Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
At 6:45PM on 14 July 2009, the judge of the Phnom Penh municipal announced the verdict for Moeung Son, Chairman of the Khmer Civilization Foundation (KCF), he is sentenced to 2-year in jail and fined 7 million riels ($1,750) and he must also pay 8 million riels ($2,000) to the Apsara authority. The court also ordered the authority to arrest him immediately after the announcement of his sentence for publishing false information and incitation perpetrated on 26 May 2009.
During the court hearing, Sar Sok Kong, Moeung Son’s defense lawyer, was present but Choung Chou-ngy was not, and Pal Chandara, the government lawyer and also lawyer for the Apsara authority, was present. Judge Chhay Kong and Ek Chheng Huot, the representative of the prosecutor, were present during the hearing, as well as lawyers, the public and numerous reporters.
During the hearing, Moeung Son’s lawyer requested for a delay, claiming that his client could not yet find proofs or witnesses on time. However, the prosecutor claimed that the court can take care of this case and it would still be legal. That was why the hearing started since 2:30PM and the verdict was not announced until 6:45PM.
On 26 May 2009, the government and the Apsara authority sued Moeung Son of spreading false information and incitation on the case of the Su Ching company drilling rocks on the temple to install night lights in Angkor Wat temple. After hearing this information, the Apsara authority clarified to the government and the public that the installation of these lights does not affect the temple, but Moeung Son kept on publishing his incitation information still. For example, Moeung Son claimed that lights with more than 1,000-watt heat capacity can turn metal to black color, as if it was burnt. However, expert claims that these spot lights are only 4-watt, and they do not affect the temple stone. Furthermore, reporters can see that holes in the temple rocks were not newly dug, they were remnant from the past. In summary, both the government and the Apsara authority maintained the claim that Moeung Son spread false information and he created incitation to create upheaval all over the country and in the world. Therefore, his action cannot be forgiven. Following the sentence, Moeung Son’s lawyer yelled that the court is unfair.
During the court hearing, Sar Sok Kong, Moeung Son’s defense lawyer, was present but Choung Chou-ngy was not, and Pal Chandara, the government lawyer and also lawyer for the Apsara authority, was present. Judge Chhay Kong and Ek Chheng Huot, the representative of the prosecutor, were present during the hearing, as well as lawyers, the public and numerous reporters.
During the hearing, Moeung Son’s lawyer requested for a delay, claiming that his client could not yet find proofs or witnesses on time. However, the prosecutor claimed that the court can take care of this case and it would still be legal. That was why the hearing started since 2:30PM and the verdict was not announced until 6:45PM.
On 26 May 2009, the government and the Apsara authority sued Moeung Son of spreading false information and incitation on the case of the Su Ching company drilling rocks on the temple to install night lights in Angkor Wat temple. After hearing this information, the Apsara authority clarified to the government and the public that the installation of these lights does not affect the temple, but Moeung Son kept on publishing his incitation information still. For example, Moeung Son claimed that lights with more than 1,000-watt heat capacity can turn metal to black color, as if it was burnt. However, expert claims that these spot lights are only 4-watt, and they do not affect the temple stone. Furthermore, reporters can see that holes in the temple rocks were not newly dug, they were remnant from the past. In summary, both the government and the Apsara authority maintained the claim that Moeung Son spread false information and he created incitation to create upheaval all over the country and in the world. Therefore, his action cannot be forgiven. Following the sentence, Moeung Son’s lawyer yelled that the court is unfair.
the court and the cpp regime need to punished or destroyed.
they are suppose to serve and protect, but instead they serve and protect themself and their interest.
Stupid Sok An...because of his greedy to receive more $$$, he commanded to open during night...not only light balls will destroy the temple, the crowded people will also destroy the temple...
Cambodians in general are fooled by the biased media about Preah Vihear, but Angkor Wat is destroying by greedy Sok An.
Angkor Wat will be gone one day by Sok An
He's deserved for that. the court do the right thing. We're going to be legal state. We have to eliminate all useless people like this... He fake the truth.. the ones who oppose to this decision is wild animal living in the jungle without law..
The temple is belong to Sok An and Sok Kong... No one else has business with Angkor Wat. if you dare to involve in preserving the temple, you will face imprison.
7:28 AM, please remember that because of the news, all improper light installations have been removed. If you could not go to see by your own eye, you can see how bad the work was by seeing photos of that installation. In editorial article of Kampuchea Thmei, the writer accused company in charge of destroying Angkor Wat and very strong words at that time.
this judge use a blind eye to twist to the truth to deserved with the mongster systems to kill khmer soul .let them hurt us that it will be not that long .they will pay back by lightning in GOD
This is the mother fucker gangster Cambodia. It is ruled by gangsters. This is outrageous... only communist would do this... I am mad to see my fellow citizen being hurt like this... This is not the country I am proud of. I am mad.
Moeung Son had tried highlight himself being a " Hero "........
Recently before this matters he had organized a big Meeting in Lyon for Phay Siphan,a spokeman of Xmer-Government.
It was a big Khmer crowd to gathering to hear Phay Siphan's Preah Vihear Temple-Song.
Phay Siphan couldn't handle the questions from Khmer-Lyon and he left the Hall within less than an hour ..........
And our Hero,Moeung Son didn't feel comfortable in that Meeting Day.....And now it's time for him to pay his Heroism- CPP !
Ung Bunheang
Note : Sep-Koup Chea- Muy neak Chea nung Teuv Chea Neak Chea
Sep-Koup Chea -Muy Puok Chor nung Teuv chea Lauk Chor
7:28 AM, Don't you think it's so funny???
Cambodian people doesn't have the right to concern about their own temple and country??? "Mea soth min kuor klach pleung te"
How about Preah Vihear temple which is shot and destroyed by thai soldier earlier, why doesn't the khmer government take action as he did to Mr. Moeung Son?
Or he only know how to threatenen his own people?
Hello Bunheang,
I am very pleased to see your note.
But my note is like this;
You play with tigers, the tigers will eat you and they ran out of foods. But if you learn Buddha teaching, you and your family will have peace.
Another Chinese note goes; If you are too closed to charcol, you will be turned to black. But if you too closed to precious stones, your value will be at least as dear as gold. Areak Prey
"He's deserved for that. the court do the right thing. We're going to be legal state. We have to eliminate all useless people like this... He fake the truth.. the ones who oppose to this decision is wild animal living in the jungle without law.."
The court does the right thing by sentencing citizens who exercising their rights to opinion? Opinion which by the way in this case, defames no one but only points out to the concern of the general public about the well being of a general shared heritage.
I cannot understand how any person can condone such blatant violation of civil rights of Cambodian citizens.
One by one, our rights are being picked out from us and we have people that are just blind followers willing to A'Okay for anything their leaders say and defend them to the last drop of blood without even thinking for themselves. That is pretty sad, that shows for the lowest level of ignorance and uneducated mentality that Khmer people have.
It's very sad how someone could sit down to write english and yet had not the sligthest enligthen in their thinking at all. Shouldn't being able to speak english makes you privy to being able to read and absorb the modernity, you know spirit of the millenium? zeitgeist?
To 10:03
In the case of thai fire on Preah Vihear, If u were PM what will u do?
This temple is under control of Unesco and Gov also reported about this issue to UNESCO and also claim for demage.
Open your mind and eyes and see futhur...
It's about country and country not just like a sheep as Meoung Son
10:13 AM
So the government just knows how to reported to UNESCO?
What would happened if the temple was totally destroyed already by thailand? Reporting to Unesco can repared it? "Kapea proseuh cheang pjea bal"
Why doesn't he take this case to ICJ? It's not a new case, but an old one. We can finish it very soon. But why we need to prolong like this?
OMG!! 2 years in prison and a fine?! for claiming fake information? This punishment is not appropriate. He should only get fine for it but geez 2 years for this?
To 10:26
Do you think that Thai dare to destroy the temple..
Please think deeper...
I think you know how Cambodia is being governed. If you dare to criticise state institutions or public figures, you will be sued and put in jail. It is really simple.
The only thing you can speak out is to speak against the opposition or civil society.
This is a one-party rule. Don't you see that "democrats are living on the land of communists? "
Kong Moeung
10:47 AM, I know Thai won't.
But he seems to try to urge us using military solution.
If the fight occurs, who can estimate the destruction?
So, why we need to prolong the situation? The ex-king was brave to bring this case to ICJ in the 60s. Why don't we go to ICJ as he did? It's much more easier than the 1962 case. Don't you think so?
Dear Mr. Moeung Son,
Please do not hesitate to ask for an apology of your too much worrying about losing the Angkor Temple. (Thok avey noeng dai thlai avey noeng moat). People in Siemreap are the real owners of the Angkor. They will not destroy
the Temples which they know that they are very precious for all Khmers.
His Excellency Sok An may give a pardon to him too because in our tradition we have the tolerance as our way of solving differences. His Excellency might have a clearsighted leadership like Samdech Decho as well.
We must unite for the sake of our Nation against our real ennemy who wants to harm us in every minute. Do not let the ennemy knows our weak point.
Thank you for your kind understanding of this wise opinion.
Highest consideration.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
This old fart is in deep trouble for lying his ass up...
11:04am and 11:54am,
you are absolutely right of what happen then and now in Cambodia. I was a victim and slave during K.R. time also.
Most of us,except CPP brainless(lobster's brain), understand well of the MAFIA style RULER the so called current government of Srok Khmer.
We'll see and hear same things happen over and over under this Mafia Khmer Ruler.
Sad but true.
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