Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rong Chhun: There will be demonstrations of 85,000 people if Mrs. Mu Sochua is stripped of her parliamentary immunity and arrested

Source: Khmer Sthapana newspaper
Reported inn English by Khmerization

The president of one of independent unions in Cambodia said that there will be mass demonstrations if Mrs. Mu Sochua is stripped of her parliamentary immunity and arrested, reports Khmer Sthapana.

Mr. Rong Chhun (pictured), president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association, has issued a statement on 16th of June that his union, the Free Trades Union of Cambodia and the Federation of Cambodian Students and Intellectuals will mobilise 85,000 people to rally on the street in support of Mrs. Mu Sochua.

The parliament is due to meet on Friday 19th to debate whether to lift Mrs. Mu Sochua's immunity so the court can charge her in relation to PM Hun Sen's defamation suit against her. Her defamation suit against PM Hun Sen had been dismissed by the court in a move observers said was designed to facilitate her removal from parliament and to silence other government critics.

In the statement, Mr. Rong Chhun also accused the government of hindering freedom of expression which threatened the democratisation process of Cambodia.

The government's attempt to lift Mrs. Mu Sochua's immunity had drawn strong criticism from the UN Human Right Office. But, Mr. Cheam Yeap, a senior official from the ruling Cambodian People's Party, rebuked the criticism by saying that the UN Human Right Office is biased toward the opposition parties.

Mr. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said that what the government is doing is implementing the rule of laws, therefore it has to resort to judicial channel to seek justice for itself.


Anonymous said...

We Will make Ah Jkort PPU , that made a stupid Comment in this Blog to joint too .

son of farmer said...

I simply think therefore I am pleasantly and totally supporting the protests, because the Khmer people in Srok Khmer is poliSickally about to see it as their fighting duty to clean up the CPP's corruption through moral and social reform.

Anonymous said...

Stand up all Khmer...inside and outside of Cambodia! It's time remove ah kwack hun shit...yuon's slave out of srok khmer.

Anonymous said...

If any... follow Rong Chhun that means "THE BLOOD BATH ON THE STREET" They all fighting for their JOB Not for National interest, why should we khmer dying for them? just let Mu Sochua does what ever she said:

“I declare that I will not pay [the fine], I will fight [this lawsuit] to the end. At the end I will go to jail.”

Who care about Mu Sochua, Rong Chhun and some dumbheads out there...

khmer people wont wast time for that mass demonstrations; if Mu Sochua is stripped let her be!

son of farmer said...

My beloved 9:20PM!

I am undeniably in love with your frightful mentality of Khmeritude, psychologically and substantially surrendering for the first walking step.

Your attempt is not poliSickally or patriotically sounded against the abusive nature of authoritarian (CPP) governments, but directly and indirectly even made so for the CPP's penetrating analysis of the psychology of the power and the ways that maniputlations of language and history can be repeatedly used as mechanisms of control over the poor and miserable Khmers.

My insane supidity of a simple question is who is trying to fight for protecting the job? SRP and the poor and miserable Khmers or the CPP's bloodsucking parasites and Hun SenVarman?

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's about time to take the issue to the people. The people will show that their concerns can no longer be ignored by the ruling party.

Anonymous said...

Go for it Mr. Chhun. When we exercise our democratic right for the good of the nation, the people will join the fight.

Be warned CPP, you can not abuse your office power to suppress your own people.

We will rise up spontaneously!!!!

Tuk Trey Sre said...

Rong Chun, I thank you appreciated very much for STANDING UP to the Pol Pot government, and not afraid of your life. Thank for putting your life on the line for THOSE KHMER WHOSE AFRAID AND HAS NO VOICE!

I was waiting for so long to see someone who has the courage to have the gut of going out in mass number to show that we, THE PEOPLE OF CAMBODIA, ARE TIRING OF BEING OPPRESSED BY THE POL POT GOVERNMENT (CPPs).


Finally, the people of Cambodia are afraid no more. Bravo Khmers for standing up to the arrogant and assinine, CPPs.

Anonymous said...

Women constitute the majority of Cambodian population. I am so sure that they will remember this for a long, long time. CPP may think that they win now, but they should know that people don't like injustice, even if they don't say anything. But they remember this, and they will act when they have the opportunity to do so. What the CPP want to do is making a martyr, a hero of Mrs. Sok Hour! Good for them. Let we see, who will have a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

IM khmer in P.P after I heard my love PM HUN SEN talk about SOCHUA
Then he denie what he said...
Now i dont trust him no more...
He lie himself....

Khmer CPP

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rong Chun is good but looks like Chea Mony is bought by CPP now. Chea mony is having cars, new house and so quiet lately. I'm wondering where he get money from.
We must check him out.

Anonymous said...

Rong Chuun you have done your duties as one of the decent Khmer oeople.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Mr Rong Chhon
We are khmer over sea support your Statement and your perservere to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

it goes to show perhaps, ms. sochua is very popular with some khmer community in cambodia. must change strategy now

Anonymous said...

claimed to have 85000 members . That's right. but when the time to show up it may have only few hundred. The MAX.

Mrs. Mu will serve time in jail for few months until sleeping beauty of US and European delegates wake up and brush their teeth and take breakfast before they go out to work on your case.

Too bad the world right now and full of shit and I said BIG SHIT. They need Hun Sen as hun sen needs them.

Anonymous said...

Watchout for Grenade attacks and bullets fly, if needed Tanks and
B40 will be the answer to Rong Chhun who dare stand up for stupidity Mode.

Anonymous said...

if cambodai is a democratic country like HOR NAMHONG said , they won't stop those demonstrators that will lead by rung chhun . but if they will stop those demonstrators , that means .. there is no democracy in cambodia .. it's a dicatorship government

Anonymous said...

Goo on Rong Chhun. You are not only fight for justice for all, your fighting against dictatorship also. Hun Sen and his corrupt regime must not think that he and his government can survive forever. No one can live forever and therefore no one can rule forever.

Anonymous said...

Come on Mr Rong Chhun, Cambodians are behind you and Mrs Mu Sochua now. You dare you will win. If you scare, you will loose. hun Sen has won many times because of his daring to do anything for himself. Therefore If you are daring for your people and your country, your people will be with you. Only a big rise up clean up all treasons in Cambodia.
CPP youth for change

Anonymous said...

ah ah not me... Watch out for Grenade attacks and bullets, if needed Tanks and B40 will be the answer to Rong Chhun who stand for stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I want to find someone stand up to be a
witness about K5 which HUN Sen and Yuon killed a lot of Khmers.

Pour convoquer Hun Sen au tribunale
international .
un proche d'un victime