Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cambodia hit by inclement weather

(Photo: Pring Samrang, Cambodge Soir Hebdo)

20 July 2009

By P.B.
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the article in French

For several days in a row, Cambodia is hit by irregular rains accompanied by storms. Several provinces are submerged by flood. The ministry of Water Resources called for precaution.

Several coastal regions, areas near the Tonle Sap Lake and rivers were flooded these past few days. The inclement weather was caused by a weak depression which should leave the country on Wednesday 22 July, a communiqué of the ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, indicated on Sunday 19 July.

Rains and storms are already announced in some provinces, in particular in Kandal, Pursat, Battambang, Pailin, Beanteay Meanchey and Siem Reap. Under these conditions, the ministry called on residents and travelers to be cautious, especially in the area surrounding the Tonle Sap Lake.


Anonymous said...

rain is good for cambodia; it replenishes the entire country. i think cambodia should have an excellent meteology system to help its people to be prepared for big storm and bad weather, etc...

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the fish, the frogs and other aquatic animals and plants out there are happy for big rain and big wateri cambodia; they need it, and we need it as well! life is good and life does go on in cambodia. please rejoice in life, all life! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

yes, it replenishes and nourishes the entire country. the blessing of god. be thankful. life is good for all creature in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

God Bless Cambodia, Home of the Braves!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah former potatoes digger PPU will wash away with flood and drown...

Anonymous said...

Plant some more trees to make our country greener and providing shelter for birds and other animals. I am going to do it in my small piece of land that i don't really use :)

Anonymous said...

yes, let's help to make cambodia very green country, that is with lots of trees, plants, flowers, fruit trees, aquatic plants, rice field, orchard and other plantations, etc... green environment is better than dry, arid land landscape. even the cities can be green as well by planting lots of trees, etc... god bless cambodia.