Monday, June 22, 2009

The Nat. Ass. lifted parliamentary immunity of SRP MPs Mu Sochua and Ho Vann

SRP and HRP MPs donned masks on their face to show the public how they were silenced by the CPP-controlled Nat. Ass. (All photos: SRP)
SRP MPs in front of the Nat. Ass. following their walkout after the suspension of Mu Sochua and Ho Vann's parliamentary immunity
SRP MP Yim Sovann talking to reporters
SRP MP Mu Sochua talking to reporters
SRP MP Ho Vann talking to reporters
Heavy police presence in front of the Nat. Ass.
Cops in front of the Nat. Ass.Scene in front of the Nat. Ass.
Foreign embassy staffs were also present in front of the Nat. Ass.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has fallen into a deep chasm. He has already told public his commitment to restructuring court system. Now the pace may seem faster as this would generate a public sentiment toward the abuse of power.

Cambodian court system would eventually be revived in the expense of the sacrifice of those politicians

Anonymous said...

This land is on the way to dictator with the Westenern Monney. They hurt the poor Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

What Hun Sen had to say on lifting of immunity days before:

"I'm afraid once immunity is removed, it won't be given back"

Anonymous said...

It is a true Coup d'etat for rebelling against constitution and elected members of parliament. It is very disturbing motive of CPP ruling party. All opposition party members should refer this action to United Nation. Areak PRey

Anonymous said...

areak prey??? wut u tocking abt? r u out of ur mind? wut coup d'etat? all is done according to the internal regulation of the na. shudn't it be majority the winner?

Anonymous said...

Don't mind Ah areak; he's a bit lop now.


Anonymous said...

The swine flue has spread to the Cambodian National Assembly.


Anonymous said...

It came as no surprise with a rubber-stamp parliament led by a former communist. It shows that the parliament is a puppet of Mr. Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

CPP cup against SRP by using the power of the court . the court and the PM fromm CPP will do whatever Hun Sen says regardless of what happened .

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Mr. PM Hun Sen!!!! Your order is well exectuted. CPP will be the sigle party in the NA, Govt and Court. Hope you will enjoy your power within the entire life.

Anonymous said...

3:50 PM

Come on! I don't think you're being reasonable here by lambasting and berating the CPP. The mere fact that the rule of law is being applied to ensure that the law is tenaciously adhered--not to be contravened. The contravention of law will ineluctably place one in a draconian quagmire.


Anonymous said...

What is Rule of Law in Cambodia? I think you are seriously addicted in dictatorship that's why you do agree with backward progress of democracy in Cambodia. You'd dare to express what the reality is. I don't wanna explain the issues too long since you are knowledgeable enough to understand the situation.

Anonymous said...

Contravention of law is a serious business in any country--not just Cambodia. That's why the law was put in place for the people to follow and obey. Plus, this is a democratically elected government, since the government is democratically elected by the people, it does not mean that people can freely bend the law.


Anonymous said...

A chkè PPU i take the plane to day and tomorrow i will try to find you for killing .


Anonymous said...

5:15 PM

Don't let your emotion fool you. Making decisions with anger only clouds your juddment.


Anonymous said...

I always have faith in our judicial system, and justice has been served.


Anonymous said...

Where is youns, there is curruptions and backwarded society and backwarded laws.

Anonymous said...

collection dirigée par:Nouth Narang,Jacques Népote,Ang Chouléan.
Khmers believed to the reincarnation,welcome of Buddha Srey Ar métrey"

May Buddha bless you all and find out the truth for khmer and the World.


Justement, préparez-vous votre prochaine réincarnation ?

[Il soupire] Je ne sais pas si je vais me réincarner... ou alors je me réincarnerai en femme... [rire]... Vous savez, dans la tradition des dalaï-lamas, on peut même se réincarner avant sa mort. Un de mes maîtres, Sakya Tchögyach Rimpoché, fut choisi par le 13e dalaï-lama comme la réincarnation de son propre maître, alors que ce dernier était encore vivant. Les Chinois sont fous de rage quand je parle de nommer quelqu’un de mon vivant.

Moi ,je me rappelle bien de ma grand-mère en 1965 qu'elle s'est réincarnée avant sa mort.
L` Ignorance est la source de la souffrance.

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia men are superior to women. Smart and strong women like Mrs Mu SocHua, can pose a threat to the uneducated thugs like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

but srp did it wrong! they made hun sen stronger and stronger! looking back to early 90 up to now cpp and hunsen are stronger and even get ok by the us and all srp are whipped! i lost faith on sam rainsy longtime ago!

Anonymous said...

anyone dare come out! hunsen said! this pussycat approach that srp uses will never happen! hunsen knows very well that he only can be kicked out by force(Revolution!) but since no one dare he will rule forever! even people vote him out he still come out ahead via ballot cheating or impose force! conclusion: hunsen will rule cambodia 'til he dies of either disease or natural cause...that's the fact!

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows the lifted parliamentary of SRP MPs Mu Sochua and Ho Vann being lifted by Hun Sen and his government alone or ordered by Hanoi to do so. To me, it seems much more from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

stop fantasize yourself about sok an and hun sen clash! their bond are so strong via family marriage...rany and "Any" of sok an are just like sisters!

Anonymous said...

Well, Don't blame me for I am of course the son of a slut, adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, and loose woman Viet...

Let it be known that I have a mission here and that is to destroy KI-Media for the benefit and welfare of the CPP new Viet-khmer people under the leadership of Hun Sen, got that?


Anonymous said...

The monarchs constitution is in this country is only on the papers but doing is the style of "communist dictator" like the old time.

Anonymous said...

Cheyo Preah Reach Saphea ney Preah Reachea nachak Kampuchea!
Majority rule, Minority shit
Vote "Yes" to suspend the parliamentary immunity of SRP MP Mu Sochua.
90 to 33
Y to n

Anonymous said...

There will be an uprising against the currupted elite. There will be no mercy. The people power is the power of nature. Its un-avoidable and unstoppable. Its just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

មើលមួយក្រលែក នឹកស្មានថាមានជម្ងឺ H1N1 ឆ្លងចូលដល់ភ្នំពេញ ឬ ក្រុមអ្នកលេងប៉ាហ៊ី មកពីបរទេស។
ពីព្រោះថាគេមិនដែលយកម៉ាស់មកបិទមាត់មនុស្សមិនឲ្យនិយាយទេ គឺគេយកសំពត់ខ្មៅចង រុំមាត់ ឲ្យតឹងទើបបើកមាត់មិនបាន។

Anonymous said...

To ALL Khmer Democrats around the world;

In order to show your support of democratic voice in Cambodia, I urge you to write your letter(s) of petition to world leaders in your respective country of residence: such as Japan, USA, Australia, France, Canada, New Zealand, U.K., and the European Countries, and to world and regional bodies: European Union, ASEAN, UN, World Bank, Asian Human Rights, and to Members of Parliament and even to King Sihanouk and King Sihamoni.

Please help defend the democratic voice of Cambodia against the tyrant Hun Xen and the Vietcongs in Cambodia.

Khmer Angkor.

Anonymous said...

when people are crying of suffering this regime won't last long. remember" what goes up must come down."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I told you not to mess up with me in the first place.Today ,i purge SRP , next will be CPP.And after that ,there will be HUN dynasty.

atala vista baby.
Samdech akeak moha sena.

Anonymous said...

Cheyo Preah Reach Saphea ney Preah Reachea nachak Kampuchea!
Majority rule, Minority shit
Vote "Yes" to suspend the parliamentary immunity of SRP MP Mu Sochua.
90 to 33
Y to n

Close Your Mouth

Cheyo Samdech Preah Akkak Maha Sena Pathey Hun Sen Varman!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Angkor,
9:14 PM

Sihanouk and Sihamoni couldnt even help themselves, how could they help them?

Sihanoukist era even worsen than Cpp now, we just want to retaliate Sihanoukist and Lon Nonist.

Samdech Preah Akkak Maha Sena Pathey Hun Sen Varman is Kampuchea Thevada.

Cheyo Samdech Preah Akkak Maha Sena Pathey Hun Sen Varman!

Parachey Sihanouk Niyum nung Day choerng!

Anonymous said...

There need to be a protest from khmer around the world like khmer krom protested at the UN in Geneva.

Unity and the power of the media like in iran is very useful and powerful. There need to be an uprising and demand for justice. Evil must be put in there place, or else they spread like wild fire. But evn wild fire don't lasts and controller-able.

Anonymous said...

protest for these two jobs will lead the country into war
instability and/or disturb peace in Cambodia. The protester who dare to disturb peace will be charged 5 years min.

Anonymous said...

i think people, law makers alike, have to think seriously about their own action. they can't just do whatever they want without respecting the law, you know. we are not in some kind of dark ages anymore, you know! there are laws to govern everyone. otherwise, without the law, the KR style would kill all people again. not good, to say the least!