then you can stay in Cambodia. But if you are conscious about public social justice, public security, social harmony, then your life will end up in prison. Mr Moeung Son was a strong person in believing that he can work with Hun Sen and Khiev Kanhrith with all his connections and his business development there. But at the end, he needs only to make one wrong word to destroy all his will in Cambodia. Many foreign investors have end up loosing their lives in Cambodia for just the same thing. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

It is a time we can speak the truth and openly but some time we cannot. Mr. Moeung Son cares for his country, but his great love could cause riot or spoil the relationship with powerful neighbors while Cambodia is too weak and too poor. Corruption won't go away if poverty remains to be seen.

In the US the journalists are scared to speak against Socialists too not only in Cambodia, just that Cambodia is lawless.

Anonymous said...

Hello Poster 10:01AM,

You need to learn more about journalist right in the free world. They have paid much higher than any Prime Minister or President of their country.
Just look at CNN, Prime TV, FoxTV, NZTVI etc.. and etc,.. Their new readers are earning twice the salary of the Prime Minister of their country. Mr Paul Holmes of NZ have earned $850,000 a year while the Prime Minister of that country can earn only $400,000 a year included all his allowance.
Please visit
to see what they wrote in their new papers each day. Indeed all politicians are very scared of media instead. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Lok Om Areak Prey,

We live in the US, we knew all about it. The big and power Jewish companies owned the US media. Yes they earned a lot but their freedom of speech or write is limited. If they write or speak beyond the boundary, they will be fired, some may be threatned.

In France the TF1 TV station owned by the man who is a friend of Sarkazy. If anyone dares to criticize Sarkazy, that person will be fired or may have the same fate. In Russia, one American Journalist was shot in brought day light in Moscow.

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM

Shut the fuck up, old fart!

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up son of the bitch ppu

Anonymous said...

dont need to come back to cambodia ! stay there until ur death day!

Anonymous said...

this is the word pestercile > pesticide!