Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Bonjour S'ngat S'ngat" By Sacrava and Sam Vichea


Anonymous said...

these guys are crazy, they shitting on the khmer poem

Anonymous said...

S'ngat S'ngat!

Anonymous said...

Fuck the French! they are the one that given Khmer lands away without people agreement, French are fucken cruel people during 1800 cent.

Anonymous said...

correction = 18th century

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sam Vichea, Mr. Ung Bun Heang, Mr. Sean Peng Se, ...

I have read many of your poems, texts, humouristic pictures which show your negative opinion toward Cambodia which is your native land. You must not treat your land as bad as you think. It a land that give you a birth place that appears on your ID.

Do not curse your country. You call us in Cambodia as a non patriotic persons or what so ever... You are the real nationalist in this world. You are away from us but use a proper way of calling Cambodia a better aspect to show foreigners that the country is in a developing way of life even if there are some negative elements that will be eliminate step by step.

Please reconsider your thinking and come for a visit to Cambodia to clear your mind from an evil matter. And do not forget to have a showering by our monks to give you a buddhist prayer to get a xclear mind and for your own happiness.

High consideration.


Anonymous said...

What going with all of you. Why are you not happy to see the represent of the Khmer Nation?Mr. Hun Sen, the Khmer PM is looking well and behaves like other civilized people in this world.
The Khmer Poem need to educate them self and learn to see the facts and not the person.

Anonymous said...

Invite us to go to hell once again?
We will accept your invitation when ever Hun Sen and all the communist clique get assassinate or leaving Cambodia. Do not give us the fake advertisement, we know than you do,we are not ready to die with the khmer rouge camerade Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

bonjour, bonjour sngat sngat, il faut kom maot prayat a kaing deung!

Anonymous said...


Bullshit to both of you,

Everywhere inside Cambodia, especially in Tonle Sap, there were all Viet invaders, depleted fishstock, land grabbings, plondered khmer ressources of all kinds.

The Vietnamisation of Cambodia is almost completed.

You're blind like your master Hun kh'vang, Viet puppet, and khmer people murderer.

Anonymous said...

Respond to 1:41 PM

All Vietnam invaders live in Cambodia. All Khmers love to spend time and live oversea
and where you live now ?

Anonymous said...

this one is just the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Cambodia 2009 unlike Cambodia 1979. You have to update your Brain and know clearly about Cambodia now. You Alway stay at abroad so you do not know at all about cambodia, you know only Cambodia since 1979.

Note : You = who draw this picture

Anonymous said...

Dear U.B.H beloved,
Our Cambodian's Play Minister,sorry Prime Minister dek kol Hun Sen ,again sorry, dek cho .
have not show in the French T V or write about him in any French Newspaper. Too small,front of Man Mohansigh ( Bharat's Prime Minister ); I am so sad about our poor cambodia,why the President invite Hun Sen,for what, for just a fun may be ? Oh yes He was a clown .
Sarika of Battambang.

Anonymous said...

12:21 PM,

Stop your BS at once. I am living in Cambodia!

Mr. Sacrava, you're the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ly Cheung Poeurk (12:21 PM),
I don't see this poem is cursing our country. Most poems curs Hun sen of course, but he deserves that.

Anonymous said...

Sacrava said:

" Hun Xen is not Cambodia !
Sdech Sihanouk is not Cambodia !
Cambodia belongs to every Khmers"

Thanks, Sacrava!
Your cartoons are good and true.
That's why some people don't like you.

Anonymous said...

5:51 AM

That's how a society makes up. You can't convince all people to be on your side. In the US, about 50% of the votes are opponents. just do things "fairly", you'd be respected by the majority. That's enough.

I still believe that Giving oil concession to France is still better giving all to Vietnam or Thais.


Anonymous said...

5:51 AM
Your comment was great.
In the mean time Mr. Huns Sen is the PM of Cambodia and represent the Khmer people.
You have no choice, love or not. Yourself, your brain and your mind belong to Mr. Hun Sen.
Maybe next time the French government will invite you to the parade.