Wednesday, July 01, 2009

If Warrior Hun Sen is not scared, why does he need several thousands of bodyguards?

Hun Sen: “I was not scared because I was a warrior”

30 June 2009
By P.B.
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Click here to read the article in French

The rockets which exploded in the barrack near Hun Sen’s house were destined for transportation to Preah Vihear.

“The rockets that exploded Sunday evening at the Tuol Krasainf barrack, near my house, in the province of Kandal, they were destined for transportation to Preah Vihear,” Hun Sen indicated during a speech given at a diploma distribution ceremony on Tuesday 30 June in Phnom Penh.

According to Hun Sen, this incident was the result of the inattention from the truck driver and his passenger. The pair were lighting their matches near their leaking vehicle gas tank. The two soldiers were injured, one seriously.

“They were both saved,” Hun Sen said while adding that 29 of the 30 rockets on board of the truck exploded. Impacts of the explosion can be seen in front of Hun Sen’s house where several coconut trees in his garden were knocked down.

Hun Sen alluded to the incident with laughter and he explained that during the explosions, he was busy playing chess. “After the third explosion, my bodyguards asked me to get inside the house. I was not scared because I was a warrior,” Hun Sen revealed while apologizing to his neighbors for the disturbance.

Why were these rockets taken to Preah Vihear and where did they come from? Hun Sen revealed that it is perfectly normal for a country that has border problems with one of its neighbors to be prepared for the defense of its territories.

“Cambodia owns these type of arms since long ago. They are not new,” he said. While discussing about the border issue, Hun Sen again called on Thailand to pull its troops out of Cambodia’s territories. “Cambodia owns enough heavy guns to protect its territories,” Hun Sen launched.


Anonymous said...

i wonder who his neighbors are. Maybe Uncle Ho's blood nephews?

Anonymous said...

Good question, KI Media.

One of the possible answers is: he wants to intimidate oppositions.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what type of rockets exploded? Must be some big ones if 30 of them can only fit in a truck.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Extrajudicial Killings
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threat
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally sold State properties
Illegally sold National Resources
Illegally Remove Pailementory Immunity
Acid Attacks
Abuse of Power
Make Cambodia a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

I think because there are MANY Khmer and foreign opportunists who want to destroy Cambodia by all means.

Anonymous said...

you think the Noeuk mam Viet is better than any thing else you ever seen in your live? Think again

Anonymous said...


Just to remind ourself that any warrior when the hands are tied across the back and waiting for the death,fear on the face will change that instantly.

So please we have enough for being arrogant and powerful to our blooded cambodians.

Neang SA

Orkun2u.Com said...

Hmmm.. it's not so important that ki-media posted as the contents news. WHY i say that, because even though the giant country and they announced their country very peace full like President Buss or Precedent Obama they r still needing bodyguard.

Anonymous said...

Base on some comments i found that, this regime is worst than Pol Pot regime. Don't you guys think so?

Anonymous said...

8:14 AM
In Khmer history after 18th century, have you ever seen Khmer lived without the influences of both countries?

Although Hun Sen is not perfect and so does everyone of us, he has kept peace and stability long enough for Khmers to produce some PhDs inside and abroad (just an example).

Anonymous said...

Yes you definitely right,this regime they came from khmer rouge cadre they set up by Viet Nam for dissolve Cambodia for the Indochina federation with the Viet is their Master ,these power greed they become to extremity selfish and oppressing it citizen openly killed and secretly killed it people to take their land and referent ways of thinking,now he put Cambodian to fight to death for his power,while the problem can simply solved by take the Thai to the international court that is not.
Dear Cambodian people ,Hun Sen not a capable leader that bring you a peace and prosper ,he just try to squeeze and kill Cambodian and Cambodia for his own personal.

Anonymous said...

8:39 AM

You base your judgment on someone's comment? Wow! That is like writing your doctoral degree thesis paper using wikipedia as your source lol.

Anonymous said...

hun sen is trying to divert attention from the KR trial. So by creating border tension with thai, he avoided answering more questions regarding more former khmer rouge arrest.

Anonymous said...

Hok Lundy is already out of your picture.Can you please cut down your list 8:00AM.

Thank you kindly

Anonymous said...

Dear 9:45

I think now we have got peace enough to live in this our mother land compared to other countries. Even USA, do you think it will be safe to live in USA..recently there were lot of news regarding gun-shot, robbery, guangsters..ect...


Anonymous said...

«ម៉ោង ៧​កន្លះ​រហូត​ដល់​ម៉ោង ៩ ប្រហែល​ជា​មាន​អា​​ខ្លះ​សង្ស័យ​ថា អា​ ហ៊ុន សែន ងាប់​ហើយ អា​ពួក​ស្អប់​ខ្ញុំ​វា​អរ​ថា អា​ហ្នឹង​ងាប់​ហើយ បើ​មិន​ងាប់​ទេ ក៏​វា​ខ្ទេច​ខ្ទាំ​ដែរ​នៅ​តំបន់​ហ្នុង រីឯ​អ្នក​ដែល​ស្រឡាញ់​រាប់​អាន​ខ្ញុំ​គេ​ព្រួយ​បារម្ភ​ពី​ជោគ​វាសនា​របស់​ខ្ញុំ ខ្លះ​ក៏​ទូរស័ព្ទ​ទៅ ខ្លះ​ក៏​ទៅ​ដល់​ទៅ។ សូម​អភ័យ​ទោស​ប្រជា​ពលរដ្ឋ​ដែល​រស់​នៅ​តំបន់​តា​ខ្មៅ ដែល​ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ​មាន​ការ​ភ័យ​ខ្លាច»។

Anonymous said...

If you were walking in his shoes, wouldl you want someone to look over your shoulder (for you)?

Come on, forks, use your common sense. You DO NOT need a GED to think this out.


Anonymous said...

warrior my ass! Sah oy Kbal mecro teat heuy Ah kwak euy! if you are surrounded by guards like that you are a chicken shit!

Anonymous said...

12:00 PM

How will you walk such big shoes?

What would you do, if you were him (PM), would you dare to venture out places without anyone looking after your safety?

This is an ordinary every day common sense; also, this is not implausible to reason out.


Anonymous said...

9:45 AM
if you dont comment on what you see or hear from others, why don't you just comment about yourself then ? you are full of hypocrisy

Anonymous said...

10:56 AM , if cambodia is full peace and freedom , no one want to leave for other countries. someone are willing to pay thousnads of dollars just to get out of cambodia. think about what you just said.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is the most unpopular among all khmer leaders in khmer history , thats why he got thoudsands of bodyguards to protect him .

Anonymous said...

correction for 12:39 pm . someone.... >> somepoeple

Anonymous said...

PPU , every leader has bodyguards or secret agents , but how many leaders in the world have thousands of bodyguards like Hun Sen ?

Anonymous said...

use your common sens before you compare bodyguards between Hun Sen and other leaders.

Anonymous said...

12:48 PM

Check with the boys with the Treasury Department in the United States. Of course, they won't tell you the real number, but you may use your imagination.


Anonymous said...

12:53 PM

Have you had the chance to check on those boys with the Treasury Department and other intelligence community (e.g. NSA, CIA, FBI)in the United States to ascertain the estimation of number of secret agents (plus with modern espionage apparatus)deploying to protect their leader (s), and does this country transparently divulge the number of security forces or secret agent to the public?


Anonymous said...

the pair must be dumb and dumber. why don't they use flashlight?

Anonymous said...

8:08PM those soldiers train in Vietname just like their Master!!!!

Don't you hear what ah kwack talk when the Viet forgot to controle him?

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack rock Bonary?

Anonymous said...

i have been there and seen the president of the United States . they don't have thousands of bodyguards like Hun Sen does because Hun Sen knows that he is not a popular prime minister ... that's why he is afraid of someone shooting at his ass.

Anonymous said...

acording to my reliable source .ah PPcU is not khmer . he is a guy from australia and he is there to bark for CPP because he got no place to stay . he is the most wanted in his country .
keep barking ah PPU, one day they will get you .

Ponlue said...

Dear Khmer Sisters and Brothers,
Please stop cursing Hun Sen, at least he is a Khmer and has experiences in battle fields; we need him to lead the Cambodian troops to fight against aggressors (Siem).

It means, we have to do the right things in the right time.

This time, all Khmers have to be in solidarity and union.

Anonymous said...

3:39 AM

Am I wanted by the FBI or CIA, or both?


Anonymous said...

3:31 AM

Do you have any knowledge or some familiarity of the secret agents with the Treasury Department?

Do you know how their operations operate when deploying the agents in protection of the president or VIP, or other public officials?

Also, do you know the number of the agents, for instance, when the president visit various places? Of course, not--you don't know.