Monday, June 08, 2009

Military confrontation between Khmer and Thai soldiers at Chaim Sra-Ngam nearly lead to an armed clash

Khmer soldiers during the confrontation at Chaim Sra-Ngam on 6th of June.

Source:Khmer Sthapana newspaper
Reported by in English Khmerization

Tense confrontation between 30 Thai soldiers and an unknown number of Cambodian soldiers at Chaim Sra-Ngam Check point nearly lead armed clash on the afternoon of 6th of June, reports Khmer Sthapana.

A senior Cambodia military officer based at Chaim Sra-Ngam Checkpoint in Anlong Veng district who spoke on condition of anonymity said that about 30 Thai soldiers in full combat gears tried to force their ways into Cambodian territory to occupy a plot of lands near the checkpoint, but they were strongly challenged by the Cambodian soldiers who requested them to withdraw immediately. The Thai soldiers initially resisted the request to withdraw and intended to push further into Khmer territory but they were strongly warned by Khmer soldiers not to do so. At the end, they agreed to withdraw after Khmer soldiers strongly and repeatedly warned them to withdraw, but they did not withdraw far from the borderlines.

According to the unnamed officer, up until now the situation remained very tense and both sides are on heightened military alert.

Khmer military officials said that Thai soldiers had occupied this plot of lands once before and only agreed to withdraw after strong warnings from the Cambodian military.

Cambodian military sources said that, currently, the Khmer-Thai military confrontations occurred at various border locations at Chaim Sra-Ngam, the areas near Preah Vihear temple, at Veal Entry and Chak Chreng areas as well.

Cambodian military sources said that on 5th June, Thai tanks and armoured personnel carriers and four Thai military trucks equipped with heavy weaponry were trying to push into Cambodian territory at Chak Chreng which nearly caused an armed clash with Cambodian troops based in the areas.

The same sources said that the new tensions were caused by the Thai reinforcements of more troops to Chak Chreng and other nearby areas.

Gen. Srey Doek, commander of the Preah Vihear region, cannot be contacted for comments regarding the above reports.


Anonymous said...

We should do the same as myanma troops so that they don't dare violate us. Also Sunthi former military commander warned Thai government to avoid conflict with Myanma. It is time to provide lesson to Siem. Why do we wait more time? Negotiation is not our proper way to deal with nervous Siem. Come on, fighting with Siem so they will be far from border as Myanma lesson learn and Phreah Vihea lesson learn. Act now with such Sime...

Anonymous said...

Due to lack of equipment, wait longer the better so we could time to prepare our equipment and others. rush to contront out number and a better equipment tropps making our arm forces easy to collape.

Anonymous said...

tense comes after tense, no deal because of the stupid leaders...they are not working. they are just working on the palm side rice fields of those vietnamese bitches.

Anonymous said...

7:19 Lack of equipment,more time to prepare what? All monies could have bought equipment is already in bun ranny's account and Sok an's account and tea banh...and pol reoum...and meas sophear....this things drag on khmer will lose territory for sure!

Anonymous said...

Siam is not going to do anything because they have too many problems on their hands. Beside the government's political turmoil, they have the southern brothers Muslim to deal with. We Khmer should worry more about YOUN not Siem. Because Siem is only at the border, but Youn is already in Phnom Penh. Another word, YOUN got us from the inside out. Do any of you hear any problem from Khmer's government when it come to border marking between YOUN and Khmer? No, because since YOUN is our master, they can mark however they want. For example, Kos Tral is belong to YOUN now, I don't hear any one complain about it.

son of farmer said...

My beloved 8:21PM!

I am totally agreeing with you, we Khmer must not only consciously worry about the West, but also desperately about the East where recently and continuously keeps losing more land to Youn, ironically speaking the CPP and Hun SenVarman have never patriotically complained the single word. As you have languishly said, "Kos Tral" was just officially and universally belonged to Youn, because of CPP's folks, Hun SenVarman, and a single signature of our frightful King.

I still remember firmly like yesterday of what Hun SenVarman unashamedly and repeatedly attempted to convince all the people of Khmer that Kos Tral is already belonging to his master, Youn, even before he was bornt, therefore the island was officially belonged to Youn.

My simple question of stupidity is if Kos Tral was already belonging to Youn, why on earth Youn desperately need all the high ranking CPPs and the King's signatures? Why not Youn desperately need the signatures of Khmer Krom's land?

Anonymous said...

SOMETIMES, SUCH NEWS ARE NOTHING BUT FAKE ONES. Such news misleading Khmers to look away from Vietnamese encroachment and annexation of land and maritime territories.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia must upgrade their military power and fulls equips with modernize weaponary, cambodia got some money right now, and must do something about it! you just can't kept begging and kissing neighbor's ass anymore! Viet and Thai will not or will never give you peace untill they got all khmer lands split half/half, remembered these neighbors country already team up, and divided khmer lands..!!

Anonymous said...

Agree! Khmer is weak army and has no moderns weapons at all! this is a big from problem with small poor country...

i think cambodia should upgrade military power with modernize weapons!

Anonymous said...

If you take a look at khmer soldiers in the picture, they are really fuck up man! with all of these rusty guns and rusty rockets from ww2..??, damn man!

Anonymous said...

Small country but all the leaders are multi-billionaire,money would have spent in the military already given by world but end up in their accounts for their family.

son of farmer said...

My beloved 11:41PM!

Unfortunately, Cambodia cannot upgrade her military power, because she is not independently a master of her own house.

Anonymous said...

11:58PM is right! Cambodia nowadays is like the bird chicks in the nest, living of foreign aids, how' the hell you gonna do that? upgrade with what?? corruptions all over!!

Anonymous said...

I think this thailand/cambodian conflict is vietnam's manipulation
taking khmer land on westside.

When that is done. Thailand gonna really take khmer land also through a different manipulation technique.

Time will tell. Now the fact is vietnam is pressuring khmer not to build home on khmer border while they putting up demarc.

Anonymous said...

To all of my beloved brothers and sisters, we have to underatand that only Khmer can help Khmer. We can not depend on international communities alone to help us. We can cry all we want to ask for help, but if there is no bloods shed, the world would just watch us from a distance when it comes to territory issues.
I agree with most of you above who stating that we have to strength our military power, but with YOUN controlling Hun Sen government, this will not happened anytime soon. Hun Sen is a coward just like Sihanouk and most of our prior leaders in the pass, they would not sacrifice their life for their country.

Anonymous said...

I kind da agree with 4:46AM! the problems with khmer leaders, they are not willing to sacrifice anything for the country, except money and power for their own kind only...if you guy look back on our history, King Cheyeatha had betrayal the people of cambodia, King Sihanouk also fuck up with his stupid games of politics....

Anonymous said...

You are right dude! King Sihanouk is good in runnig away!! when cambodia is drowning in the middle of the lake, why khmer has sdach pleu jkout jkout!

Anonymous said...

This midget King is sure knew how to run fast when problem came, you guy are too slow...

Anonymous said...

6:48 AM,

Both khmer king sold Cambodian territories for Viet pussies, Co Chin Sin and Viet prostitute's daughter Monique.

So why Viet took ownership of Prey Nokoer, ex- khmer sea port.

And now Cambodia is almost a state of Viet Indochinese Federation with Viet agents working in all domains of administration.

There are no more khmer values, khmer sold their wives and daughter in exchange for dollars to survive from day to day.

Ah S'dach and ah Kh'vang are happy to see the Vietnamidsation of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is becoming like Khmer Kampuchea Krom lands, it just matter of time frame, i hope our leaders wake up quick!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs to upgrade our military capability- purchasing planes, tanks, artillery and so on...but all the money go to Hun Sen's, Tean Banh's and other's pockets so how can we get the money to upgrade our military.

with these corrupt people controlling the country, Cambodia is losing territories faster thank we thought.

Anonymous said...

There need to unity and organization planning. protest and demand for justice from the international communities is a start and a must.

The point is pressure and unity.
Time is not on our side.

Anonymous said...