Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anti-Thai aggression demonstration would never be allowed by Hun Sen’s regime

Wednesday 15 July 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The meeting to express the anti-Thai aggression on Cambodian lands planned for 15 July cannot take place because the Phnom Penh authority prevented it. According the meeting plan, the demonstration would take place in front of the old National Assembly on 15 July, the first anniversary of Thailand invasion of Wat Keo Sekha Kiri Svarak Pagoda. However, this demonstration was aborted because the Cambodian authority prevented it from taking place. Since early morning, roads starting from the royal palace to the Wat Botum Pagoda were closed. Not only that, a large number of police officers were stationed in front of the former National Assembly building and in the public park in front of Wat Botum. The meeting plan to oppose the Thai aggression was organized by Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA) and of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU).


Anonymous said...

If they allow demonstrations then how will they stop people from demonstrating against the loss of jobs, about land grabbing...even against the corrupt government. Opening this door would equal to opening a pandora box.
one eyed hyena might be half blind but he will never share his spoils.

Anonymous said...

it's not a pandora box. It is a basic privileged to be able to demonstrate in a democratic society.

Thai citizens can demonstrate against Cambodian's listing of our temple as world heritage yet Khmer are kept silent from demonstrating Thailand's invasion.

Where is the blind follower to justify Mr. Sen on this. Stupidity is follow by other lower levels of stupidity!

Anonymous said...

គំនិតរបស់លោក រ៉ុងឈុន គឺដើម្បីឆ្លៀតឧិកាស
នរណាក៏ដឺងដែរថា លោក រ៉ុងឈុន ធ្វើការបំរើ

Anonymous said...

Why exacerbate the problem?

We do NOT need street diplomacy.


Anonymous said...

cambodia is ruled by cpp. cpp is a communist party. This mean Cambodia is still under the communist rule. What do you expect from the communist ruler?

Anonymous said...

It's not for mr hunsen to decide whether people can or cant rally a demonstration. If cambodian people want to form demonstration they can do it. why do people have to ask for permission? Just do it! If every khmer stand up against mr hunsen he would not have a chance to stop people power. Doing so would be like pitting an egg with a grindstone. Mr hunsen would be reduced to pieces.

Anonymous said...

EH, mR.Rong Chhun, now I found it, because of you that make many people get traffic jam front of National Assemble.. You know most of them are late to be in office, maybe some have been fired and some may be blamed by their boss.. Like me, I came to work lately then my boss was very angry..fuck you Rong Chhun, why you cause many problem and headach to the public. if you realy dare and be nationalism..why dunt you take a Thai Visa, then do demonsatration in front of Thai would be more closer to the right person you want to fight with ...


Anonymous said...

stupid boss with the idiot selfish employee.the boss must to have the reason to mad,the idiot employee they think their job important than the country,how selfish people is that ,they shouldn't hire that kind of employee at the first place but perhaps they buy their way to get their possession.The idea that wanted Rong Chhon getting Visa to protest in Thai Land that is dumb like old bull Cambodian people has all their rights to defend their country and it go for every pictures is needed to be done to do so,what kind of awful and selfish person I have never seen all my whole live.
Khmer with USA citizen

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:53 PM

You have never seen me, because you are too coward to live in the fuckin US country... who are the real selfish, I think you is the most selfish because while our country fall in war and most of people living in hardship life, you guy run away to other motherfucker country..when the country is in stable you turn your bullshit head to bark agaist with person who save people life here...Who is real selfish!!!

Oh.. dear, it is not about idiot boss and employee, this is the rule of work, if we are late we have to be blamed or fired..I think u realy know about this...this is realy and very fragile situation for keeping our job, otherwise we will face unemployment then who will be responsible for our it you or you will contribute your $ to help???


Anonymous said...


So what are you doing on this blog; You should be working.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and his Government are very afraid of the people right now . if he let people demonstrate against thai aggression , they might demonstarte against him and his governemnt too.

Anonymous said...

khmer 2:26 PM .
you are such an idiot. if you are dumb , just keep acting bumb and don't pretend to be smart .

Anonymous said...

KHMER 3:22 PM . you said >>>> You have never seen me, because you are too coward to live in the fuckin US country... who are the real selfish . what in the world are you trying to say ?
khmer 3:22 PM , take my advice , don't try to engage the conversation here because you are not smart enough to do that .
go to your job ... you might be late again.

Anonymous said...

PPU , you are right , fake democrasy like cambodia .. or should we call .. communist regime like Cambodia , doen't need sreet deplomacy .

Anonymous said...

5:15 PM

If Cambodia is a communist regime, I'd highly doubt that the US would invest in the multi-million dollar US Embassy compound in Phnom Penh. However, whatever makes you feel better or placate your featherbrained, we'll not stopping you.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

ួThe one who got interest, always support his/her boss in power. Because they are scary if situation changes they're going to lose their position and power. So it is not right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

3:22 I told you do not bull shit to a
bullshitter's talking about fighting I got it from my blood ,my dad and my colleagues fought and stay in Preah Vihear Until Cambodia got the Prah Vihae back,I was a student in Tul Svai Prey Lycee used to be commando and fight for freedom from Vietcong and khmer rouge in 1979 your fucking government wanted to put me in house arrest because am part of your enemy in 1979 to 1986 I worked for for deuxiemme bureaux at khmer resistances front against Viet Nam invaders in 1986-87 I was working for the COEURCE(part of UNHCR) from 1987 to now I am watching the last khmer like you that put Cambodia in siver plate and handing to Viet Nam like Lao,now I am just business owner with seventeen employee(the American and Mexican born ) Talking about that fucking working Laws I know more than you you can't bull shit mebut talking about against khmer nationalism you should die and reborn as of the dog if next live for you exist,no wonder why Cambodia sinking to hell little by little because of shortage of the intellectuals but full of selfish like you nick name khmer if you take off this nick khmer we are oversea appreciate because khmer people not chicken shit and coward like you ,hiding your head in the skirt while the time that country need help,or be an obstacle while the country need some one to stand up and defend her.

Go to get plastic surgery done and become to B a Shemale better

Anonymous said...

3:21 Am

It is sound good background, and if you apply for any job such as fruitpicker, toilet cleaner, construction worker, gardener, shoepolsiher,and rubish collector you will be top candidate to be selected... You just know how to bark but never bite!!! You are now liked paracite living on the other plant, never dare to live on your own root in the soil!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not only barking dog I am a killer dog especially the selfish khmer and stupid like you, all the jobs that you offer above I wouldn't mind if I have to and those kind of the job they are very clean and honest earning money and ways better from dirty job from corrupt country all the salary you have earn from donation (beggar) from the sweat and blood of poor khmer that they use them like the animal and no where to go and to complaint. I personal think you should take other part time job so you can get extra money since you are so greedy selfish and caring so much about making Cambodia to be youn slave here my American friend he wants some one to give him some blow called blow job it very suitable for you.

Anonymous said...

well, if gov't cannot allow demonstration of this type, then whose fault is it? i think it is the fault of the demonstration leaders who fail to compromise and explaining to gov't that it will be a peaceful demonstration or protest only and not violent. it the union's leader fail to communicate to clear any misunderstand, then some people in gov't will misunderstand their intention because they may think it is a violent demonstration. so, get involve by explaining to gov't or request permission from to allow any planned demonstration or protest as police force has to be put in place in case things do get out of hand. it is not free, you know as police and others are working overtime to keep peace. hello, analyze and think about it before just opening mouth cry wolf already! some people are unruly, you know. that said, we don't care about thailand, especially what they are doing like harrassing cambodia and trying to steal our preah vihear and surrounding areas. i say, people should be allowed to protest or demonstrate in front of the thai embassy to let them know that not everyone is happy with the thai intrusion on our sovereignty, etc... i meant someone has gotten to bring the message to the thai, you know. khmer gov't shouldn't interfere in people's rights to demonstrate and protest this aggression against cambodia. i hope gov't will re-evaluate and understand this.

Anonymous said...

suppressing khmer people's right to demonstrate and protest goes against the spirit of democracy and freedom of expression, etc... plus, it makes gov't look bad in the eyes of human rights and the international stage. hello, wake up cambodia.