Friday, June 19, 2009

Students in Sisaket Build Replica of Preah Vihear [... to learn about CAMBODIA's history]

19 June 2009
Thai ASEAN News Network

A school in Sisaket province plans to construct a replica of Preah Vihear temple for the younger generation to learn about Cambodia's ancient history.

The plan to build a replica of Preah Vihear temple was initiated by Arunothai Aomkaew, a teacher of social, religion, and cultural studies, together with students of Srirattana Wittaya school in Sisaket province.

They wish to create an educational source about prehistory for students and youths in the district and districts nearby.

Arunothai stated that she and some students have taken several field trips to Preah Vihear temple, situated next to Preah Vihear National Park, in order to study the art and culture of ancient Cambodia.

Despite the world court's verdict that the temple belongs to Cambodia, Thailand still believes it should belong to Thailand.

Arunothai said she thought a replica of the temple built at the school would be beneficial to everyone, and she has gained approval from the school's director.

The replica will be built with the help of secondary students and has been given a 9,000 baht budget.


kim said...

Look,every Cambodian. This is a new trick that rubbish Thais try to
creat more trouble with us. The old generation could not succed what they had planned, now they are educating the young to do it. Any way, ours is ours.

Anonymous said...

Thais never give up their shameless ambition to take over our Preh Vihear temple. Thailand is a spurious Buddism country. May Lord Bhudda curse them for what they have done to our poor nation. May the spirits of ancient Khmer Kings protect Preh Vihear and our brave soldiers over there!

Anonymous said...

Do any one have more knowledge about right reserved or exclusive right ?
Please passed by the blog,how about Cambodia sue the Thai on the fake Preah Vihear copy cater.Do the same Thai sued US about world patent on Jasmine rice,
said USA took the rice to grow in the States with out right owner permission.

Anonymous said...

it's an ancient artifact that is supposed to belong to the world. So this means anybody in the whole wide world can make a replica of it and study it as they wish.

Come on stop this nonsense. Let the Thai children learn about ancient Cambodia if they wish, besides some of the Sisaket children are of Khmer descent anyway, so they deserve to know the rich history of their ancestors.

Anonymous said...

If SiSAketh province belong to Cambodia yes the Si Saket youth can do what ever they please but since this Thai is the bad blood nation knowing only cheat,rob manipulate taking advantage Cambodian Thai have no right to publication of Cambodia soul and bull shit the world that Thai have no shit beside steal from Cambodia and self proclaim that belong to Thai Cambodian people find the foreign lawyer sue the shit out of the Thai like they(Thai did to US.

Anonymous said...

All Prasats were build by the Khmer Kings for the Khmer people. In case you are Khmer descents, you will have the same right to visit all Prasats in Cambodia as the Khmer born from Oversea.
We are Khmer from oversea are very proud to tell the world, we are Khmer, where we are coming from. Now is your turn, Khmer in Surin, Sisket, Borirum and others parts in Thailand have more courage and tell the Thai, that you are Khmer or Khmer Mon.

Anonymous said...

Well, Don't blame me for I am of course the son of a slut, adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, and loose woman Viet...I have a mission here and that is to
destroy KI-Media for the benefit and welfare of the CPP new Viet-khmer people under the leadership of Hun Sen, got that?


Anonymous said...


You said "Ancient artifact is belong to the world?". If it belongs to the world, Other citizen can steel it and keep it. So don't blame them to steel it. Make nonsense at all with your comment. So your house is belonging to the world too? If one locates in one home property, it should to that home owner, not the neighbor. It's so simple, my friend.

If the Thai wants to study about ancient Khmer temple, they should bus those students to the Khmer temple and have a tour. But, why they build one? Sisaket is not very far from Preah Vihear temple; plus, who knows that they claim to teach their children about Preah Vihear is belonging to Khmer. I bet their history class won't say that. They will mention it belongs to them as Hanoi school teach their students "Kampuchea Krom belongs to them and cut all the palm trees to get rid of evidence".

Anonymous said...

Come on what wrong for thai to built what they want we have no right to stop it!

Butit is shame to the Thai King who afraid to say the thrue that he is beliving strongly in Hundo not Buddhis!

The King belive with out Preah Vihear the thai Royal will be over and destroye!

Anonymous said...

1:40AM If you are Cambodian thanks that you are too shallow or lack of your knowledge to know lost of identity it will be you become to who you are,an other example while they clone you and pretend to be you and they tell the world you steel theirs and they put you down in the public this is I meant That Siam not stop right there they keep going and stealing deeper and deeper the same their fake Ankor what built out of cement they have live shows and they are telling their tourist The Ankor what the real one Cambodian stole from them,you know what I meant?The reverse psychology of Thailand to steal your land not just yesterday and today,you have it too tiny of land to live so keep it up before you lost the last one.

Anonymous said...

correction steal not steel 2:40

Anonymous said...

building replica of someone's else national relics is a crime in itself tantamounted to stealing as well. cambodia should introduce a law of copyright of our national treasure like preah vihear so thailand couldn't do this again. not right to build replica or whatever without permission from cambodia the owner of preah vihear and surrounding areas! if they want to learn more about cambodia and khmer history these siem people should get a scholarship to come study at the center of khmer studies in cambodia! this is like stealing our identity as well. get lost, thailand! go back yunnan province of china

Anonymous said...

Blame it on a one eye man. He is too soft on ah Thais. Ah Thais strick him all the times and he does not learn a listen because he got Hanoi Phd. Areak Prey said.

Anonymous said...

4:53 AM

If you do not have anything nice to say, don't, or you need to go and fuck yourself, Ah Areak.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Thai looked down on khmers because khmer leadership was, is, and will be bastard, and looked down on themselves first.

Khmer leadership does not know khmer IDENTITIES, Sihanouk never write Khmer language but French, and eat only Viet and French food, murdered their own race, nkows only to be slaves, Thai or Viet.

The Khmer half Viet king had RUBBER-STAMPED an Additional Illegal Treaties in 2005 ceding Khmer Territories to Vietnam, a violation of 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, a tool for Khmers to protect themselves.

Thailand as signatoried country on that International Accord had ceased to obey that International Accord any more, and continued to harrass and encroach khmer territories especially Preah Vihear
until Khmer leadership bow down to cede something to Thailand as Khmers had been given to Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

a small replica would be ok but not a big one to incite their local people to think they own preah vihear.