Sihanouk: The CPP is the younger brother of the Sangkum Reastr Niyum
17 July 2009
Kampuchea Thmei
Translated from Khmer by Chao Chet
King Norodom Sihanouk, the former monarch of Cambodia showed his face on TVK, the national TV station, in the evening of 15 July and he said that the CPP is the direct younger brother of the Sangkum Reastr Niyum [Sihanouk’s party in the 50s and 60s] because it developed the country in all fields up until now.
King-Father, who is currently staying with Queen-Mother at their palace in Siem Reap province after they returned from their medical care in China on 04 July, said, during the inauguration of royal constructions through photo display and the distribution of royal gifts to poor people, that following his royal cruisade that made France return full independence to Cambodia in 1953, he led the country to progress in all fields during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum (SRN) regime, and now, the true younger of the SRN is led by the 3 Samdachs who are famous leaders and they can be considered as the lineage continuation of their true older brother, the SRN led by Sihanouk in the 60s which made our nation prosperous and free.
King-Father heaped praises on the new generation which is the CPP that continued the true lineage of the SRN. He said that the CPP is the true younger brother of the SRN and he also heaped praises on the leadership of the current government also. The ex-king said: “We support our government, and our government also provides me with funding to build the country by myself, and my personal constructions will continue on every single year.”
King-Father also said that he is very happy to meet with his people at his palace in Siem Reap, a palace he considers as a historical place during his cruisade to demand Cambodia’s full independence from France in 1953. It was after that that he left Siem Reap province to return back to Phnom Penh.
King-Father said: “I am very happy to receive Kaun Chao [children and grandchildren] inside my village which is a famous historical place … Since then, we built our nation together to bring progress and that is the government led by Samdach Hun Xen, the famous royal leader, the Senate led by Samdech Chea Xim, the famous royal leader, the National Assembly led by Samdach Heng Xamrin, the famous royal leader, and all the civil servants, the soldiers, and the entire population… If we know how to unite, we will win, we have the strength to do anything with victory, therefore, we can defend independence with victory, we can protect our territorial integrity with victory, we can defend peace with victory and we can keep on building the nation forward in all fields with victory also.”
King-Father, who is currently staying with Queen-Mother at their palace in Siem Reap province after they returned from their medical care in China on 04 July, said, during the inauguration of royal constructions through photo display and the distribution of royal gifts to poor people, that following his royal cruisade that made France return full independence to Cambodia in 1953, he led the country to progress in all fields during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum (SRN) regime, and now, the true younger of the SRN is led by the 3 Samdachs who are famous leaders and they can be considered as the lineage continuation of their true older brother, the SRN led by Sihanouk in the 60s which made our nation prosperous and free.
King-Father heaped praises on the new generation which is the CPP that continued the true lineage of the SRN. He said that the CPP is the true younger brother of the SRN and he also heaped praises on the leadership of the current government also. The ex-king said: “We support our government, and our government also provides me with funding to build the country by myself, and my personal constructions will continue on every single year.”
King-Father also said that he is very happy to meet with his people at his palace in Siem Reap, a palace he considers as a historical place during his cruisade to demand Cambodia’s full independence from France in 1953. It was after that that he left Siem Reap province to return back to Phnom Penh.
King-Father said: “I am very happy to receive Kaun Chao [children and grandchildren] inside my village which is a famous historical place … Since then, we built our nation together to bring progress and that is the government led by Samdach Hun Xen, the famous royal leader, the Senate led by Samdech Chea Xim, the famous royal leader, the National Assembly led by Samdach Heng Xamrin, the famous royal leader, and all the civil servants, the soldiers, and the entire population… If we know how to unite, we will win, we have the strength to do anything with victory, therefore, we can defend independence with victory, we can protect our territorial integrity with victory, we can defend peace with victory and we can keep on building the nation forward in all fields with victory also.”
King Father, you are helping to contribute to the Khmer problem by misleading the ignorant people of Cambodia, like you once mislead the peasants in the 70s you are now misleading them again into accepting a totalitarian govt. It is time for you to go unto the next world King Father, so why must you continue to bring down our Khmer brothers and sisters?
Why do you think all the world politicians and other monarchs would speak what you think they should?
Come on, the earth is still orbiting the sun, and it has never changed since the first start. King Father is also the same as other world politicians. Why don't you all do something for your country besides bitching at King Sihanouk who did all he could to save all your every azzes?
These low lives who wrote mocking King Sihanouk are below average.
Those million lives who fight to survive in Cambodia appreciate King Sihanouk. I am tired of these low lives who try to break Khmer unity. Ah Ho Chi Minh was under Soviet Unions, and King Father was with China and why keep fucking the same shit?
11:36am former king sihanouk never did anything to save anyones' life. This king only cares about his own well being. He always lives in europe or china for most of his life. Once in a while, the former king travels to Cambodia to praise the cpp for doing a good job serving their communist boss--uncle hoe chimeng. This way the cpp can spare his life. So for him to say that the cpp is the next songkom reas niyeum is incredible to khmer people. In the 1970 this former king of yours led the khmer rouge in a revolution movement to bring cambodia down from a free society to a communist genocidal regime. In the 80s this former king of yours formed a coalition with the khmer rouge and other khmer resistance fights to defeat hun sen's thugs army and the viet occupation force who withdrew from cambodia in 1990. In the 90s and 00s this king spends most of his time in France. The fact of the matter is, this former king of yours is a foreigner to khmer people. He's never around when Cambodia needs him.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. "Our Lord Buddha.
Sihanouk,Ho Chiminh had betrayed Buddha since 1970.
Vous et Vietcong sont le responsable de massacre.
Real Justice!
12;08 pm.
King Sihanouk saved Cambodia by going to China. Without China, Ho would have burned all Khmers. Stop preaching shit to me.
Sucking the onr eyed hyena's ass to save his ass and those of his useless offsprings.
Sihanouk is back to thank Hun Sen and kiss his ass because Hun Sen keeps him out of KR tribunal . some people call Sihanouk a father of the nation ... but i call him a theft of the nation
12:24 PM
go read khmer history between 1960 and 1975 if you don't really know what Sihanouk has been done to Cambodia and people of Cambodia .
Cambodia should have been part of vietnam almost 35 years ago if we didn't kick him out of the country .
Father King is just an old man with no power to rein in H S's dictatorship, so he merely thanks H S for his disapproval on FK's testimony and the sake of Son King's throne. FK would love to sing the song"Let it be." say one thing, HCMinh VN cheated Sihanuk and today's VN has been dictating the Strongman of the weak country Kampuchea to let Viet's population and firms live with superior rights and take away Khmer border, Angkor's ticket fees of millions, Bokor, Kampong Som beach, land opposite Palace... HS flaters to think he is the greatest of all Khmer countrymen, but in fact he is the servant to historic master VN. He is just another King Ang Chan and Khmer history will call him "Youn's puppet".
5:35pm shut your damn blabermouth and stop preaching, every single soul who can go online can search for the truth. Yeah History, history didn't write all who did what. If the history is always a mirror, why do we have biased historians on earth? God knows how long?
And you need to read about superpower nations during cold war who involved in SEA, too, don't just picked a small shit to prove your points.
This stupid Sihanouk does not even know he is in a "crocodiles" mouth. Who said the communists like to preserve the monarchy systems. The monarchs and religion are enemies number one for the communists. The communists would get rid of them whenever they can. Look at the old Soviet they killed their monarchy system. Look at China, Vietnam, Burma, North Korea, Cuba the monarchy system do not exist and religion is oppressed.
The stupid Sihanouk has picked North Korea and China as a safe heaven for his refuge!!!And still does not realize he is in a crocodiles' mouth. The same way Sihanouk chose to sleep with Ah Ho Chi Minh to defend Cambodia. I brand Sihanouk as King Chey Chetha who has blundered our Khmer Nation to the crocodiles: Vietnam and China. They both are the worst Kings in Khmer History.
I grew up in the 60's and the 70's, Sihanouk controled everything when he was in power. Once, I remember that he ordered his dogs to arrest and shoot Preap IN and Chav Bory without standing trial and his dogs filmed those 2 executions and showed this film in every movie theaters around the country and we have many more cases on his criminal actions and he cannot get away from his actions. He has to face the consequences no matter of what. Perhaps we can do the same thing like he did to Preap In and Chao Bory.
King Sihanouk was too soft. If I were him I'd hang those trouble makers including you 9;49om who caused instabilities in the nation in the public places like King Bhumibol hanged those students in Bangkok. I am upset that King Sihanouk was not tough enough.
In a third world nations, the leaders should be tough, ;if not those babarians like Preap In, Chau Bory and their jokers would destroy the whole nation.
I hate Hun Sen but glad he is tough to hold on and kick these assholes out of Cambodia.
Ah chhkourt 9:37 PM,
Why don't you shut your damn ugly mouth and go and fuck your dog?
Who asked you for an advice, you stupid azzhole?
With King Sihanouk, Cambodia was known as Pearl of Asia.
King Sihanouk is a great Khmer King at the 19th, the 20th and the 21st centuries.
10:45 PM
Sihanouk is a power hunger and Hun Xen is the same. These two dictators in power to control people rather to build a nation.
Sad to say but I have to give credit to the French colony for the period of Cambodia's good time and prosperity. When the French was there, the Viet and the Thais would not dare to encroach Khmerland. If the French or Americans stayed long enough in southeast Asia we Khmer might be enough take back Kampuchea Krom.
What happened after the French and Americans left, Kampuchea Krom + Cambodia are in Viet's hands. This is the biggest mistake Sihanouk made in history.
Sihanouk never learn and still boast bogus and inferior leadership. Sihanouk is a womanizer,power hunger, party-goer, and reckless to blunder our Khmer nation. Cambodia today is a "glass house" and the Viets can come in out at will.
With King Sihanouk, Cambodia was know as Pearl of Asia because when he was in power in the 60's, he directed many movies,then he became an actor, and he and his wife Monique were in the movie called"Sror maol leu Angkor or Shadow on Angkor" while the Veitcong took refuse along the Khmer-Youn border.I haven't seen any leaders around the world play any movies. He ignored the fact that during his reign there was the rising of the Khmer Rouge soldiers.
In Khmer history we have the following nation-destroyers:
1. Chey Chetha (1618 - 1627)
2. Norodom Sihanouk (1950s-70s)
4. Polpot (1970s)
5. Hun Sen (1980s to present)
You are right 3:05 AM.
I strongly support you idea.
When Vietcong invaded Cambodia and killed Khmer citizens, Sihanouk was busy to make movie.
Is there any leader in the world like Sihanouk?
So we can say,
Heeello, Your King Sihaprahok Hitler joined CPC (Communist People of China) now and lived in Beijing, China many years back and forth Phnom Penh. Why on the run.
Oh, I owned CPP (Corrupted People Party) too. My little brother Saddam Hunsen took over. I control that party because my children hate me.
Oh one more thing I'm founder of Kempuchea of Republic aka (Khmer Rouge).
Hahaha, MONEY OVER POWER my a$$. "We're not losing ours livelihood," "We're losing ours CORRUPTED livelihood."
Ah.mi choy m'ray, don't you come to my country and open your stinky mouth chae sdech Khmer. We'll be sure you'll be hanged.
Cheyo King Father Sihanouk!
Cheyo Cambodia!
Barachey pourk ah.mi choy m'ray oversea who chae sdech Khmers.
10:52 AM,
Ah kone mi chor sam phoeung kantorb op kan tin s9i kantourk bok kan tuy nov kram doeurm kantourt.
Ah choy m'ray s'dech khmer kh'bal yuon nis vea min derl kit kou pi reas khmers te, vea chol chet thing maung, thingmaung torl ter roleay srok tov hoeuy nov min torn ph'loeu ph'nerk teat- Ah choy m'rai s'dach chh'ker yuon- ah erng oy yuon pram pram muoy lean neak chol mok ph'lon toeuk dei khmer, ph'lon trorb sam bat khmer- ah choy m'ray s'dach lit kh'det mi samphoeung yuon Monique- ah chang rai s'dach choy m'ray erng noeung hoeuy derl sam lab mer ov bang pha'on anh, ah s'dach roleay roub-ah s'dach preah pak ra mouk, ah s'dach Chey Chetha III, chh'lourk toeuk kroum mi yuon chh'kourt lerng doeung khos trov os hoeuy.
Hi writer of the nation destroyers,
you are right! More H S is the blindly greediest person by Buddha's teaching on "greed". And H S even dictates and cheats Khmer poor to live without enough food, good housing, electricity, good education, good roads, and good salary by comparing present life to Pol Pot's savage time. Instead he changed his ordinary life of being a small soldier to extraordinarily luxurious living in villa, SUVs,millions of dollars from stealing wealth of those poor innocent Khmers. Worse, he allows his unsually powerful and rich groups such as Canadia Banks, 7NG, Mong Rithy, Phanpimex to rob poor people of their property, and his public institutions to exploit Khmers through corruption industry he has created. Justist,
Guys this poster 11:09 AM is nasty auntie or her bf in LB. Just meul samdei korth sa'oy doch ach. :)))
11:09 AM
Whoever you are, you need a real Psychiatrist. Cursing on the Internet cannot help to heal your brain damage, you need the real head Doctor. If you are a man, then find girl to fuck, but if you are a woman, pay some men to fuck you. You need real bad.
Now I know Lonolian was right!!!!
Right about what? Corruption?
Lonolian was right in its own fatasy world but Gen. Lon Nol and King Sihanouk were buddies in mission.
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