Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Khmer Intelliugence News - 28 July 2009

28 July 2009

Foreign Trade Bank falls victim of economic crisis and property glut (2)

Cambodia’s Foreign Trade Bank (FTB), which is 50 percent owned by the state, is in serious trouble because of the worsening economic crisis and the resulting property glut. A heavy portfolio of bad loans in the property sector may require an overhaul of the bank in the next few months. Canadia Bank, which is Cambodia’s largest bank followed by FTB, is in the same alarming situation. The two financial institutions have been able so far to avoid bankruptcy thanks to a massive fund injection from the National Bank of Cambodia. The other FTB shareholders include Canadia Bank (originally 30 percent) and businessman Ung Bun Heuv (originally 20 percent). Canadia Bank itself is now actually controlled by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s family (originally 35 percent) even though its president and (still?) major shareholder is a shady businessman from Canada, Mr. Pung Kheav Se (originally 65 percent). The fall of Cambodia’s two leading and intertwined commercial banks would lead to the collapse of the whole banking system.

Market operators expect a continuous fall in the Cambodian currency (2)

The Riel has been falling against the US Dollar and major regional currencies over the last few weeks. This represents an acceleration of a trend that has been noticeable over the last 18 months. In January 2008, the US Dollar was worth 4000 Riels. The exchange rate went up to 4125 Riels for $1 by January 2009. Today, one needs 4250 Riels to buy $1. The Riel has therefore dropped by 6.25% since January 2008, whereas the Thai Baht has remained stable against the Dollar during the same period of time (around 34 Bath for $1). Market operators expect the Riel to fall more sharply in August and September, with the exchange rate possibly reaching 4500 Riels for $1. The reasons for this evolution are related to the worsening economic crisis, the severe drop in State revenue and the growing budget deficit. To cover the deficit the National Bank of Cambodia is increasingly printing bank notes (paper money), thus fueling inflation, which may get out of control by the end of the year.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy invited to visit Cambodia in September (2)

While on his official visit to France on July 13 and 14, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen invited French President Nicolas Sarkozy to visit Cambodia in September. A big event then will be the inauguration of the Sihanoukville airport which has just been modernized and expanded and will be managed, like the Phnom Penh and Siemreap-Angkor airports, by a local subsidiary (Société Concessionnaire des Aéroports or SCA) of the French construction group Vinci. The French authorities have yet to positively respond to Hun Sen’s invitation because they are taking into consideration the deterioration in the social and political climate in Cambodia with the increasing number of land evictions and human rights violations and the recent spate of defamation lawsuits against government critics here. President Sarkozy had also received a letter from opposition leader Sam Rainsy prior to Hun Sen’s visit pointing to the way France could really help Cambodia. Read Sam Rainsy’s letter at http://tinyurl.com/lh39sn

CPP parliamentarian involved in criminal acts (1)

A CPP National Assembly member, Long Sakhorn is well known for her involvement in public scandals and a long series of criminal acts, which may lead her to jail since the ruling party is more and more embarrassed by her openly conducting reprehensible activities and her stubbornness. A widow of Sin Song, a former coup leader in 1994, she is continuously involved in land grabbing, environment destruction (deforestation and river filling), deception and forgery of documents and thumbprints. She is expert in cheating people and misleading the courts where she is known for her securing the support of judges through bribery. Concrete examples with photos of Long Sakhorn’s criminal offenses are presented at http://tinyurl.com/llokd2



Anonymous said...

So the new tactic Mr Sam Rainsy has just talked about is his return to his beloved KI News. Bravo.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

The economic crisis has hit cambodia doubly hard compared to its neighbors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so much hate of people and their friends who are not at all successful in politics. In addition they got it all wrong as far as Shareholding in FTB and Canadia Bank is concerned. Probably not intelligent enough to make their home work and put figures together but bad mouth and no character at all. Clearly the handwriting of the leading opposition party leader and his friends.

Anonymous said...

I still do not know why you call this page "Khmer Intelligence News".
My dogs have more intelligence than most of the people writing this personal attacks.
Come out with this crap again and we give you lots of time behind bars to continue with your comments, Mr. S.R. and friends

Anonymous said...

This news of bank falls will cause the withdrawal of money from the the banks. I can't estimate the bad situation happen as a result of this news if it is a false information.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

នៅក្នុងលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យសេរីពហុបក្ស កូនខ្មែរ
កាន់អំណាចដោយមានជាសំណើរ ឫ ជាសេចក្តី
ប្រឆាំងនិងក្រុមជំទាស់នៅកម្ពុជា គឺគេប្រឆាំង
នឹងផលប្រយោជន៏របស់ខ្មែរទៅវិញ គឺមិនមែន

Anonymous said...

It's not a question of intelligence but of common sense. You guys are in denial mode just like your one eyed hyena master.

Most major financial institutions in the developed nations had to be bailed out by their governments not to mention those that went bankrupt.
cambodian banks may not have toxic instruments in their books but they were up to their necks in real estate speculation for themselves and their clients ( as well as shady deals with the corrupt CPP).
Now with the collapse of the real estate market and the world economic and financial crisis, its logical that those banks would fail.
Don't threaten people with jail when the truth stares at you in the face.
Like one eyed hyena proclaiming 6 % growth for cambodia. You and your pack of lying hyenas should be locked up and fed with your own bullshit!

You are not doing cambodia a favor but saving your asses.

The only people who wants to see the cambodian people trampled are those who are raping cambodia.

So take whatever piece of grey matter you still have and get off your asses and work for the people.

Anonymous said...

And they got the nerve to threaten those that tell the truth! Bunch of fucked up transsexual hyenas especially those with a dick stitched up their ass.

Anonymous said...


"Like dog like master"

Your dog has the same IQ as you.

Anonymous said...


Six months ago while I was on holiday in cambodia, I was asked by friends as to which bank they should deposit their savings.

I said without hesitation that their best bet would be ANZ. The other banks were just a tool for the corrupted elite.I am glad they followed my advice.

Anonymous said...

If you read the phnom penh post and ka-set, you must have seen the articles on the impending demise of Canadia bank, Vattana bank and FTB. its public information.No one is making it up.

Fuck Cambodians said...

Why Cambodian currency falls?
Too many opportunists in Cambodia. Why blame the foreigners?

Anonymous said...


Your dog has the same IQ as you as one eyed hyena?

Anonymous said...

Somebody need to put a bullet right between their eyes, damn Viet nut suckers. These damn leaders are killing the people. What is the different between these assholes and the Khmer Rouge?

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

Kuoy Pichet , your name tells everything about you . no wonder why you made a non-sense comment.

Anonymous said...

4:35 AM

I think he really enjoys his life. I would like to live in that kind of lifestyle too. Who doesn't?


Anonymous said...

we weak they speak..........