Monday, June 15, 2009

US moves to counter China in Southeast Asia

June 15, 2009
ABC Radio Australia

The United States has removed Laos and Cambodia from a trade black list, opening the way for American companies to do business with both countries.

US President Barak Obama said on Friday, that both nations were no longer Marxist-Leninist countries. The White House says the policy change is in response to the commitment of both countries to open up their markets.

Presenter: Sen Lam
Speaker: Arthur Waldron is vice president of the International Assessment and Strategy Centre in Washington


Anonymous said...

I am not agree with the idea that US government has lifted the black list from these two countries while the democracy have not been improved and the communist Hun and it clans still roaming around sucking blood the poor, wait and see they want to get cheat by communist again I guess?

Anonymous said...

Don't count out the US.

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM,

If the US govt. is stupid enough to be cheated by Hun Sen and his clan, then we can strip off all the PhD degrees from US. Govt. officers and give it to Hun Sen and his clan..
Do you think the US is so stupid to do that? Or the US believe that they should do like that because they don't wanna be late behind China..
The US know that what Cambodians want is no longer the training course on democracy or human right, but the irrigation system, infrastructure, and investment, so that we can catch up the other countries..
If the US afraid that Hun Sen would use those money to suck his people blood by land grabbing or sth, they can set the regulation on loan..or they can invest on the other area as they want..
If you still happy to see the world put sanction on us, I ask you, who will die?..Hun Sen? his clans? or the Khmer people? It is not different when you Hate HUN SEN, but what you are doing is to kill the innocent Khmers living under his leadership..If HUN SEN's leadership is similar to what the Khmer Rouge or Sadam Hussein has done, you will see people uprising soon..Not until he can stay in power for more than 15 years..

Why opposition fail? Right, you can say that because of Hun Sen's suppression, but more importantly they should ask themselves, what they have done, beside sit and curse the govt.?

Also, do the opposition want to Kill CPP?..the answer is absolutely yes..and If Sam Rainsy become PM, won't he be corrupt?..There are already corruptions inside the Sam Rainsy party, even before they lead the who we can trust?

If you love our country, why you guys label our country name as Scambodia? You hate Hun Sen or You hate Cambodia? really..If you hate Hun Sen, you can curse him whatever you want, but our motherland..ok?..and we should support and be happy if there is donation from other countries to "Cambodia".

I believe what people in this forum want is "At all cost" Hun Sen must be toppled...At all cost means doesn't matter if another civil war would erupt...

Anonymous said...

And if the Civil War erupt, you will enjoy eating and watching the live coverage of this war from the US, Aus, or France..but who die?..THOSE WHO LIVE IN CAMBODIA..ok?

Anonymous said...

The move is to give US an opportunity to exploit these resources rich countries.

US just does not want to be lagged behind China. But that's a bit too late.

Chinese culture did not only prevailent in South East Asia, But also the US. Look how much US's Chinese have increased in recent years since the China's open of market oconomy.

Don't think this would only be the benefits for Cambodia. From US's perpective, it should be initially for the US itself.

However, I don't think Obama could change the perception of the rest of the world towards the US, at least the minority group who holding the supreme command there would not agree to work with other Chinese influenced nations.

Obama would not be able to reverse US 's moral downward spiral nurtured for so many years, since the Viet Name War.

Anonymous said...

Geopolitically, Cambodia does not need to be the geopolitical chess game as the shifting geopolitical landscape in the region, because Cambodia is geopolitically and strategically paramount to the United States, Cambodia should not be a strategic base for the US plutocracy's geopolitical strategy.


Anonymous said...

Now, we can incorporated Marxism-Leninism into the classroom as the subsequent shift in teaching methods. In fact, the United States is true version of Marxist-Leninist Socialism.


Anonymous said...

So now I can import my hummer with no problems

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM

You can certainly import your hummer (and other US-manufactured vehicles)with no problems;however, you will have issues if you're importing Puok Ah Scum Rainsy to the Kingdom of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

If all the powerful Country agree all the fact.No need to worry about anything,I believe this is good thing for all Khmer people and wonderful thing for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

There was thirty four years past that The world and the States put the sanction against those but with the support from Viet Nam to annex those two countries seem pretty much success on the Viet achievement in whole control those two weaks, imagine the States let those with out keeping eyes on,the Viet once again gaining power to attack with China and the States it self ?
Koun chao uncle SAM

Anonymous said...

like i mention, don't wait too long as cambodia waits for no one. life goes on, with or without you, you know! god bless cambodia.