Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thailand, Cambodia to hold operational level talks in July

NAKHON RATCHASIMA, June 26 (TNA) - Thailand and Cambodia will hold a regional border affairs meeting in Thailand’s northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima in July to discuss border problems, a senior Thai military official on Friday.

Lt-Gen. Viboonsak Neepan, Thailand's Second Army Region commander, overseeing the northeastern region which borders Cambodia, said he had fruitful talks with Lt-Gen. Chea Mon, Commander of Cambodia's 4th Military Region on Thursday.

Gen. Viboonsak said the parties agreed to hold their periodic Regional Border Meeting (RBC) in Nakhon Ratchasima to discuss unresolved border problems and troop deployments along the Thai-Cambodian border near the historic Preah Vihear temple, as it is feared that troop reinforcements of both countries may cause misunderstanding which may lead to clashes.

The Thai commander also insisted that despite the latest tensions at the border, both Thai and Cambodia's operational level officials can still meet regularly in order to understand each other to avoid confrontation.

Gen. Viboonsak added that he regularly reports any border difficulties to army chief Gen. Anupong Paochinda.

Tensions between Thailand and Cambodia arose again and troop reinforcements from both countries took place near Preah Vihear after Thailand expressed its opposition to Cambodia's unilateral listing of the temple as a World Heritage Site to the World Heritage body and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UNESCO agreed to register Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site under the aegis of Cambodia in July last year.

Thailand had proposed that the temple be registered jointly as a World Heritage Site by both countries, not unilaterally by Cambodia.

In 1962 the International Court of Justice ruled that Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia, but the most accessible entrance begins at the foot of a mountain in Thailand, and both sides claim overlapping portions of the surrounding territory.

Armed clashes between the two countries’ military forces have occurred periodically since then, near the temple, especially in a 4.6-square-kilometre disputed area.


Anonymous said...

Why fucken Thai-thieft wanted to talks for? you are the one that start to bring more troops and more weapons toward the dispute area! you started it first! now you asking for meeting? talking? if you dare fucken crossing over, your ass gonna be burns like hays....fags bitch!

Anonymous said...

Thailand begin to play soft again? they are the one that cost all the problems, i hope cambodian must not falling into Thai-tricks again! Thailand always has something new to talk about, but remembered they always sneaking behind your cautious with Thai-thieft!

Anonymous said...

why hun sen dosen't bring Siem thief to UN court..?

Anonymous said...

Thailand' internal problems can't solve but then Thai extremists use Khmer Preah Vihear as a shield to oust the elected PM. Where is the Chakri family members? is Bhumibol already dead? His children and family members keep all money in foreign banks just in case the Marxist Leninist may take over.

Anonymous said...

A time for talk was over with the thai invaders, now is the time to fight them off khmer's territory.

Anonymous said...

I agree! we are sicken tired of Thailand asking for talks! talks! but they never agree on Talks? i think you guy is right! time to shake Thai-flea off our lands for good! burns them up with 155mm howitzer artillery fire!! you fucken Siamese thieft get off my lands..............

Anonymous said...

Stupid Thai claims 4.6km lands is belong to them!.....what?, they are just fucken so greedy...

Anonymous said...

Don't talk to those Mongrel Khmers. Thai people are the true Angkor descendants. Since the Siam invasion during the 15th century, Angkor was abandoned, and all the Khmers were moved to Bangkok, the new capital. The existing Khmers who formed a new nation during the 19th century were the small tribes and other minority from Viet Name. They had no specific culture and adminstration system and record at all before the French came in.

They just proclaimed themselves as Khmer because of the strong support from the French to undermine the expansion of Britain through Thailand, otherwise, there would be no Cambodia in the world map.

Topple Hun Sen and give Sam Raing Sy a hand would end the matter. Look, Hun Sen is not right man for Cambodia, Sam Raing Sy will be closer to the US-our strong ally. Ask CIA for the strategy, they succeeded once in 1970, it would work again.

Sam Raing Sy would be much better than Lon Nol who could barely speak English.

Anonymous said...

Great to have the meeting with the Thais in Nokor Reacheaseima. The location is a fomer Khmer territorial.

Anonymous said...

1:26 PM
A bad dream, Thai people are the true Angkor descendants.

Anonymous said...

2:31 PM
you have no idea what you are talking about .

Anonymous said...

1:26 PM

Be careful who you enlist as your ally. History will shed bright light and broaden your critical thinking.


Anonymous said...

Wow, there are plenty of Puok Ah Bat Phsars in this forum.

Pi Anh: PPU (your superior)

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

For now, We had anti- air jet missile, anti- tank killer.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​កូនក្រកយួនសាច់ងាប់ (dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងមកបៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា​ឯង
ចាក់រុកឆារឆៅ ខ្មែរ រកប្រយោជន៏ឱយ អាយួនស្រកី
នោះ។ កុំធ្វើដូច ម៉ែអាឯងរវល់តែដើរធ្វើសំផឹង​នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ណា៎អាភីភីយូ (PPU)!​មកផ្ទះយើង​
នៅហាណូយ (Hanoi) បៀមក្ដឪ អាឯងលេងវិញ

ពីអញឪអាភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Anonymous said...

4:19 PM

Thanks for the info.

I don't think Puok Ah Bat Phsar Scum Rainsy cares.


Anonymous said...

Viens PPU, viens ici et succer le "CocK" de ton Papa...d'accord?

Ton Papa, PPU.

Anonymous said...

5.14 p.m.

5:12 PM

Why passing a cock has to do with this discussion?

Thoughts and ideas that are extraneous to the discussion should be jettisoned.

My question is: Will Ah Bat Phsar Scum Rainsy attend the upcoming meeting.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Yes Sam Raing Sy will come to meet CIA for the consperacy theory.

Anonymous said...

1:26 PM
Faking the stories is all your nature, your identity, and confused nation. You can't live without faking things. You can't blind anyone anymore.

Stop that and live in peace with your neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Don't talk to those Seim Yellow Shirts. Khmer people are the true Angkor descendants. Since the Siam invasion during the 15th century, Angkor was abandoned, and all the Khmers were moved to Phnom Penh, the new capital. The existing Khmers who formed a new nation during the 19th century were the small tribes and other minority from Viet Name. They had specific culture and adminstration system and record before the French came in.

They still proclaimed themselves as Khmer because they never forget and they get support from the French to fight the expansion of Britain through Thailand, otherwise, there would be no Seim in the world map without Britain.

Topple Seim King and the Yellow Shirts and give Cambodia a hand would end the matter. Look, Hun Sen is right man for Cambodia, Sam Raing Sy will be a loser to the US-our strong ally. Ask CIA for the strategy, they lose Vietnam war once in the 1970, it wouldn't work again.

Hun Sen would be much better than Seim King who could barely speak English.


Anonymous said...

It seems like thai is the controller of the dike,Cambodia and UNESCO are the one who bet the throwing dikes game that thai had the plan.

Anonymous said...

Folks! don't mind Ah 1:26PM! this punkass really needed oil change in his brains cell...Ah niss jkout jrook te!

Anonymous said...

Ah PPU is phd blow job from Hanoi! Ah YOUN dick licker!