Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Duch pulls apart a civil party’s testimony, claiming he usurped the identity of another

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 06/07/2009: Duch succeeded, through a rigorous demonstration, to instil doubt: was the witness really imprisoned in S-21? (Photo: Stéphanie Gée)

By Stéphanie Gée

Monday July 6th, the defence set the tone with a warning: their client, Duch, “expresses doubt as to whether the witness we are going to hear was detained in S-21.” The 57-year-old witness took his seat in the courtroom, thin gold-rimmed glasses on his nose and his arms put on the armrests. In 1979, the shopkeeper from Banteay Meanchey province changed his name, Hea Hor, to Ly Hor, he explained, before telling a story that contradicted in many points the testimonies of survivors already heard. In addition, to the general surprise, he seemed not to know the documents that were added to his application to become a civil party…

Many details conflicting with what is known of S-21

Enlisted by the revolutionary forces in regiment 119 since 1972, Ly Hor, he recounted, was arrested and detained in office 15, under the authority of sector 25, in 1976, before being transferred to Takmau prison and sent to Tuol Sleng prison, then Prey Sar prison, before finally escaping and managing to return to his native village. He stole food to satisfy his hunger, which was the reason for his arrest. After this short presentation, president Nil Nonn started a detailed interrogation. The answers of the witness, who is in his fifties and joined as a civil party, were brief and rarely came with details.

The son of farmers said he was interrogated only once in the prison which he alleged to be S-21, according to what he was told by a guard. “The interrogator told me I was stubborn and tried to scare me with an electric cable and an instrument he called a ‘buffalo penis.’ I told him, ‘Yes, I am scared, but my life is in your hands. If you want to kill me, you can kill me.’ […] He threw a cigarette butt and discarded food at me and ordered me to eat them.” He was threatened but not hit, he summarised.

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Anonymous said...

Ah Duch tell the truth ,who killed 2 213 456 innocent khmer.Who destroyed our Lord Buddha?Who were your Boss since 1970.

"Even a young monk who devotes himself to the teaching of the Buddha,illumines this world as does the moon freed from a cloud"
"yo-hak vétak hak-ror ,phikhu yugn chhati puthsané sor-imaing lokaing ,paphear séti akphea mutorvak munti mear"

Perhap you know also the men who killed kennedy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Overseas Khmers,

Most of ur ancestors and some of you are traitors. without u there would be no Khmer Rouge, no killing field, no KRT. Without u, Cambodia wouldn't have been looked down by other Countries like Siam, without u, Cambodia wouldn't be under control of dictator Hun Sen. Everything because your greedy, because u only want $$$. May gods curse every of you, traitors.
Now u come back again claiming to be nationalistic. Real khmers like us will never believe u. We want khmer to be led by locally educated khmer who khow khmer, not any of u. u hear me. let's go aways from our Cambodia


Anonymous said...

អា ភីភីយូ (PPU) មកបៀម ក្ដ ឪអាឯងលេងភ្លាម
មក អាកូនមីសំផឹងយួនអស់សាច់!


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge soldier right? Actually, many of the CPP members were in the Khmer Rouge army. Dont try to separate the two, CPP is the new version of the Khmer Rouge. They were both Viets' bitches. That is the bare and undeniable fact.

Anonymous said...

8:04 PM

undeniable fact my ass.