Thursday, June 04, 2009

SKorea to give $60 million in loans to Cambodia

04 Jun 2009
The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea - South Korea said Thursday it will provide $60 million in loans to Cambodia to build roads and sewers as the two countries agreed to broaden economic cooperation.

The loans came as Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen visited Seoul for talks Thursday with President Lee Myung-bak. Hun Sen earlier this week attended a special summit between South Korea and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on the southern resort island of Jeju.

South Korea's Economic Development Cooperation Fund will provide the loan money, Lee's office said in a statement.

About one in three Cambodians live below the national poverty line of just 45 cents a day.

Lee told Hun Sen that South Korea would help Cambodia in areas including agriculture, medicine and education, the statement said. Hun Sen asked Lee for South Korean assistance in setting up a stock exchange to develop Cambodia's financial markets, it said.

South Korea and Cambodia re-established diplomatic relations in 1997. Ties were broken off in 1975 after the Khmer Rouge's takeover of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen any fucken roads build yet! any one? what about the road from battambang to Pailin province? still fucken mess....deep deep pot hole, alway to pailin city??

Anonymous said...

Cambodia need to build all roads and shopping center around their entire border, just like Ah chor Siamese doing right now at Anlong Veng, Preah vihear area??

Anonymous said...

Yo! this is fuck up man! they starting to build shit in khmer lands??

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from Ah Kwack moha choor?

Kanha said...

Woow..these guys above sounds like they never went to school, not even primary school, and/or maybe they do not have parent to give them good advices about manner. Or maybe, their parent Pro Dao Der, but they just can't take it.

Even street kids in Cambodia nowadays would not use such languages to criticise anyone or anything.

What a shame!! Oh no, for them, they have no shame!!