Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Flu Cases Rise to Six, Including a Cambodian

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
30 June 2009

The number of confirmed cases of H1N1 virus has climbed to six, with the announcement of a Cambodian and Philippine national infected with the flu.

The two cases, found Thursday, follow the discovery of the virus, sometimes called swine flu, in four visiting American students last week.

None of the infected is in danger of succumbing to the disease, which has killed as many an estimated 263 people worldwide and is now considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization, health officials said Monday.

“We are controlling the six positive [cases], including a 19-year-old Cambodian woman,” said Sok Touch, director of the Ministry of Health’s communicable disease department. “They are not in danger now. The four American students are out of the hospital, but the Filipino is still in the hospital in Siem Reap.”

Mike O’Leary, Cambodia director for the World Health Organization, said last week Cambodia had not yet reached a level of alert.

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