Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Parliament To Debate Opposition Immunity

By Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
15 June 2009

The National Assembly will wait until June 22 to decide on whether to suspend parliamentary immunity for an opposition representative mired in a defamation suit with the prime minister.

A member said Monday the committee will investigate the claims of Prime Minister Hun Sen that a lawsuit brought against him by Sam Rainsy Party member Mu Sochua was itself defaming.

Mu Sochua sued Hun Sen in April for degrading and sexist remarks he allegedly made during the 2008 national election campaign. The court has dropped that suit and is now pursuing Hun Sen’s countersuit.

Cambodia’s court system is widely seen as politically biased toward Hun Sen’s ruling Cambodian People’s Party, despite efforts by international donors who push for judicial reform.

The CPP now dominates the National Assembly with 90 of 123 seats.

Sok Roeun, deputy prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, wrote a letter to the president of the National Assembly on June 10 to request the suspension of Mu Sochua’s parliamentary immunity through the Ministry of Justice.

Cheam Yiep, CPP chairman of the National Assembly’s finance committee and a member of the permanent committee, told VOA Khmer Monday the permanent committee would put the suspension request to the full session.

“The suspension of Mu Sochua’s parliamentary immunity has been put onto the agenda for the full session on 22 June, to pave the way for the whole session to pass it,” he said. “I think that the National Assembly respects and implements particularly the request by the Ministry of Justice.”

Mu Sochua told VOA Khmer she supported the decision, because she wants the entire National Assembly to debate the request.

“I understand that the suspension of my parliamentary immunity is very unjust,” she said. “I do not worry about the suspension of my parliamentary immunity, but I ask [the permanent committee] to implement the law and to respect the constitution as our supreme law,” she said.

“I’m not making any preparations besides facing the court,” she said. “The constitution and the court have been violated. The suspension of my parliamentary immunity is not responsible and would violate the constitution.”

Mu Sochua said she would not run from the charges.

I will not flee the country,” she said, “and I would like to clearly confirm that I am not going any place outside the country.”


Anonymous said...

Ex-officier, colonel des Khmers rouges, il est issu de l'Angkar, l'organisation suprême khmère rouge, responsable entre 1975 et 1979 de la mort de plus de deux millions de Cambodgiens.

Il est étudiant lorsqu'en 1970 le premier ministre Norodom Sihanouk est renversé par une faction pro-Américaine et anti-Communiste de son gouvernement. Hun Sen rejoint alors un mouvement de résistance Khmer Rouge pro-Sihanouk. Bon soldat, toujours en première ligne, il sera blessé et perdra un œil dans l'assaut final Khmer Rouge sur Phnom Penh en 1975 lors duquel il commandait l'assaut contre l'aéroport de Pochentong le 17 avril 1975. Il fut élevé au rang de commandant régimentaire du Cambodge oriental.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We're the Constituents of the CPP. We are glad that ours leader Hun Sen is the ruler of the People of Cambodia. We aware of his activities and the way he ruled with the Iron clad.

Hun Sen owns 95% of Cambodia's wealth. The gas (LP), gasoline & stations, and other fuels are runs by his family members and his interests. Hun leased land concessions to foreign companies with the head of government as partnership in the development.

We, the people of Cambodia, aware of Hun Sen activities. Samdach Hun Sen owns everything and control everything in Cambodia: earth, air, fire, and water. We the CPP people looked up to him as God and savior of Khmer.

Pi Ahn: PPU

Anonymous said...

At least PI Anh PPU waking up on time?

son of farmer said...

To those who ignorantly don't want to remember the past are historically condemned to repeat it.

If we Khmer in Cambodia must not initially or bravely speak out against evil and injustice's Hun SenVarman and his bloodsucking parasites, the new generation of Khmer will be languishly grew up in war within hunger and death.

Anonymous said...

Heh Ah PPU! Are you graduated from Preysar Prison University (PPU)?

Anonymous said...

would you rather have one person own everything or everyone as cambodian people own a bit of everything?. when one person own almost everything like you say, ppu, it sound like cambodia is a dictatorship country and you know that the world don't want this. this king of regime don't last long. please correct it soon before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

According to what I heard .. Hun Sen's salary is not much more than mine right now . Why is he so rich ? If he didn't embezzle that money , where did he get it from ? I think all cambodian who voted for the CPP need to do an investigation on him and if the money he got is from the corruption , he needs to be impeached and put him in jail just like others .

Anonymous said...

PPU sweetheart, come and suck your Papa's dick!!!

Anonymous said...

if srp and company can demand immunity all the time, then cpp and other can demand the same treatment and forgiveness of past wrong-doing as well. so, what's the big fuss about people's past background, etc? must people forget that god forgive those who had done wrong after they had repented to god! if god can forgive, people should forgive as well. see, what i mean when i say what goes around comes around? it's called karma or "kam" in khmer. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Let's focus on the real issue, and that is THE ABUSE of POWER.

Two grounds we gentlemen have to look at:

1)Personal/private ground(variable mathematically).

2)Public obligations/duties of care.

Laws and Human rights,are walkiing in the same path.That is to prevent any ABUSES arise from our distorted mind. As buddhist,ANGER is our DESTRUCTION to ourself as well as to others.
Highly intellects should be aware of that.

As individual,any person entitles to own actions faced on day to day basis.Rights to own living but NOT to intrude others.Outcomes of own actions resulted in good or BAD,another word is PROGRESS or DESTRUCTION.Any area of laws are the guidelines to human actions.
Futhermore,RELIGION plays an important role on guiding our behaviour and EGOS.For those who have conciense,it always reflect up on our DOINGS.

PUBLIC POWER is NOT anyone PROPERTY.THIS is given by ordinary people for GOOD INTENTION and MERITS. This POWER is guided by RULES of LAWS.National constitution
is our Supreme LAWS,where our representatives have to focus and exercise that for what they are holding on, DUTIES OF CARE. It takes a lot of sacrifices and clear MIND to identify PURPOSES and OBJECTIVES.

As law maker,perhaps Buddhist SHOULD be clear on that. Being blinded by any political COLOR ,or own interest is a DISASTER to OWN people. Political system varied to TIME and CIRCUMSTANCES,however PROGRESSES of NATION is the ULTIMATE AIM.

We ought to support the debate, NOT personal level BUT national ONE.
We praise that our intellectuals become our HEROS ,but not our BEASTS.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Hey Neang SA sweetheart,

Take it easy on the upper case message...you know what it means right? If not call me at 1-800-yell-out ....lol!

Sometimes a soft-spoken person can be heard just as loud and clear!!!

Anonymous said...

to all other country who donate money ot let cpp party loean the money please stop. let these khmer roug Hun sen have have that money please.

Anonymous said...

correction: let these khmer roug Hun sen should not have any money to from you so he could step down.

as long as you give him money he still use power to kill innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua Euy Neaksrey Mu Sochua, please dun't waste your time, just let's it be!!! please consider what you are facing today as your experinece and lesson learnt for next time before you do everthing you have to be thoughtful, if you are careless such lesson will come to you again. Why you are caring so much with that immunity..dunt be so headach with that, I am sure after you pay compensation about 10 Million Riels, the immunity will come to you back and at that time you can do whatever you want with wisdom thought...See!!!! this is just small thing about your immunity why you are interupping many other people's feeling and time to involve in your case? if you just say that Ok.. We know this unfair for justic system in Cambodia and please all khmer sister/brother don't care so much about me, I will pay as the required by the court, then everything will come to normal state and we will have time to work together, that's all...Mu Sochua euy Neak Srey Mu Sochua....our time is money na..


Anonymous said...

1:29 AM

Fuck you, asshole!

Go and fuck yourself!

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

1.29 a.m.

Resulting from neurological damages, Mr. 2:29 AM, you need a more detailed neurological evaluation and examination to ascertain any neurological abnormality, thus to forestall any hindrance of our important discussion.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

1.33 a.m.

Resulting from neurological damages, Mr. 2:29 AM, you need a more detailed neurological evaluation and examination to ascertain any neurological abnormality, thus to forestall any hindrance of our important discussion.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Hey ah Chen 9:12 AM, stop being so selfish. Stop keng provanh Khmer teu ah Chen changray. Stop make your money from Khmer blood. Do you see the suffering of Khmer people?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Mr./Madam 4:46 PM, you only know how to curse others well, but you dont know how to be free from other cheating. Do you think khmers is too easy to be cheated? why you guys alway consider China/Chen as clever then Khmer as stupid?


Anonymous said...

interesting conversation.....
i hope to hear more from Mr. PPU.
Young Cambodain